• Member Since 24th Jul, 2016
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Shadow Quill

A Thestral mare who enjoys reading amazing stories almost as much as she enjoys writing them. Come on over to Luna's night and see just what you've all been missing in your sun-lit days.


New Story!! On Hiatus?!? · 5:18pm Jun 23rd, 2020

Hello everypony!! Yes, I know what you're all thinking, "But Shadow, didn't you say you were only going to update one book at a time until it was complete?" Yes I did say that, and I'm still going to do that until Battlestations: Equestrian Seas in done. However, my muse decided that repeatedly hitting me upside the head with a 2x4 was a great idea, so I've had this lovely number rattling around in my brain for over a week and it just wouldn't leave me alone. So, here we are. A brand new

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New Battlestations Chapter!! · 6:23am Apr 6th, 2020

Hey everypony, I have some wonderful news! The next chapter of Battlestations: Equestrian Seas is off to the editing team and will hopefully be up soon!! I know that all of you have been chomping at the bit for new horse words for this book, and I have finally gotten enough time and energy to write. Once my editors Helping Hoof and Grau are done with their side of things, then I will post the fifth chapter for all of you to enjoy!

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New Book Venture!!! · 9:58pm Mar 26th, 2020

So yeah, you all know how I said that I would only be working on a single book at a time? Well, I sorta lied, not because I'm not working on more than one book of my own, but because I have started a coauthor story with my lovely marefriend Conna-Stella. The book should be available soon with the first chapter up and running. I still plan on only doing one book at a time for my own stuff but will also be working with Stella on

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Plans For My Books Going Forward · 8:53pm Jan 7th, 2020

Important Update Below!! Please Read!!

So in case any of you noticed, I have put all but one of my books on hiatus until further notice. This is not a mistake and will not be changing anytime soon. Under advisement from my grandmother, who is an English professor with decades of experience, I have made the decision to only work on one book at a time until it is complete. All other books are going to be put on the back burner until they are up on the starting block.

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Help Wanted: Editers and Proofreaders Needed!!! · 2:26pm Dec 31st, 2019

Hello again to all of my faithful followers and supporters. I have a mission and I need your help to do it. As of now, I have pushed myself to perfect my writing style as much as I can, and it has come to my attention that there is still more room for improvement. However, I cannot reach these new heights on my own, and thus, I am asking some of you for help in making my stories even better then they already are.

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Thank You All So Much!!!!! · 3:26am Oct 31st, 2019

I knew from the start that this fandom is supportive and helpful to those who need it, but I never imagined how fast and how numerous all of you would be in passing on your words of encouragement when I needed them most. I am truly humbled that you all think so highly of me and the work that I create, and I want you to know that I will be forever grateful for everypony who made a comment on my last blog. You have no idea how much it helped me when everything seemed to be falling apart around

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I Need to Know.....Please...... · 7:35am Oct 23rd, 2019

Hello everypony, this is your hometown Thestral, Shadow Quill, coming to you with a very important message. I know I've been slow with the updates as of late with my books, and I'll get to why in a minute, but first I just need to ask all of my fans and followers some heavy questions. Please hear me out and let me know what you all think in the comments below, because right now I just don't know what to think or who to turn to.

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Shook Up But Okay!! · 10:03pm Nov 30th, 2018

We just had a 7.2 earthquake and things are a bit crazy at the moment. Me and my friends are alright and no one seems to have been hurt too much, but the city is in total shutdown and the roads out of town have been closed until further notice. Send your prayers our way and hope that this is as much as we have to deal with at the moment.

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I'm Back Baby!!! · 2:51am Sep 25th, 2018

Just letting you all know as my loyal fans that your patience has paid off!! I am back from my break and have got some new chapter content set up and ready to write. Now all I need to do is get the darn things down on paper and then post them for all of you to see! Also, I have a new book coming out that will hopefully be just as big of a hit as my other stories, and I look forward to hearing what you all think of it. So, without further ado, let's get this sow on the road!! Hope you all

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Lack of Updates Explained!! · 4:21pm Sep 16th, 2018

Hello everypony, and welcome back from a long, long, long hiatus in which I have barely been able to even look at a book, let alone do anything to write one. I'm sorry for the lack of updates on my books a of late, but between school work and my social life going through a proverbial hurricane, I haven't had the time nor the energy to make any new chapters. I know that it's not the best excuse as to why my stories are on hold, but it's the one I've got and I'm sticking to it.

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