• Member Since 4th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2015


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    It's been 6 months now. My life is under my control, no longer a scripted story made real by the power of the Everfree. Unfortunately haunting dreams, a mystery illness, and the arrival of an unusual stranger prove the forest isn't done wit
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Comments ( 5 )
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1548382 Not to mention I appreciate the idea of trying to grasp onto some kind of idea of normality or comfort in uncomfortable/weird situations. Just from personal experience.

1548382 A lot of the HiE stories I read just totally bypass the idea that your average person would have MAJOR issues just even feeling vaguely attracted to a 4-legged creature, despite sentience. I appreciate your main character feeling some turmoil over it and not just deciding YEP IMMA BONE THIS before anyone even knows what is happening.

Oh, snap! I don't usually do this, but many thanks for adding Wilted Flower to your favorites list! Out of curiosity, what did you enjoy about it? I'm trying to get back to writing it, and need all the motivation I can get.

Thanks for the fave of 'Full Bloom'. I appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO :pinkiecrazy:

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