• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


Writer, Editor, and Shipper of Good Ships. Your typical cotton candy haired lesbian. Yes, I have pronouns. No, you can't have them.


Alright, then. · 8:18pm Apr 16th, 2016

I just submitted a new story, and honestly? I'm super nervous. I haven't published anything here in, like, two years - besides updating one chapter of something, but putting up a whole new story is different. Especially since it's genres I generally don't write. Adventure-like things (though this isn't heavy adventure with traveling and stuff; I just felt like the tag worked) and mystery are something I don't generally write, so it's a new thing for me.

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Please watch this · 12:49am Apr 10th, 2016

So I'm watching this thing with my friends right now. This is so outrageous and downright weird but in the best way, and it's also completely funny in a strange, great way. I absolutely have to recommend to you all:

Saint Young Men.

Jesus and Budda as buddies.

Living as roommates in Japan.

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What I learned from the new episode · 2:30am Mar 27th, 2016

Breaking for spoiler stuff.

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Getting back in the swing of things · 9:38pm Mar 8th, 2016

So I went to bed with a rather annoying headache (yay family issues), but did eventually get sleep in (a legitimate yay for Nyquil!). However, before that, I found myself writing and actually getting stuff done, all while listening to some music. Great. The one time I do actually progress on things is when my head is bothering me. That makes sense. Either way, I guess I can't complain. Though I hope what I did write is intelligible, lol.

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AMA Answers! And a bit of other stuff · 11:43pm Jan 16th, 2016

These are simply the answers to the questions people gave me yesterday. Would've gotten to them earlier, but I both a) was out a lot of the night and b) just forgot when I did get home. Yaaaayyy forgetfulness.

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Report MissytheAngle · 349 views · #ama #writing

Twenty-One, Baby!! (also, ama I guess) · 5:10am Jan 15th, 2016

It's midnight here, January 15th, so I am now even more of an adult than before.

… Well, as much of an adult as I can be. I mean, really, it's a miracle I know what I'm doing. Juuuust kidding I barely do. But I digress.

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Top 5 Things I Find Annoying in Writing (of any form) [LONG] · 2:51am Jan 2nd, 2016

For the lack of better words, I decided to start off this year with a list of my least favorite things that happen in television, movies, and books. Basically any form of media at one point written down. It's something someone had the balls to write, but it falls flat most of the time or leaves disappointment in its wake. This is really long I ramble on and on I'M SORRY!

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2016 is here, people! · 5:11am Jan 1st, 2016

So it's 2016 now. What happened in 2015?

Well, in real life, plenty. Got better grades, made friends, all that jazz. I had a fun year, honestly. It was a decent one. As for writing? Well, I updated something. Haha. I've written a few things on the side, like little prompts and other stuff I never published because I didn't finish it but hey, I was still writing. Just... not putting anything on here. Sorry!

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Happy Holidays! · 5:24am Dec 25th, 2015

Whatever you're celebrating, whatever you're doing, I sincerely hope you're doing well and that everyone has a great week of celebration. But for some, there are those who might be lonely and not as well loved due to some sort of circumstance. And well, I hope also that you get through the rough time period and know that someone, somewhere cares. Even if it's someone you know on a computer.

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Report MissytheAngle · 243 views · #christmas

Writing; oh yeah, that thing! · 3:14am Dec 1st, 2015