• Member Since 12th Sep, 2012
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Fireheart 1945

"Defend your clan, even with your life." - Warrior code, Warrior cats novel series. Also, if you don't like that I post Christian blogs, then please either do not subscribe/watch me or complain.


This gives me a hope for the future... · 7:11pm Jul 21st, 2017

Maybe it's merely an oasis in a desert. I don't know for sure. But even one oasis can revitalize people. And I'm hoping that this kind of peace and tolerance - true tolerance, not the kind that is forced on people - might have a chance to prevail.

May God go with you all :ajsmug::raritystarry::rainbowdetermined2:


Causes that need help · 2:54am Jul 14th, 2017


Even giving a little... · 7:34pm Jul 5th, 2017

A lot of us may not have much to give. Maybe a handful of dollars for the homeless beggar outside. Maybe just a ratty old bureau or a handful of decent clothes to give to the Salvation Army. Perhaps you can only afford to give a single burger to a hungry person.

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On the Resurrection of Jesus Christ · 12:04am Jul 4th, 2017

Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know - Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it (Acts 2:22-24 NKJV)

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Please tell me this is a bad dream... · 8:37pm Jul 3rd, 2017

This is disgusting. It's incomprehensible. Why would anyone do this!?

And there are other videos out there confirming this. It's... :flutterrage:

No. Just... no.

If anyone can spread the word, pray and send help to the child's parents, who are against his legalized murder, please do so. :ajsleepy::pinkiesad2::twilightangry2:


What sets off your compassion alarm? · 2:34am Jul 3rd, 2017

More precisely, regarding the suffering people around the world, what most calls you to take a stand? The homeless beggar with a tin cup outside the theater? A deaf, mute, lame, blind, or paralyzed person? How about child slavery and abuse? Where do you stand on those suffering with AIDS, cancer, diabetes, MS, shingles, and other terrible maladies? What about poverty in foreign countries? What would you do if you encountered someone with an awful skin disease, or who is starving? In short, who

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Vengeance is not ours... · 2:35am Jun 13th, 2017

Vengeance is God's. He will repay- whether ultimately on the Day of Judgement or intermediately in this life... He can discipline your abusive boss, soften your angry parent. He can bring your ex to his knees or her senses. Forgiveness doesn't diminish justice; it just entrusts it to God. He guarantees the right retribution. We give too much or too little. But the God of justice has the precise prescription. (You'll get through this, by Max Lucado, chapter 11, pg.

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Terrorism strikes again... · 2:27am May 24th, 2017

This time in Great Britain. If you haven't heard or seen the news yet, please listen. Last night, May 22nd, 2017, a concert in Manchester hosting Ariana Grande was hit by a suicide bomber, who killed at least 22 people, including children and infants, by last count and injured around sixty more. ISIS took responsibility for the attack and cheered it as a victory.

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God's forgiveness and will to forgive · 10:16pm May 23rd, 2017

The most common misconception of God is a super-powered grouch who hands out salvation sparingly, if at all, and who takes the slightest opportunity to strike down anyone who strays even slightly from the righteous path.

NOTHING could be further from the truth.

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A disturbing trend... · 5:35pm May 20th, 2017