• Member Since 26th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2017


A Religion & Philosophy Major with a strong love for creative writing, acting, singing, and My Little Pony.


Introduction · 4:27am Jul 27th, 2014

Lemmie explain. No, there is too much.

Let me sum-up

I'm writing this having only earlier today created this new account of mine. However I am not the newbie I may seem. I've been with the fandom since the Season 1 Hiatus, I've been interested in MLP fanfiction for almost as long, and I've even attempted my hand at writing a few failed and abandoned projects before.

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1297472 no prob, anything for a friend:twilightsmile:

1295794 Why thank you, I appreciate the welcome. :pinkiesmile:

Hello and Welcome to Fimfiction.:twilightsmile:

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