• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
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I live for this! (Profile pic by Wrangle Wolfe)


So, I saw Zootopia/Zootropolis... · 11:10pm Apr 4th, 2016

I dont think I've ever loved a movie quite so much in a long time, its given me a positive buzz, and a real fanfiction itch.

Have you ever had an idea that was something you just had to write, no matter how absured? That just happened to me and I've managed to write an opening chapter. I may not continue it into a full fiction, but it was just too good of an idea to not see what I could do with it.

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I am finally back Online! · 10:15pm Mar 26th, 2016

Oh internet, how I have missed thee, lets never be apart again!

Technically I've had the internet for at least 2 days now, but I was still unpacking things and never got to fully enjoy it.

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Good news and Bad news · 11:28pm Mar 15th, 2016

Okay, quick updates so you dont think I've vanished into the internet ether.

We are now moved into the new flat, that is me my brother and mother.

However, we will have no real internet until the 24th of March! :flutterrage:
I'm using a phone dongle to send this message right now.

I will do my best to continue work on fiction but communication will be sporadic until we finally get that new service put in.

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Moving house. · 1:19pm Mar 2nd, 2016

Well, this is a bit awkward as I wanted to do some fiction for you guys, but I am moving house next week and need to finish packing.

To make matters worse, my coursework was marked and one of ther pieces failed, for the second time.

This is despite the fact I followed the advice of my tutors and had them clarify my confusion over the ptoject brief, and used their feedback from the original article to make this one.

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Coursework Submitted!!!!! · 2:18pm Feb 25th, 2016

Finally got my coursework done and submitted!!!!

I want to be like:

But I feel like:

But this hould mean some more time for fanfiction, yay!


Soooooo Tired. · 7:58pm Feb 10th, 2016

How did I agree to a 6 day week? Why did I go to a midnight showing of Deadpool? Why is packing stuff for moving so hard?

I am so tired right now, but I am still working on the story when I can. Just expect delays until the move is completed, I have finished this week and caught up on my sleep.

However, I can give you a short preview to wet your appetite.

Reiver awoke to a quiet house.

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Progress · 3:14pm Jan 14th, 2016

Just a quick update on my progress, I am currently working on another story chapter that I promised another used on this site. I have also been planning another story, a Warhammer Crossover featuring the Tomb Kings, which I intend to write once the plan is complete. Finally I want to finish Fall of Gallopfrey, but still cant find the time due to work, studies and the fact I wull be moving house in the near future.

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Merry Christmas! · 11:22pm Dec 24th, 2015

I'm just going to take the oppertunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hearthswarming and general well wishes to all.

I can't believe how popular 'Family' has become since I started writing it, I really expected a token interest at best. But with the response and comments/likes as well as the help given by those who assisted with editing and proofreading. It really means alot to me that you put up with my bad grammar :derpytongue2:

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A Warning before you read. · 8:33pm Dec 1st, 2015

It took a lot of re-writes, but the next chapter of Family is finally done and has been published.

Warning: there are references to darker themes, including suicide. I apologise if this offends anyone, I may need to up the rating in future, but I am hoping not to, as the next chapters will be lighter.

As a heads up, my editors, dukesofhazzardftw and Feo Takakari are moving on to other things, so if you feel up to picking up where they left off then send me a message.

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Happy Halloween! · 10:04pm Oct 31st, 2015

Just taking this oppertunity to wish you all a Happy Halloween and update you on my progress with the next chapter.

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