• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 15th

Mischievous Blue

For the starlight, for the twilight, for the distant fate of us all. For the sunlight, for the moonlight, she will fight the battle of time.


Approaching the End · 11:23pm Sep 4th, 2017

Hey everyone. I know the title is scary for those who bother to still follow me, but it's not as bad as it seems, trust me. Those who are friends with me on Skype know that I've recruited a team of friends to help me write, shoot, and edit a short horror film. I planned to have the script written and actors ready to go either by the end of 2017, or the beginning of 2018, but that hasn't been the case. I have had this "dream" for about a year or so (maybe closer to 1.5) and know exactly how I

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Why, Photobucket? · 3:12am Jul 24th, 2017

Alright. Just recently realized that to have my photos visible on my account, Photobucket wants $400 to upgrade my account. I don't have that kind of money to carelessly throw around. Does anyone know a way to get around this, or if there is another photo sharing program that FiMFiction uses? I put a lot of work into some of those pics, and want people to admire them if they stumble onto my page. Any advice is appreciated.

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New Story · 12:37am Jun 17th, 2017

Hey y'all. Now, I know I promised a new story about 4 months ago, but things got more crazy, and somehow I'm back in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Ahhh, back in tiny town of <2000 people. I love it. And got a job with an old friend that pays more than my dishwashing gig in Texas. But back to the story.

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Not yet dead · 11:35am Jan 30th, 2017

Hey y'all. I'm still here, even though I'm not on as often as I used to be. Tends to happen when you move from Colorado to Texas, work hectic hours at a new job, have your boss fired by the owner and spend the next 2 months frantically looking for another job (Fort Worth may have the fastest growing job market in the US, but it doesn't help when they don't hire me), and finally get hired and try to get settled in. So, got another job (number 7 or 8 in three years) and back into writing. Whoo!

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Story Readings · 5:00am Mar 1st, 2016

Man, until I downloaded a couple stories from YouTube to listen to while I did some cross-stitching, I didn't realize that I would like to listen to my own stories read by someone. Not to sound like I have low self-esteem or want to seem more important than I am, but is someone up to the task of reading one or more of my stories as a dramatic reading?

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One Year Anniversary · 6:21am Jul 3rd, 2015

Hello FiMFiction. It's July 3rd. It's been one year since I joined. One year since I started my account at my brother's house, late into the night. Since I've seen a lot of people update their followers on their first year, I figure I'd do the same, but just a little different. I decided I'll let you know the number of stories I've uploaded, the number of stories I'm currently working on, the number of stories I killed before I even wrote them, and the ones I will hope to write one day.

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