• Member Since 5th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Rusty Kettle

So many ideas, so little time.

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Found 3 stories in 25ms

Total Words: 31,844
Estimated Reading: 2 hours


Back in the ancient times, just after the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Equestria was a fairly different place. The magic of the world was untamed, shaping the lives of all creatures, and the wilds were, indeed, wild. Strange creatures and bizarre vistas could be found all over, like an artist's strokes cross a breathtaking painting.

It was in these times that Fantasia Lexicon was born, a mare with a rather... peculiar way of seeing the magic that flowed through all living things.

This fic is an ongoing commission made through Discord, I am glad you chose me for your fic idea and I can't wait to keep working with you in the future.

Chapters (1)

Blue Skies is a weather factory operator with a deep love for painting. Sunup Howdy, on the other hoof, is a bat pony doctor that exclusively works nights at the Chestnut Falls General Hospital. While Blue might find the bat stallion annoying, he could put up with him as long as it meant getting to rent a cheap room… at least until his career as a painter had truly taken flight.

After a factory accident, however, Blue Skies finds himself grounded and distraught. And to make matters worse, Sunup has specifically requested to be the doctor assigned to watch over his recovery.

But the bat stallion may have bitten off more than he could chew, as what was supposed to just be a chance to bother his friend quickly turned into something… special.

Commissioned through Discord, it was a pleasure writing for you and I'm glad my work could meet your expectations.

Chapters (6)

Inertia and Morganite have been roommates for quite some time. While every friendship has its hiccups, it’s nothing that a smile and a good attitude can’t fix!

Commission for a friend.

Chapters (1)