• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 12th, 2016


Im too tired to bother with one of these


Rant 3: Rantening · 2:14am Jul 25th, 2015

Not that I can honestly call this a rant, more like me shouting at a rather passive aggressive tree with a mirror gaudily duct taped to it's sassy bark. However, this tree is all bark and no bite, because no one can tell me anything that opposes my opinions on people. It's just me agreeing with myself with a pinch of self-burning. Of course, there's the inevitable moment where I am burning the tree instead, in a situation where the tree represents these blogs. And burning is just me deleting

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What the fuck up. · 11:13pm Jun 8th, 2015

So I guess my test worked. I can p much say anything. I'm pretty sure that one guy raptor fell out with me or something. Cuz I seemed to have lost a follower and he ain't one of my followers anymore. I don't even know if he was one in the first place. I hope not though, me and him are still knowing of each other. So anyways I wanna talk about more assholes on here, and especially me. The most important asshole. So keep an eyefudge on me, I'm about to vent.

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*Cool western music* · 3:01pm May 13th, 2015

Wow, this place. Yeah, I guess now everyone's dead, plus the fact like only 26 people actually followed me, I can say whatever I want about any group of people, especially on this site. So first things first. Fanfic writers. God, I love [piece of media]. You know what would make that even better? An amateur writer taking the source material far too seriously and then act all pretentious about it. Not to mention everyone who's like, "My Little Pony is super manly, we're not insecure," bruv,

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