• Member Since 11th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2015

Clever Twilight

Love to write about Oc's!- If you have a Oc you'd like written pm me!- If I'm not too busy I'll see what I can do!


Just Wishing You All Well! · 10:35am Oct 20th, 2015

Been feeling a little bleh today!

Somepony probably know's what I mean when I say that.-I guess it's just a day that you want to stay in bed and just allow the day to slowly pass you by.

Anyway I just started barely getting my pep back in my step.

To keep the good vibes going I want to just wish you all a wonderful new day!!!

Maybe you will get lucky and have a small adventure, or maybe just have fun being with friends!

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