• Member Since 16th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 5th, 2015


I'm very sorry at the incredible lack of updates, I have some personal stuff going on and getting my PC back to normal, so updates will be extremely scarce. I deeply apologize for this.

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This is the third installment of the Thunder/Princess series. When Thunder is looking at the moon Luna sees him and watches with him for awhile, in this time they feel the need to tell each other about their feelings, they didn't know they shared these feelings otherwise they would have gotten together long ago. Note: Et Luna, et tonitrua, numquam claros = The Moon And Thunder Have Never Been Closer. These stories get updated when I'm in the mood, don't expect quick and set updates.

Chapters (1)

Lunar Dusk, Luna's son, was in the Equestrian Military for a good while, but when the Changeling attack happened he got injured and couldn't serve anymore. He was honorably discharged as well as receiving the coveted Medal of Honor for duties above and beyond the call. Afterwards he took up a job as a caravan guard and private courier for Crystal Empire International Caravans And Couriers better known as CEICAC or CEESIC (pronounce sea sick because of harrowing and dangerous jobs they often took). After his contract as a guard and courier ended he took up a small booth in Ponyville's market center, selling old military surplus. His last job was to deliver a book from Celestia in Canterlot to her prized and faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. He had faint memories of her and had a small amount of emotion for her, which is more than he has for any one else. Twilight was the opposite, as soon as she seen him at her door she felt like a filly in middle school, instant love. There are multiple questions: Is Twilight just in the heat of the moment or is there really something there? If there is, will she be able to fulfill her wishes? Will he return the feelings? Or is it like moving a sleeping bear?

Note: this happens before Twilight becomes an Alicorn. I'm not sure when or if she will become an Alicorn.

For Lunar Dusk, goes by Dusk mostly, he is Luna's son, fully biologically related, his father died when he was young, so Luna and Celestia acted as mothers to him. Also Cadence is Celestia and Luna's adopted niece, her parents abandoned her when she was a very small foal, Celestia and Luna took to her as well. Just know she is not biologically related to Celestia, Luna, or Dusk. Also Dusk is a Pegasus, not an Alicorn like most stories I write, he does however contrast in size with Luna, even Celestia, being a little under a foot shorter than Celestia, and a mere few inches taller than Luna. I usually write stories with Alicorn OCs but I wanted to try a new OC, and not an Alicorn because to many people get pissy about them. That's all the information I feel is perdinant to the story, but any questions comment below or message me privately.

As for rating it's marked teen-sex but I won't do much more than moderate-heavy foreplay, if there are to be scenes of intimacy I'll do like a '10 minutes later' thing.

The story is primarily third-person, but he does occasional journal entries in first person.

As for what Dusk looks like his coat color is almost identical to Luna's, but his eye color is similar to Celestia's, for a better look go to generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904 and use PonyCode: 4V1W294010180091FFC49D02100A100A0UN1837004000000N14900A800008C05107F3FCC004CB2 for a 'picture' of him.

Chapters (2)

(6/6/2014 UPDATE): As progress in the story is coming along good it faded out of the description, here is the more accurate version: LT. ThunderShock goes to a meeting to see Princess Twilight and her friends, but when Twilight sees him, it restarts an old crush from a few years ago. Also, the Lieutenant notices a much more adult and mature Twilight, making him feel something he hasn't in a while, love. Also we learn about Thunder's daughter, who it is might shock you. Note: The title Thunder At Twilight, meaning a storm in between dusk and dawn.

Chapters (5)

Princess Celestia and Lieutenant ThunderShock have finally released their feelings for each other and formed a relationship together. I realized my other stories about Thunder and the other Princesses (Twilight excluded) title's were in an alternate language. Thunder and Cadence's is in Italian and Thunder and Luna's is in Latin. I couldn't think of a better language so I went with one of my favorites, Russian. If you haven't read the story yet the title translates to Between The Thunder And The Sun.

I apologize for the delay, I've been working on other stories, it will be updated when I get the time.

There is no longer 'Clopping scenes' anymore, it is strictly a romance type story.

I understand why a good chunk of people do not like OCs, especially Alicorns. I tried to keep him as close to canon as possible, as far as a male Alicorn can be anyway, if you feel like he is OP or something let me know and I will try to fix it.

The background story got some terrible, but needed, criticism. I am leaving the original up as I redo it, it is retired and does not reflect the sequels or final story.

I am heavily editing the new chapter to adapt to the new story, but the primary ideas are the same.

Chapters (1)

(Check bottom for title translation.) In this alternate world Shining Armour was KIA in the line of duty before the Changeling attack. Cadence turns to an old friend from school, ThunderShock (My OC, usually called Thunder). After trying to move on from Shining she decides it would be best for her to marry Thunder, after talking to the other Princesses they thought it would also be the best thing to do. Eventually Thunder takes over command as the Equestrian Military Commander. NOTE: It's supposed to be more of a romance, less of a drama, given that statement Cadence will get over Shining rather quickly, faster than normal at least.

I know a lot of people don't like Alicorn OCs because how ridiculous they look and I agree, but I tried to make him as canon looking as possible. Nothing like King Sombra crazy, almost as if Luna were a male, that's where I got most of the ideas. While I'm on this topic I want to mention the Shining Armour was an Alicorn as well, there are 3-4 male Alicorns including Shining and Thunder, but the other ones probably won't be mentioned.

This my tribute to season 4 and, of course, Mi Amoré Cadenza and Shining Armour, also Memorial Day 2014, that's when I started writing this. NOTE: The title (Cadenza ci ama, Tuoni ci protegge) is Italian, it's translated to Cadence loves us, Thunder protects us.

Chapters (2)

After an unfortunate incident with Owlicious Fluttershy remembers some painful memories from her childhood, including loneliness and teasing for her sexual preferences, but seeing Twilight makes her comfortable bringing it up with her, little does she know Twilight feels the same about her. NOTE: (5/23/2014) Due to some recent legal troubles I have to restrain from the clopping aspect of the story, there will be the romantic aspect but nothing extremely sexual. I apologize for any upsets. UPDATE: (5/26/14) referring to those legal troubles my computer was temporarily confiscated on a search and seizure warrant so I will try to write as much possible, but I'm using my network managing computer which has anywhere 20 to 50 wireless devices at once because it's my companies PC and I'm the Electronics Division manager, but anyway it's slow as hell and always being used so it takes much more time than usual, plus I'm writing two more stories at the same time, so just be patient.

Chapters with (Clop) after the name means there are sexual acts in it.
Ones marked with (FF) means foot fetish acts in it.

One thing I must mention because I know quite a few people don't care for this is that I use extreme detail when describing what the characters are wearing. That's one thing I know I like and I'm sure a lot of others do to, is very detailed stuff. Especially in relationship situations, definitely sexual ones.

Also I try to be as grammatically correct as possible, but if there are errors it's probably because I didn't realize it or it looked better than any thing else and spelling errors will happen because I am dyslexic, I try to be as accurate as possible but hey, no pony is perfect.

I'm only using the incident to get to the relationship part, it's only going to be used in the beginning chapter, maybe the beginning of chapter two or the occasional mention here and there, just know the main aspect is not the back story.

Chapters (5)