• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Clockwork Pen

As a writer of fiction both non and fan, I want to give you what I can make.


waterlogged... · 11:44am Dec 24th, 2015

So, a while back. While I was napping for work as well my son was having his after noon nap with my wife to be the only one up.

While having a smoke she had been keeping an eye in it since she uses imvu on this laptop too.

So, when she turned her back for a second then looked back again to see water leaking out arond it.

Later on, a friend of a friend took it apart and declared my poor laptop fried on arrival...

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Mining the Writer's block · 3:44pm Oct 13th, 2015

As of late, between work, life and all-the-in-between, I have ran head first into a problem.

Writers block, correction Writer's Block mountain and it has been very hard to scale over as of late. I can only guess that I have been stuck because of the intense amount of stress going on in life as well being tired all the time. one would only think that I have busted my brain to an inoperable point.

But I have to ask folks, how does one get over writers block?

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Naming Names and snailing along · 1:55am Aug 14th, 2015

What I've been finding entertaining as of late is that so far, on two occasions, has my new screen name, Clockwork Pen has been Unique enough to use on the PSN and Just minuets ago, LegendsOfEquestria. sure, I just opened that account but I'll try to keep tabs on it when I can get a steam ball rollin' here.

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New Avatar! · 7:58am Jul 27th, 2015

Thanks to a good friend of mine and talented artist Backlash91.

He recently finished my Icon which you can see now here on FIMFICTION.net!

A sign that I am not dead just very, very inactive as I am working hard at juggling life and writing but stuff will start to appear more once I can get more time with my writing.


Round Two with a new typewriter! · 8:21am Apr 24th, 2015

Finally, after pushing a pencile while at work and home I recently got a new lapatop that, with help from recovered data from my old machince, I could continue on some of my projects.

Also, A story based on a on going TTRPG or Table top Role playing game, has been subbed and see if it'll get the stamp of approval!

Either way, Gotta get a hoof in the door sooner or later right?

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back to the quill and paper · 4:23pm Feb 21st, 2015

As before, I have lost my old laptop due to not only hard drive failure but to a video card that fused itself to the mobo...

However, I have not stopped working on at least one of my stories. Just continued it on paper and writing it by pencil.

My good friend backlash91 is trying on his end to get me a tempcomp to put everything back on digital paper however I will still not have net connection to post right away.

Also been using my fiance's phone to at least post this.

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Broken typewriter · 8:56pm Feb 5th, 2015

Thanks to age and abuse my laptop has finally suffered a hard drive failure and will no longer boot. So there for I can not write or post anything till I can first salvage my main writing folder from the dead computer and try to save it on an external hard drive...

These coming days will suck but I will not give up on writing and this fan fiction site!

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Blanked, blocked but wont black out · 6:16pm Feb 1st, 2015

It sucks when I try to to go bed but the typewriter in my head keeps working regardless of if I want it to stop or not.

yet, here I am, sitting at my laptop when I should be sleeping for work with a blank mind, I try to write but I only hit that magnificent Wall of Writers block; However, Came to the conclusion that this only occurs when I hit an awkward spot in my stories and need to stamp them out with fillers whenever I can gain the cooperation of both hands and brain.

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A new beginning? · 10:32am Jan 29th, 2015

For a long time, I have written tons of things, posted several things through out the internet; but honestly, nothing really stayed alive long enough to see a conclusion or even make it off paper. Good stories never see the light of day and even fan fictions take off but drop dead after a few days of working on them.


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