• Member Since 6th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2012


Heyyah! I'll be submitting FIM stories from time to time. Probably ones that would make even Pinkie Pie cry... Enjoy! :)

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Estimated Reading: 45 minutes


After countless sleepless nights of nothing on the Mind but Feather Weight and his constant distractions by a Certain new slinging hero on the block, Diamond Tiara gives in to some sidetracking thoughts of her own, and fulfill what ever it was her mind had in... well.... mind. Twilight Sparkle being the only Pony she knows to carry Vengence out like dumplings.

Tumblr-Verse invasions, Random Background Acts of Pinkie Pie, Web Walls, and mind boggles abound.

Chapters (4)