• Member Since 9th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 9th, 2016


Being an Introvert allows me to care about humanity, and yet despise human beings, simultaneously.


Try not to smile. · 12:55pm Jun 25th, 2015

Try not to smile whilst watching this. It's difficult even for me.

It gets far funnier at 1:04

If you didn't smile, I'm sorry, but you might be gay. (not that that's an issue, mind)

Tell me how you did in the comments. AND BE HONEST! :raritywink:

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Elizabeth. · 5:08am Jun 25th, 2015

Good morrow' all.

Yesterday, a new member of Fim Fiction emerged. This new member is Elizabeth.

I think that it is only fair if we give her a warm welcome!

Please follow her and make her feel wanted. (and ignore her current Bio :raritywink:) Besides, her profile picture is adorable!

Also, she didn't ask me to do this, so it will be a pleasant surprise for her.

Thank you all.


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Inactive. · 10:51am Jun 24th, 2015

For Scootaloo96. :raritywink:

Inactive: Radioactive Parody

I'm waking up in Cheeto dust
My belly's covered with pizza crust
I'm using my inhaler now [wheezes]
I'm out of shape, fattening up
I'm sipping Coke from a solo cup
Donut crumbs are upon my lips, whoa

The TV's on, I really hate this show
I can't reach my remote control
Welcome to my new place, to my new place
Sorry it's a cramped space, but it's my place
I'm really inactive, I'm so inactive

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Well, that was clever... · 10:34pm Jun 23rd, 2015

So, I managed to drive a metal scribe through the side of my thumb during Engineering today.

It hurts.

Yet still will I strive for grammatical correctness and sophisticated punctuation.

I don't know how I mange these things sometimes.


Just so you can get the general picture, this is a metal scribe:

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Morbid Poetry. · 10:50am Jun 23rd, 2015

I hope you like it, to use the term loosely. :raritywink:

I'm sorry my friend,
But this is the end
I must thank you for all you've done
But I'm afraid to say it's all been in vain.

I apologize for all the pain
I have left in my wake
Just know it was because of you I was somewhat sane,
But I seen no end to this constant ache.

I'm sorry for the toll my battle has taken on your heart
But now our lives must part,
But I shall always be by your side

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FOLLOW. · 3:53pm Jun 22nd, 2015

Hello all.

Could you please follow this astronomically poetic legend Princess Pancake Pony, he is an extremely friendly and intelligent individual and a friendship with him is certainly worthwhile. :twilightsmile:

So please follow him now. As in, this instant. Go! Get! Follow!

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Insight. · 10:24am Jun 21st, 2015

After a considerable amount of time in which I speculated on the matter of my "interests", I have come to the conclusion that I am a gynandromorphophiliac (anime and manga only), and a schediaphiliac; I believe these are the correct terms of description.

I'm not entirely sure why I posted this.

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Nighty Night. · 4:48pm Jun 20th, 2015

Evenin' All. I am turing in now. I shall allow deaths brother, Sleep, to take me far away to the land of dreams.

Goodnight. I hope you all have pleasant days and may my good tidings go with you.

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My Personality. · 3:56pm Jun 20th, 2015

I took an official personality test with upmost honesty, and these were the results. http://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality
I found them most fascinating. The odd thing is just how frighteningly accurate the description is.

When reading the Relationships section, I literally, to use a rather pedestrian term, face palmed as I realised that, without even thinking, I do exactly what it says I am likely to do.

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Nighty Night. · 3:02pm Jun 19th, 2015

Well, I must take my leave of here. It is late, and Sleep calls from it's perch beside his brother, Death.

Goodnight all.

Here is a piece I wrote some time ago:


I am the downfall of Man.
I am the ruin of Kings.
I am the enemy of the Scholar.

It rots the mind, the deprivation of slumber.
You need me.
Yet you reject me.
You reject the very thing that is incessantly keeping you alive.

I seep into your minds.
Like a dark vapour, I seep.
Always whispering.

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