• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2014


We all are different in our own ways! So Why hate someone for what they are! Its just like the pony's! I LOVE YOU MLP!

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Just Another Day?
-Applejack fanfic. sad fic
By:FoxHeartShadowFire(Sarah Harris)

It was just another day on the farm, as the sun started to rise, so did the apple family start to get up to do there daily chores around the farm they saw applejack was no where to be seen. Turns out she was already up and bucking the trees. Day in and day out she would get up early, earlier then the other apple family, and start the chores getting them done as fast as she could, not to go and hang out with her friends but because of the memories of her parents teaching her how to do everything around the farm. Everyone know around this time of year, as the leaves would start to change color and fall, it was always hard for the apples ever since the passing of Applejack's, Big Mac's, And Applebloom's mom and dads passed away. Applebloom was to young to remember them but her big brother and sister would never forget that say, but more of Applejack would never forget that day right there... right in front of her seeing her parents being killed. Of course it would scare a young filly... Who wouldn't it scare? Watching someone you loved die right in front of you and not being about to do anything about it. Only Hearing there screams for help or them screaming for you to run.
"Applejack? Applejack? Applejack?!?!?!?!?!" Big Mac screamed into the organ pony ear.
"Wha? Oh sorry Big Mac. I didn't expect you to come up being me like that" Applejack replayed to he older brother as she looked down "I guess i just got lost in my own thoughts again"
"Are you ok? you haven't been your self lately" Big Mac said as he looked up at the apple trees that were all ready to be bucked.
"What? Why wouldn't i be ok?" Applejack asked
"Applejack. You have been getting lost in your thought lately... A little to much for confer." Big Mac said in a kind and loving big brother voice
"I guess I have been thinking a lot... its just... you know... around... around the time mom and dad.... well died" Applejack said wail she was trying to hold back in the tears. As Big Mac sat down beside his sister and put a converting hove around her and pulled her close and hugged her he sighed and said. "we all miss mom and dad but you know it couldn't have been helped"
As applejack sobbed she said "I could have help I could have! I could have done something! I know I could have!"
"But you couldn't we were all just filly, and we tried to help but we couldn't have! we couldn't get through the burning doors of the barn before it fell in on its self." Big Mac said trying to calm down Applejack.
Finally when Applejack was calmed he looked at her and said with a smile "Now i think its time for us to go back to the house and eat some apple pie. What do you think sis?"
"I think your right Big Mac." Applejack said as they started waking back to the house.

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