• Member Since 5th May, 2019
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Future Story Plans and question on the Eden’s Zero Story · 7:57am Dec 6th, 2023

First off on the Eden’s Zero story side I have been a bit torn on wanting to to keep it as a Shiki Granbell story but giving him Universe Zero Shiki’s powers (which would also have major spoilers for Anime only watchers of Edens Zero) OR changing it and making it a Drakken Joe Displaced Story. Which one of these two would sound more appealing to read to you all, I’ve been stuck since both ideas seem good to me.

I also had some other Displacement Stories I thought about doing.

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Report MiraiHikari · 81 views ·

Equestria's Demon King Update · 3:13am Sep 22nd, 2022

Greetings Everypony, so I'm not sure how many people this will reach, but I figured it would be better to make this a mini blog then put it into the comments of the story and have it get lost since update chapters are frowned upon.

I have started working on Equestria's Demon King again (When time allows) due to my own hype for Eden's Zero resurfacing after the announcement of the Season 2 anime recently, there are a few changes compared to before.

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Report MiraiHikari · 131 views ·