• Member Since 20th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Jun 15th, 2017

Lunar Wrath

The darkness is only the beginning... Prepare to- No, don't touch that! Hey! I'm in the middle of an evil monologue here! Urgh...


Greetings, I suppose. I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you, but I'm not really meeting you, am I? This is the equivalent of a recorded message, so there's no emotion behind this.

Hmm. I really don't know quite what to say, besides the usual fare. "Hello, I am Lunar Wrath! What's your name!"

I'm not Pinkie Pie.

Yeah, yeah, you never said I was.

I know I may be coming off as a bit... harsh. However, that's just my nature. As Lunar Wrath, I am the embodiment of anger, rage, and wrath.

There's no more to be said here. Go on, read a story. That's why you're here, isn't it?

Do forgive Lunar. She's a bit... Angry. Anyways, I am Ruby! I'm a character in Lunar's current story, Eternal Night. Go check it out! It needs the views. :twilightsheepish: Anyways, I do hope Lunar hasn't offended you. She does that to a lot of people. It's just because she thinks that they don't really care.

She's a very bitter entity.

Hi! I'm Lunar Wrath! Er, that is to say, I'm the one that manages this specific part of the site. While Lunar and Ruby are fictional, let me tell you, I'm real.

The way I portray Lunar isn't how I really am. I'm more like Ruby, if anything! So, I really am sorry if I offended you with "my" indifference. I'm just in character!