• Member Since 24th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 19th, 2022


I like to read and draw a lot, not much of a writer yet. And Sunset is best.

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Total Words: 4,100
Estimated Reading: 16 minutes


Feeling a little down and deciding to go on a walk around Canterlot, Adagio Dazzle reflects on the past months since the Dazzlings' defeat at the Battle of the Bands. It's not really so bad, except for the fact that everyone in town still holds a grudge for what she and her fellow sirens did at CHS those months ago.

Everyone except for the Rainbooms, of course, but Adagio isn't exactly keen on having them teach the magic of friendship quite yet.

It's only when she runs into Sunset Shimmer later in the evening that Adagio realizes that the start of a true friendship is exactly what she needs to brighten her mood.

Chapters (2)