• Member Since 30th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


I write stories so that I won't be kept awake at night with a brain full of ponies.


Split Second Ask Blog. · 8:24pm Feb 7th, 2015

I've created an ask blog for Sparkle and Thorn.

Ask them anything you want here: http://ask-sparkle-and-thorn.tumblr.com/

It'll be be mostly a text-based blog, but I'll do (cruddy) drawings for it occasionally.

Report wille179 · 179 views ·

Split Second Preview · 7:21pm Feb 5th, 2015

Here's a little snippet from the next chapter. True spoiler's have been removed.

An earth pony by the name of Red Fields stumbled into his mother’s Canterlot manor late that evening. “Where have you been?” She asked shrilly. “We had a very important client come by with a job proposition today. A Lord of the land, to be precise. Since you were not her, I accepted it on your behalf. These are your instructions. Burn them when you are done.”

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Split Second Absurdity · 2:34am Feb 4th, 2015

So, the next chapter of Split Second is probably the most absurd chapter of the story so far.
It came out really oddly, OK? I don't know why.

Don't believe me? Here's a sample:

“You won’t be needing that cage,” Sparkle said.
“Ha?” He set the cage down and tried again. “What?”

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Report wille179 · 313 views ·

Split Second Inspiration · 11:15pm Jan 30th, 2015

Don't you just find inspiration in the oddest of places? Sometimes, I do. Take Split Second for instance. Two of the core components came from other ideas related to other media.

The two-timeline idea:

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Report wille179 · 629 views ·

Split Second Change · 11:00pm Jan 26th, 2015

It's rare that I encounter something that just has to be changed in my stories, and yet I had to do it once before on Split Second.

For those of you who have only very recently started tracking Split Second, I posted a notice that I was changing some pretty plot-critical elements. If you didn't see the notice, you've probably read the latest version.

I have to do it again.

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Split Second Rating Change · 5:13am Jan 22nd, 2015

So, I thought it was going to be a mature story in terms of violence. Thinking about it now, what's published and what's yet to come, I'm pretty sure I can keep it teen rated. Thus, I've dropped the rating down one notch, to open it to a wider audience.

In other news, I still have a three chapter backlog waiting to be published, but I will only publish one per day.

Report wille179 · 139 views ·

Officially on hiatus. · 11:28pm Dec 23rd, 2014

Yep. I'm done for now. College is too busy for me to write like I want to. Maybe I'll update later, but I'm not sure when.

Anyway, so long for now.

Report wille179 · 131 views ·

do {} while (true); - A new story. · 3:14am Dec 11th, 2014

So, I made a new story. Or rather, I coded a program that made my computer write a story. It was an interesting experiment.

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A little something interesting I found. · 8:36pm Jul 5th, 2014

Did you know that the spoiler tag doesn't hide colored text? You can always see it. (And no, that is not racist... text-ist.) But if that text happens to be the exact same shade of white as the story backgrounds (hex #ffffff), then the text will vanish if you mouse over it. It's kind of like a !spoiler tag. For those of you who don't understand javascript, that's a not-spoiler. All you have to so is type

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Report wille179 · 341 views ·

The future... · 4:07am Jul 1st, 2014

Many chapters are coming soon. I can promise you that it will be a strange ride.

Hold on; it's coming fast.

Report wille179 · 258 views ·