• Member Since 26th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th

Light Mask

I can almost see the wizard through the curtains.


Vacation · 3:00pm Nov 14th, 2018

Woooooo boy I have not been active at all. I figured I'd make this post to kind of explain what I've been stuck with and what not.

So I've been inactive cause of two things: First, my house is on the market. I haven't been able to sit down or have enough privacy to do much without having someone come through and look around.

Second, I'm taking a vacation. Sone friends of mine are getting together for 10 days over Thanksgiving, and I've been packing and making sure I have money/time.

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Possible next chapter · 6:19am Oct 29th, 2015

So as it turns out I have enough to continue the story, and write a possible second chapter. I'll be writing and if what I come up with is good enough I'll post it as a chapter.