• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2013



Birthday Book Recommendation · 8:59pm Nov 23rd, 2012

Hello Everypony.

Have you ever read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor?

You should. I don't feel like writing because I am too busy celebrating with my dozens of loving friends (hah. Just kidding. I'm sitting at home, all alone, reading and listening to some pathetically awful music in french.) but that is a good book. I think it might be a good change for all you silly little pony-loving Angels to read.

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Bye for a while · 3:09pm Nov 7th, 2012

Wow, that title sounds sad.
I'm not leaving, per se, but unfortunately my computer went kerfluey on Halloween (dammit Luna. I'm blaming you) and I have to wait for my birthday before I can get a new one. I'll still comment occasionally on stuff from my mom's laptop, but it won't be very frequent.
That's only three weeks-ish, but still. Sorry in advance, I won't be adding any new chapters until sometime near the beginning of December.
So, happy readings, every pony. See you then.

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Names! · 6:55am Sep 10th, 2012

So, names, names, names. Always names. Why can't we all just have assigned code number so poor authors like myself can sit on our lazy little plots and not have to be creative and come up with them?
Because that's boring, and I hate boring.
Anyhoof, you guys (being the awesome bronies and pegasisters and ponies you are) were super nice and did half the work for me. Now, I'm gonna make you do the other half. Hurray for me.

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OC Requests, anypony? · 11:38pm Sep 5th, 2012

Hi Everypony!
So, as you guys probably already know, the reception is coming right up, and therefore, as Pinkie could tell you in less then a second, a Party always needs... Guests!
So, if you have any feeling that your OC should/does know Octy 'n Scratch in this story, please, please, please, TELL ME. I need to know by tomorrow afternoon in order to get them in.
Okay, so that's is. I suck at writing these blog thingies. You young whippersnappers and your blogs just confuzzle me.

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First Blog Evar Yay · 7:28pm Aug 10th, 2012

Yeah. So, anyways, just wanted to say that more of that stupid OctaScratch story is coming soon.

Why can't I just finish it? Octy and Vinyl, why you no let me go on with my life?! Anyways, should be like ten more chapters, I think. If they let me sleep after that. Then maybe it will be finished and I can move on.

I'm sick right now. Octy, why you no come alive and take care of me?! It's not fair.

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