• Member Since 24th May, 2024
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


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Found 1 stories in 8ms

Total Words: 1,039
Estimated Reading: 4 minutes


In the cold, lonely halls of Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia grapples with a millennium of regret and sorrow after the loss of her beloved sister, Luna. As Luna returns, freed from the darkness that once consumed her, Celestia faces her fears and seeks reconciliation. Together, under the tranquil night sky, the sisters confront their shared past and rekindle the bond that time and mistakes had strained.


This is my first ever story. I don't claim to be a good writer, nor do I claim that this story will be a good one, but If you choose to read this, please give me some feedback on how to improve. My target is to learn how to convey the relevant emotions through my writing.

I hope you enjoy

Chapters (1)