• Member Since 31st Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 3rd, 2022


Don't be surprised... I'm a special education teacher, I hold a Master's degree, I'm an amateur voice actor/writer/audio play producer... and I'm a brony. ;-)


When Octavia is tempted by another mare after being ignored by a busy Vinyl, how will she respond... and what will the consequences be?

Chapters (4)

Vinyl has known for years that she is a pony of the nightlife far more than the daytime. It was only natural for her to decide to thank the Princess of the Night in her own way...

Chapters (1)

"Doctor" Duke Beatz, Vinyl's DJ idol, is visiting his friend Neon Lights in Ponyville when he meets his admiring fan. Her reputation precedes her, and he shortly invites her to join him and Neon on an exciting new project... but how will this fantastic opportunity affect Vinyl... and Octavia, who is facing her own issues preparing for a command performance with the Equestrian Orchestra for Princess Luna? Between the Doctor and a very temperamental guest conductor, both musicians will have a lot to handle.

Chapters (14)