• Member Since 28th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 4th, 2019



Just getting back into this · 12:02pm May 1st, 2015

I'm slowly getting back into writing. It's just taken a long while because of real life stress that keeps managing to get in the way. I really do want to keep writing on here, it's just that I keep getting obstacles thrown at me from various real life issues.

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Still here... barely · 1:31pm Oct 19th, 2014

Just wrote a short story for the heck of it too (just needs to get approved).

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It has been too long since I've done anything · 7:21am Jan 25th, 2014

1: no, I am not completely gone.

2: I have been working (very, very slowly) on the next chapter of my fic, but I haven't completed it and I haven' touched it in months, admittedly. Long story short; stuff goes on in life and I haven't exactly been having the best of times (and having depression plays into that).

3: I know, I really ought to do more and I feel like I've drifted away from the few people on this site that I've talked to. I need to try to fix this.

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Okay, so here's the plan · 11:06pm Jun 16th, 2013

I'm going to try to avoid having many conversations for about a week or so while I straighten things out. I'm going to probably write down in my mind a new procedure when it comes to telling others about the problems I have.

What I have so far is this:

1: keep track of those whom I've told something to already to avoid telling the same story again and again.

2: Unless things get worse with something, don't mention the same thing twice.

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I feel like a hypocrite, and I appologize · 1:21pm Jun 14th, 2013

I've already said this on DeviantART so I don't intend on going into full detail here. The fact is that I haven't exactly lived up to the ideals of FiM in the first place. Yes, I still hold my negative, caustic views towards reality, that spin off, and my worries about Season 4, but I shouldn't go around voicing them like I have. I've repeated the same worries again and again ad nauseum to those I've considered friends.

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I Hope That Spin-Off Doesn't Go Anywhere and Goes Away Soon After It Airs · 9:48pm May 24th, 2013

I think you all know what spin-off I'm talking about.

I hate the very concept of it; turning something powerful and magical like Twilight into a human is a fate worse than death for her; it's taking away exactly what makes her who she is. On top of that, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the third word in the name of the show "pony"? Or is this whole thing now going the route MTV took when it comes to music?

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Been Busy With College, Medical Issues, and Those Blasted Pre-Readers · 11:29pm Feb 28th, 2013

I know, I haven't really touched the fanfic I've been writing for a long time now. I've been very busy with college stuff, and medical problems (I'm on a new medication. Long story...) for the past few weeks (close to a month). I'll try to do something about it at some point or another, but I don't know if I'll be able to for a while.

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This is more of a measure to keep anyone who's watching my fic from worrying. I'm still going to be editing and writing it. I'm just taking some time to wait for a bunch of responses from those who said they would help me (I've got a lot more editors helping me with this, and they're all operating on different time schedules, so I need to wait for them to get done with reading it and writing up their help).

I'll get back to it just as soon as everyone's done with giving me editing help.

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That's it: I'm tired of seemingly everyone saying that immortality is a bad idea · 3:41am Jan 31st, 2013

I'll just out and say it: I like the idea of living forever. I've thought about it literally every day for the past 11 years (slightly more than half the time I've been alive) thinking about it, considering every angle I've come across, and my end conclusion is that it's a good idea to NEVER DIE. I plan on researching this, as I am a computer science student and plan to work on prosthetic parts for the brain in order to move someone's mind (and I mean MOVE not COPY) into cyberspace (or a robot)

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IS there even such a thing as correct grammar?! · 3:33pm Jan 17th, 2013

Or am I just wrong all the time just because I'm the one writing?

It seems that no matter what I do, my grammar is wrong. I try to write on my own.

The prereaders say my grammar is bad.

I try to get help and I spend time rewriting my story so that the grammar is better.

The prereaders say my grammar is bad.

I try looking through the internet for assistance and ways to fix it, then I try to fix it based on this.

The prereaders STILL say my grammar is bad.

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