• Member Since 29th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 1st, 2013




Monthly Ideas · 2:26am Jul 5th, 2012

Okay, listen up. Firstly, my iPad isn't fixed yet, it's just decided to be helpful.
Second, I'm starting something. I dunno if this will last or not, but every month I hope to give out an idea for a story. The reason I'm doing this is because I have a ton of ideas but most of them just gather dust in my little story area. So, for this month is an idea I literally came up with yesterday:
What if Bon-Bon was a voice actress?

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Technical Difficulties · 10:57am Jul 3rd, 2012

Okay, I won't be on eerhttrrrrerrr rrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrr htttttytttttt tttttttttt htyttrtt ttt for a tttttttttt tttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
Let's try that again. I won't be on for a bit. My iPad, which is what I primarily use, is being extremely derpy, as you can see above. It's suffering from something called phantom touch. Also, my PC won't let me log in to FIMFic for some reason. So, sorry, everyone. D:

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I'm looking for prereaders! · 6:07pm Jun 12th, 2012

Hello, everyone! As you can probably tell from the title, I'm looking for prereaders! If you're interested, just comment and I'll message you to go more in depth about it.
That's it.
Were you expecting more?
Perhaps, oh, I don't know, a sneak peek of my new story?
Well, here you go....

The Bad Beginning

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A Series of Unfortunate Ponies · 1:00am Jun 11th, 2012

Hello, everyone! 'Tis I, HintCore. I have another idea, as you probably guessed from the title. And, as you also probably guessed, it's a crossover with a Series of Unfortunate Events.
Now, I need everyone's input again. Should I do it as a story with OCs only, switch the characters with characters from the show, or a mix of both? Please say which you'd like down in the comments. Thanks. :D
Also, sorry for the rushed feeling, it's just that Mythbusters is being really distracting.

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Minecraft Maths · 6:48pm Jun 7th, 2012

Okay, I was bored, so I decided to try and see how much profit you'd make if Minecraftia was real and you started mining there. Have some boring math stuff.
Minecraft Maths 
Average Swedish man is about 6 ft. (Mojang is Swedish.) 
Assuming character is average height, each block is 3X3X3, or 9 feet squared. 
65,536 blocks total in a chunk, according to Minecraft wiki. (16X16X256)
A chunk is about 5,308,416 feet squared, or 1005 miles, 672 yards squared. 
34 gold per chunk 

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Method To My Madness · 4:46pm Jun 1st, 2012

Hello, everypony! 'Tis I. Now, this will be moderately quick, I just wanted to clarify some things. The reason I haven't updated the Flim Flam Brothers' Guide is because I'm working on other stories as well. What I'm trying to do is get out a few chapters for each story, or if their one-shots, then just the story, and move onto the next before restarting the cycle. So once I wrap up one one-shot that I want to do I'll get back to the Guide. Sorry for the wait. D:

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Protochaotic Park: Small Sneek Peak · 9:41pm May 23rd, 2012

Okay, so this monologue randomly occurred to me, and I just had to write it down. It's said by the pony Midnight Blue (my OC) who is the equivalent of Ian Malcolm in the story. He's saying it to Fancy Pants, who is the equivalent of Hammond in the story. S without further ado, here you go.

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Protochaotic Park · 9:18pm May 21st, 2012

Hello, everypony! This is a little blog on a story that I'm going to be writing, titled Prochaotic Park. Now, it's basically going to be a ponified version of Jurassic Park. Now, you may be wondering how this concers you. Well, that's quite simple: I want anybody note rested to help create the story. Now, this will not be a collaboration, let me make that clear. What I want to do is have people send me their OC's (no alicorns permitted, sorry) and I will work them into the story. Just message

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EGAD! · 3:40pm May 19th, 2012

Yes, egad! I am writing!
Now, seeing that no one on this site actually knows me personally, or, as a matter of fact, knows me at all (which basically means I'm talking to myself here), that is actually a big thing! I don't usually write, and when I do, I think that it's pure rubbish. But I decided to at least try and write a fanfic. I can't publish it yet because it's too short, though. I want to write it, but at the moment I am really clogged up with work.
That's it.

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Um....hi? · 1:41am Nov 11th, 2011

I'm new.
Pardon any silly mistakes I make.
If I double post somewhere, I swear I didn't try to purposely.

Anywho, if you are here, and reading this, you should read Substitute Harmony. It's pretty good.
Also, excuse my inability to link.


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