• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 24th, 2018


When you become a brony it takes you full force.


Terribly and truly sorry everyone.... · 4:42am Mar 24th, 2013

I regret to inform you all that it may be even longer of a wait for the next chapter. I have been without internet, going on two months now, so as you can imagine it's a little tough to write a story for a website with no internet. But also there have been recent family issues I've been dealing with. A 13 year old nephew with cancer two inches from his brain, a mother going through a divorce and a grandmother with dementia who is unable to care for herself. As you can imagine, those are some

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Working retailllllllllllll!! · 5:59am Oct 25th, 2012

Anyone who works in retail knows what a bitch work can be when we get near the holidays. I just spent the last couple weeks working 10 hour overnights setting up Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas shit. Sorry for the lack of continuity in my story but come this week, hope for a new chapter.

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School and Family · 8:51pm Oct 2nd, 2012

I know I promised I'd post a chapter, but with all the shit school has been giving me and with the death of my great aunt it's been tough. All I've wanted to do is sleep when I get free time. I have all day and tomorrow off so I'll try to work some on the story. Thank you all for your patience.

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I have returned to the realm of ponies. · 2:13pm Sep 20th, 2012

New computer so be sure to keep an eye out for the next chapter within a week. I have to rewrite the whole chapter I was working on before the incident so it's going to be a while. Goodbye... for now.

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Fuck Soda · 10:36am Aug 30th, 2012

Okay, I know I said look for a chapter this past Saturday, but something happened. See, what had happen was, my roommates and I were chilling in the living room. Tim, who it an idiot, decided to, instead bring me a can of soda, hurl it at me. And as luck would have it, it hit the back of my laptop's screen, which of course broke it. So right now I am posting this on my phone and the next chapter relate date it's undetermined. So, sorry about the failure to produce a new chapter. Until it comes

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I'm Baaaaaaaaaacckk! · 5:33am Aug 21st, 2012

Okay so I know a few of you have been anticipating my return and I am truly grateful for your patience. I've moved in with some friends and guess what? They have internet that I can connect to. So expect some larger chapters and more frequently released ones. I'm about a third of the way through my current chapter. Expect it sometime Wednesday afternoon Eastern Time. Then the next chapter is one I have been waiting to happen since this story idea popped in my head at work. Once again, thanks

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Update #1 · 4:04am Aug 12th, 2012

Hey everyone who has enjoyed my story so far. I'm sorry I haven't put a new chapter up recently, but I have hit a bit of a snag. College is starting up soon, work is getting heavy and to top it all off? My computer had been acting up. So I'm only able to get on every once in a while. I've written a few hundred words so far and it's coming along nicely so I hope by the middle of the week I'll have it up. Thanks for liking my story, I didn't think it would get this much of a positive reaction.

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