• Member Since 14th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2014


A Gryphon from the deepest section of L Space, curious about Pony culture.

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Total Words: 5,910
Estimated Reading: 23 minutes


Princess Luna has worked very hard to better herself after being rid of Nightmare Moon. She's repaired her sisterhood with Celestia, made new friends in the Mane Six, and proven herself a valiant defender against chaos in the Waking World and the Dream Realm. There is only one more relationship Luna has yet to rekindle.

When she was small, Darkness had been there to teach her, scare the nightmares away, and teach her what it is to not be alone. A youthful mistake, however, drove a wedge between Darkness and Luna, leaving her open to the Nightmare.

After a thousand years, and nearly three more in preparation, Luna is ready to try and repair their broken friendship. But how does one even begin to apologize to someone you've hurt so very long ago?

Chapters (3)