• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 30th, 2014

DJ Leftwing


Not Gonna Happen · 4:18am Feb 25th, 2013

Hey to anypony who read Twilight's note at the bottom of the last chapter, I'm going to go ahead an tell you that the next chapter will not be coming out on the first. I suddenly got a boatload of homework dumped on me by my calculus and physics professors, so I need to deal with that before I get back to writing. I apologize for the wait, but I hope that you'll all understand. I'll try not to make you wait for 2 months again though...

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Hi · 11:22pm Dec 21st, 2012

Well, I'm alive, so that's good I guess. My schoolwork has been a bit daunting lately, and so I had to focus on it for a little while (boooorrrinnnngggg). Thankfully, this short break from school should give me and Twi some time to actually get something written. So hopefully, we'll be back to posting stuff soon. Be looking out for it.

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Arrrghhh... · 2:14am Oct 22nd, 2012

Well, it's my turn to write a chapter again...and I just don't have time. Unfortunately, my college coursework is starting to pile up and I just don't have as much time to write anymore, so the chapters of Hidden in Plain sight are going to be coming slower than that have been...unless I get really really inspired. Oh look, inspiration! Allons-y!

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the &page solution · 3:05am Oct 12th, 2012

Now, I'm not certain how long this has been a problem, but at the time of writing this, I am unable to navigate to the second/third/fourth/etc pages in groups. I have confirmed that this is a problem with quite a few ponies, and have informed Knighty of the issue. Until it is fixed though, I have come up with a temporary solution:

Add the following to the end of the address in your url bar
followed by the page number you wish to navigate to.

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Well, just read the post to see what it's about... · 1:33am Oct 5th, 2012

Okay, unless I magically hear back from our other proofreader tonight or tomorrow morning, I'm going to be putting the next chapter of Hidden in Plain Sight up tomorrow at around 8 o'clock in the morning. We'll be counting on our readers to find major errors this time around. Anticipation levels have now been raised by...2 points. How disappointing.

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Good news bad news · 1:21am Sep 24th, 2012

Well, I'll start with the bad news. It seems the 502 is back. That's going to complicate things unless it gets fixed quickly.

Now for the good news! Twilight sent the rough draft of Ch. 1 to the proofs today, which means it should be out within the week.

Huzzah! Hope this goes well...

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Just a quick update · 4:17am Sep 20th, 2012

For those of you watching Hidden in Plain Sight, I'm sorry for the wait, but in this case it is a side effect of the collaboration between myself and Twilight. Currently Twilight has the fic in her hooves, and I have no say over how long she takes with her writing, but I promise I'll let everypony know once she sends it to the proofs. Again, sorry for the delay, but it's affecting me as well.

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Post V · 8:46pm Aug 25th, 2012

Well folks, I'm starting on a new story now, which will hopefully be better. It's a collaboration Dr. Whooves fic with one of my good friends, Twilight Sparkle. I'll be releasing the prologue within the next week or so, maybe, and then we'll see how it goes from there. Be looking out for it, and until then, Deuces!

Report DJ Leftwing · 256 views ·

Post IV · 3:31pm Aug 14th, 2012

I am seriously considering just ending 'The Harder They Fall' because it just isn't really working out. I was having fun with it at first, but lately it's gotten to be more of a chore. I'm getting the feeling that romance stuff just isn't really my strong suite, so I'm going to leave it on hiatus indefinitely and just move on to a new story. Maybe I'll figure out what kind of story I actually like writing. Maybe a Dr. Whooves fic, that sounds like fun. Sorry to anypony who was waiting for me to

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Post III · 11:49am Jul 13th, 2012

Okay, first of all, I'm typing this from my phone, so it's likely to have a lot o errors.

Now, I've come up with a system that I'm going to be using for my stories. While all of them will obviously take place in the MLP universe, the multiverse concept still applies, wih multiple versions of the same universe. Yeah, if you dont get it, dont worry about it. Anyway, I'm going to start putting a tag at the bottom of my story descriptions, it will look something loke this:


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