• Member Since 16th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 11th, 2017

The Crimson Harbinger

These worlds, these characters that I breath into existence, what are they? Are they just some fantasy meant to occupy my time, or are they something greater, something....more.


Guess Who's Back Baby?! · 10:50pm Apr 23rd, 2016

That's right! After years of being dead, the power of epic music on YouTube has finally brought me back to life! And I've begun work on the newest chapter of PONI, and I actually know what direction I want to take the story in now! Yay!

So, to sum up an entire, what, year-and-a-half of being inactive, have this list of what is (probably) coming in the near future:

New PONI chapter

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An Update and an Update · 10:50pm Feb 1st, 2015

Hey hey everypony! Two things to address this time around. The first being that a Fimfic update must have occurred without me realizing it, because when I entered my old password (which had capital letters and a space), a message popped up saying there was an error. And after going through EVERY SINGLE PASSWORD in my mental databanks (except for a few), I finally had had enough and decided to change it. When I went to change it however, it kept telling me my password was invalid. After about

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Why I've (Temporarily) Stopped Writing · 5:03pm Jan 3rd, 2015

Hey guys, I'm gonna get straight to the point this time: I've hit a pretty low point in my life right now, and I feel that if I tried to continue with semi-serious PONI I would ruin or undo all the humor and character personalities I worked so hard to bring into existence. Don't get me wrong, I love working on both my stories, I just feel that working on them while I feel the way I do now would only harm them, so I decided to take a break. Which is also why I've been so inactive. I know a lot

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Thank You · 3:09am Nov 28th, 2014

42 likes. Wow. I know it may not seem like that much, but I honestly never thought I would make it this far. I know I've had lots (and I mean LOTS) of sick-days and long random pauses, but I just want to take the time to say thank you. You guys are the reason why I write, the reason why I try to do my best with every chapter I post, and I just can't express how glad I am that you are enjoying something that I put time and love into. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you or my stories,

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I'm Sick...Again · 12:20am Nov 7th, 2014

Yes my fellow pony-lovers, I have fallen ill yet again. Unfortunately, it's a little more complicated than just a cold or allergies this time around. You see, I've been sick for over a month now, and in the past week I've been on two separate antibiotics at the same time-and haven't gotten better. I went in to the doctors today to have my sinuses x-rayed, so hopefully I'll find out just what I'm sick with. On top of all that, I've got a ton of school work to catch up on and my computer is on

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NOTICE · 2:32am Oct 6th, 2014

Okay, I'm gonna be brief here. First off, I would again like to apologize for the updates taking ssoooooooo long, and second: the reason why they're taking so long. I know, you're probably tired of just seeing these blog posts giving reasons instead of the actual story chapters, but what's been happening is completely out of my control. My computer is 11 years old, and it's finally beginning to prove that. I actually had the next chapter of PONI done and ready to publish when my computer

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Curse You School!! · 2:07am Sep 18th, 2014

Hey hey guys, Crimson here with a quick message for y'all. You may have noticed that there has been an unusually long break between updates, even by my standards. The main reason is that I've spent the last two weeks being sick off and on, so now the majority of my time is spent doing piles and pile of homework and studying for missed tests. And as much as I love writing, grades are a priority, especially since I'm a junior in high school. I do apologize if any of you have been frustrated by

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Notice · 1:58am Aug 31st, 2014

Okay, so I've got some news concerning my last blog post. Turns out I had I nasty stomach bug that made me throw up everything I ate, and yeah, I won't go in to details. Anyway, all you need to know is that it has hopefully passed, and I should be continuing on with my stories fairly soon, but please keep in my mind that I will be started where I left off, with RtD at about 2/3 done and PONI roughly 1/3. But I will work hard on those until the weekends' end, and I hope to get the chapters after

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Update · 3:13am Aug 26th, 2014

First off, I would like to apologize for not updating either of my stories, and second, I would like to explain why I haven't updated. I've been feeling a little "under the weather" lately, and I just haven't felt inspired to write. So, rather than write something half-heartedly (and most likely crappy), I've decided to hold off for a bit. It's nothing too serious, it's just I haven't been sleeping well, or eating, and just plain stressed out. But I don't intend on letting whatever this is hold

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Username Change? - Username Changed! · 1:51am Jul 14th, 2014

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! By Luna's mane, I've done it! No longer Zealot306, no, I have become The Crimson Harbinger! *Ahem* So yeah, I changed my username. Nobody stole my stories, hacked my account, or possessed my body. It's still me! Same person, different name. Now things can continue as planned! I just hope I didn't destroy anything important....

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