• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2023

Lady Brony

Love ponies and writing. So why not put them together?


Curse you writer's Block · 6:02am Mar 4th, 2014

If you were to describe Diamond Tiara in few words what would there be. Keep it in the teen rating please but don't go overboard. I'm writing a story about Scootaloo learning to flu and theres a scene where DT and SS make fun of her. I'm having some problems with it. Do think it would lazy to reuse a scene I had in my earlier works(Star the royal guard)? Cause just really stuck right now!

Let me know:

Report Lady Brony · 175 views ·

Updater #1 · 2:52am Feb 25th, 2014

I was a bit nervous making so please forgive my awkwardness. It was my first time recording a video.

Lady brony

Report Lady Brony · 268 views ·

Late Valentines Story: To Post or not · 5:18am Feb 19th, 2014

Hi guys (or girls)

The side story for valentines day is taking longer than expected and I was wondering if I still post it or wait next year to publish it. It's part way done and needs to be edited. Please let me know what I should do. I'm very sorry for this.


Report Lady Brony · 192 views ·

Update Time · 11:58pm Feb 1st, 2014

Hey Everyone

Just letting you know I'm working on a short story for Valentine's day based on a TV show. I don't know when it's going to be finish but I'll post whenever it's done. I'm going to leave you with a hint on what it's going to be like.

That's all you get!

~Lady Brony

Report Lady Brony · 220 views ·

Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart! · 10:09pm Jan 26th, 2014

I would like to thank each and every one of for getting my "Rainbow Dash Isnt a egghead" featured. I almost cried and screamed when I saw that! I never thought my stories were good enough to be put on the front page because I saw writing as small hobby I did on the side. This so means to me and I just can't thank you enough. My eyes are filled with tears of joy. I'm now inspired to write more for you all.

Thank you

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Long time, no see my fellow bronies · 5:49am Dec 1st, 2013

Hello Everyone, remember me?

I haven't see you all in forevers. I'm sorry my school and work has basically taken over my life. But I'm back now yay and I have updates for you pony boys lol. First the bad news. I decided to cancel the story "A Final Chance". Just didn't like that much in the first place. Now for the good news I turned the chapter 2 of "Borrowed Wings" to a sequel. Should be done soon.

Lady Brony~

Report Lady Brony · 136 views ·

Just Saying Hi · 3:47am Sep 30th, 2013

Hey everybody

I'm working on some things (not going to say what).

I found this good song that I cant stop listening to it. so here it is

Hope like as much as I do.

Report Lady Brony · 122 views ·

Final Chapter · 12:36am Aug 15th, 2013

Hey Everyone!

I'm working on the last chapter of "Rainbow Dash Gets a D-". It might be done by the end of month or in Sept but it's finishing very soon. After my new, new editor is done fixing it and then I can finish my other stories. Like on chapter 2 for "Borrowed Wings", though I still have to no idea its going to about. If you guys could give me some suggests that would be great.

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I have a question!! · 12:33am Jun 6th, 2013

Hi Everyone

Quick question is "Apple Bloom" name spelled like "Apple Bloom" or "Applebloom". I know how picky you guys are about spelling and grammer, so let me know soon. My next story is almost done BTW!!


Report Lady Brony · 212 views ·

Another Chapter for "Borrowed Wings"? · 3:37am May 4th, 2013

Hello Everyone

Ever since I posted my "Borrowed Wings" story. I've been getting requests to make another chapter. But I was wondering if you wanted me to do that because it was meant be a one shot. I'm willing to do it but I want some feedback first, I'm open to any ideas (Please keep it in the everyone rating) . What do you think the chapter should be about?

On unrelated note I finally found new editor, so expect better quality stories coming up soon.


Report Lady Brony · 152 views ·