• Member Since 20th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A quiet mouse who worries too much. I lurk often and write rarely. I swear I'll finish something, someday.


Here Go Many Things · 5:56am Jul 23rd, 2016

Do you ever get that really awkward feeling, where you haven't done something, or spoken to someone in a while? Like a relative moves away and emails you sometimes, and every time they do you think 'Man, I've got so much to tell them, and not much time! I'll catch them up on everything when I've got more time.' Except you never really get the time, and before you know it it's been months and you still haven't made fictional characters entrance and fuck each other?


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Don't Write on a Whim, Kids · 4:59am Jan 5th, 2016

As a few of you may have noticed, I published a new fic. It's called 'In Which Ponies Go Sailing', and it was an experiment; a light-hearted, semi-comment-driven adventure...
...It also kinda sucks.
I know when something's horrible, and... It's pretty bad. The pacing is odd and disjointed, the characters don't mesh at all, and it throws random twists at you left and right...

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BEWARE. I LIVE. · 5:59pm Jan 3rd, 2016

Kept you waiting, huh?

I'm back! Like, for real this time! Not for one chapter before I disappear for three friggin' months! Woo!

My life's gotten a lot better. Things have improved, my outlook one of the most prominent ones, and I'm back on my feet, ready to go! That is, until life decides to deck me in the face again... But hopefully I'll get a few more chapters out before that happens.

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Remember When Life Wasn't a Thing? Me Neither. · 6:23am Oct 22nd, 2015


I don't want to go into detail about my personal life. I write smut; I like to keep that and my IRL identity separate.
But when real, non-smut life affects things such as; how much time I have to write, my access to things like the Internet and electronics, and whether or not I actually have the emotional energy to do anything but sit around, gaze at the beige-painted walls of my house, and sigh deeply, wondering just when exactly my life went so wrong...

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This is Why I Don't Set Release Dates · 5:13am Sep 21st, 2015

Okay, so you know how I said a new chapter would be up by today?

...Yeah, see; my tablet - which I do most of my writing on, as it's portable and has a really neat fold-out keyboard - was just doing its thing, being all manufactured by Apple and sleek and whatever, and I was writing the chapter, when I hit the 'Save' button.
And you know how, when you hit the 'Save' button, FimFiction goes "Oh hey, let me keep those changes for you."?

...Well, it didn't do that.

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对不起,我的朋友们! · 7:44am Sep 14th, 2015

I really am! Seriously!
Like, super sorry!

But you've all been amazingly patient, and - to be quite honest - all your patience has been completely unwarranted and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it.

So here's the thing:

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Update? What's that? · 4:26pm Jul 19th, 2015

It's been, what, four weeks?
Let me check...

June 24th - July 19th...

Five weeks as of today. Huh.

At any rate, it's been a while since the last chapter, and it is entirely my fault. I would make excuses - my new job, my really tight work schedule, my family situation - but I've had plenty of free time in which to finish the story and I just haven't done it.

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