• Member Since 15th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


A guy who loves movies, comic books, video games, as well as stories with colorful talking ponies in them.


The Problem of an Active Imagination... · 4:08am Mar 27th, 2018

...Is that you can get too many ideas at once.

I've been looking over my story projects for MLP, and I feel a slight despair because of the number of them.

In no particular order, I have been making plans for, or begun active writing on:

- A massive-length Star Wars/MLP FiM crossover about a Jedi stranded in Equestria
- An Equestria Girls crossover with DC's Superman comics

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Movie Review: The Prestige · 3:21pm Mar 22nd, 2018

Early last month, my dad and I watched this 2006 thriller directed and written by Christopher Nolan.

Now, I'll come out and say this right off the bat: I'm not much of a fan of the guy.

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Movie Review: Frankenstein (1931) · 3:53am Mar 16th, 2018

I've been sitting on this review for over a month now. I watched it back around Valentine's Day with my dad and wrote up a review of it, but only now have I gotten around to posting the darn thing!

But anyway, let's get into it.

Frankenstein. The classic movie, that practically launched Universal Studios' monster movies and made Boris Karloff a horror star.

What can I really say about this movie?

It's a movie that's left an indelible footprint in popular memory and culture.

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Movie Review: Black Panther · 8:41pm Mar 12th, 2018

Hey everyone. :pinkiehappy:

It's been a week since I saw the newest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What can I say about it? I don't really know if I can add much new conversation to the film that's been such a smash success for the company, and been the object of discussion for so many? (I've read dozens of reviews and essays on the movie before and after seeing it, thanks to my dad. XD)

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Story Teaser - The Knight of Harmony · 10:11pm Mar 6th, 2018

Hey everyone. I just wanted to drop a spot of writing, for a story that I've been working on for the past few months.

It's a crossover with the Star Wars universe, involving a Jedi apprentice, Shou Freyor, who is stranded in Equestria after a space battle gone awry.

I really hope to do both franchises justice, and hope that this scene here (which, btw, takes place in early Season Two of FiM) provides some interest or anticipation for the rest of the actual story.

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Movie Review: Wind River · 6:15am Feb 5th, 2018

About two weeks ago on a Friday afternoon, my dad and I watched a movie from the writer of Hell or High Water, a modern-day Western that we'd enjoyed previously.

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Movie Review: Brigsby Bear · 10:00pm Feb 2nd, 2018

Earlier this month, my dad and I watched a very interesting independent drama-comedy from just last year.

Brigsby Bear.

What's it about?

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Equestria Girls Choose-Your-Own-Ending Shorts - My Thoughts · 4:35am Jan 13th, 2018

So, I've watched the newest batch of Equestria Girls digital mini-episodes. They were pretty fun! And I thought I might share some of my thoughts on them.

This is less of a "review" and more a set of thoughts I had when watching the shorts, or stuff I thought about them.

Best Trends Forever:

- Flash's new look is... all right. I like the jacket okay, but I actually kind of miss his spiky hairdo.

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2017 in Retrospective and the New Year · 3:03am Jan 1st, 2018

In a few short hours (at least in my time zone), 2017 will be over, and the new year of 2018 will begin.

Looking back on this year, I have a lot of mixed thoughts and feelings.

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Thoughts on The Last Jedi - Spoiler Free · 3:22am Dec 20th, 2017

So, this afternoon my dad and I went to see the most recent entry in the new Star Wars trilogy.

Going in, I had no idea what to expect. While this movie has been beloved by various critics, audience reactions have been very divisive, with some holding it up as one of the very best (if not THE very best) Star Wars movie, or alternately decrying it as a travesty worse than even the derided prequel trilogy.

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