• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2015


A French, cheese-eating alphaphala male in charge of writing stories. Don't troll because of allergies to BULLSHIT.

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  • 491 weeks
    I don't get it.

    How can anyone sound of mind do something like this?

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    32 comments · 1,470 views
  • 500 weeks
    All of my rage

    The other day I was walking through the industrial zone in Blanquefort, near Bordeaux (Where I live) and I saw... an abandonned Jaguar XJS.

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  • 504 weeks
    Ah, IGN

    So IGN gave Alien: Isolation a 5.9/10

    What the fuck.

    That'll be all.


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  • 506 weeks
    New chapter

    'bout time, huh?

    I know, I know. I'm a lazy butt.

    Anyway, it's out, so go check it out I guess.

    Oh, and also, look at this! moar fanart!

    And as always, music

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  • 508 weeks

    Okay so I'm not dead and my stories aren't either. I get so many comments asking me "y u no update" "is it ded" "update when"...
    I'm over 5 thousand words into chapter 3 (nearly finished) and I have begun writing chapter 4 already. Calm your tits people.

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I don't get it. · 6:00pm Jan 8th, 2015

How can anyone sound of mind do something like this?

Wars I can understand, clashing for ideologies/resources/freedom on such a scale is something that well, not "justifies" violence, but I see the point. It's a worthy goal achieve and being prepared to resort to violence is something I understand. The end goal is worth it, in the combatants' minds. Some even find honor in war and combat against a worthy opponent -though this is quite an old-fashioned POV. I won't dabble on that, everyone has their own opinion.

But gunning down unarmed civilians in the middle of a major population center? What is this about? Resisting about the oppression from the white man? Sending a message? Even then, it's completely opposed to the ideals of peace and acceptance Islam is supposed to be about.

Anyone capable of doing something like this has to be able to justify it, has to be absolutely sure that what they're doing is the right thing; they're fanatics. And it saddens me to see such misguided individuals. They're at such a point that rational discussion and argumentation would be lost on them. What's left, execution? Make an example out of them once/if they are captured?

At this point I let out an actual sigh, part out of sadness and part of disgust, and I'm left with only one question.


Why killing innocent people? Why further tarnish the reputation of your people?

I don't get it. I know that because of our predator/prey duality, us humans are prone to violence, but we are also social creatures, we need one another to thrive. As such, complex, century-spanning cultures are created and cohabit with more or less success. And then there's someone who demolishes everything.


Report RoadRunneR · 1,470 views ·
Comments ( 32 )

Because people are scum. Simple as that.

For those who don't know, I'm talking about what happened in Paris and also what happened in Pakistan in December.

I think it's is to rile up nationalists in the case of France so that non-radicals could be easily radicalized. Like the grenades being thrown a mosque.

That's just my opinion though. I have no idea if that was the whole point.

I don't understand either my friend.

2709085 Yay for misanthropic overreaching generalizations.

"We are a religion of Peace"

I actually questioned myself on exactly the same thing when I heard the (france) thing happened. How can you ever justify doing something like this? Whatever your ideology, religious standpoint or anything like that is, how can you justify killing innocents? An attack against a military base, even if I did not agree with it, I could understand. But why kill innocent people? Do you think this will get sympathy for your cause? Inexusable. I will ask you to pardon my language, but the type of person who does something like this is nothing more then a cowardly, brainwashed, fanatical distusting fucking cunt.


Was blocked in la défense due to report of seeing a gunman wandering Puteaux/Nanterre ;) Everything is calm now.

Careful about what you type.
You don't know me.

Yay for misanthropy :ajbemused:

Conspiracy theory, eh?

That's what I think too. Anyone not sharing their beliefs/origins is less than human. Therefore, extermination is the solution. I agree with the death sentence though. Sometimes, an example has to be made.

I wouldn't mind seeing more boots patrolling around, to be honest.


There have always been two military patrols at the Defense.

egooo #11 · Jan 8th, 2015 · · 2 ·

Ahem... firstly, i am terribly sorry for my awful english... and now to the point.
I'm not going to defend crazyed fanatics, but from viewpoint of some people, while their actions are nowhere close to being justified, have been caused more-or-less rightfully. For being a little more precise, (and I cant actualy say, that this is absolute truth, I do not have acess to oher countries news networks now, due to some reasons...) like russian news network says about it, some time ago that newspaper made a cricature to islam prophet. That is quite a bad thing considered from religion believers viewpoint. And add it to the fact that in islam drawing their religious figures is strictly denied... well, that was double-insult.
And also, I would like to point again, that I am not defending this pèople. I am compleatly agreed with Roadrunner, and I am against such thing that happened with all the fibres of my soul, but... the people who have done it, have seen it as righteous act to "protect" their beliefs, to "defend" islam... I see no point in continuing talks about that people, they are just a fanatics, maybe trained and geared - but still fanatics. All the religions have them at some point, just christian inquisitions and crusaders have gone as history.... and islamists are not. Sigh. Sometimes I just cant understand, how believing in some (stupid) high-standing-entity can lead to such outcomes...
sorry for that bit of grafomania and awful english, just wanted to let some of tmy thoughts out... and probably I expressed some of my thoughts not exactly right... I do not know how to end this speech, "I should go".

2709327 A lil bit. Like i said though, i am most likely wrong.

I remember the caricature case. Quite the polemic at the time.

2709327 A pessimist and proud of it. Expecting any better is only going to bring disappointment, so why bother?

I'm an optimist.
"Expect the best, brace for the worst"

Life's worth living and exploring. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

2709379 Expect the worst. Hope for the best.

2709327 No matter what you believe or how strongly you believe it, that is never an excuse to take it out on unarmed innocent civilians. Sorry if I seem stiff on this subject, but the fact that the innocent always have to die because of stuff like this pisses me off. There is no reason for it. You can debate on faith, political views and stuff like that but none of it excuses civilian deaths. I don't even know how to finish this post, I am that fucking angry,

2709379 Then honestly, you are part of the problem…If life is shit then its only that way because people like you expect it to be shit. At least when I masturbate I don't wind up feeling worse then when I started... and I don't think my self so much better than other people simply for doing it, because that's all pessimism is, a self fulfilling prophecy and form of mental masturbation for people who get a high for feeling oh so much more insightful than the 'poor little sheep who just cant see the truth like they can'.

2709536 It should be added, for obvious reasons, as there is some religious debate on this topic at the moment: if I meet a Muslim, and he/she is a dick, I hate them because they are a dick, not because they are muslim. No ideoligical or religious group are immune to people being fundameltalist dicks. Think for a minute, do not hate needlessly.

2709478 Well, being a pessimist means that if I'm right, well, I'm right, and shit's fucked. If I'm wrong, then it is a pleasant surprise or something like that, given I feel like it wouldn't be a wasted effort to shrug off my apathy.

:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: This muslim guy is fucking watching you :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Sometime there is these asshole religious people used their own religion to further their own goals/greeds/etc. They used less educated people for their own goals and these people think that they will go to heaven if they do that deed.
There is a term for these kind of people in Islam. 'Munafik'
People who said they are muslim, act like muslim but in their heart is not muslim. These are what you said, enemy within.


It was meant ironically, I'm an agnostic.

You mean sarcastically.


Not native English, so sometimes I make mistakes.


Also, while I respect others choice to follow a religion, I find no reason to find Islam not offensive.
For fuck's sake they praise a child-rapist as their prophet.
And most of the world doesn't give a fuck...

All my rage & Confusion...


I don't know what to say, except that France will have the US' support in whatever it decides to do, whatever consolation that may be.

Just as the Bible tells to kill whoever cheats, have sex with the same sex, or even for the sole purpose of pleasure. All the while it is perfectly acceptable to marry your underage daughter to the man who raped her against a financial compensation.

Religion, woohoo! Personally, I don't see the point. I won't annoy whoever chooses to believe in any religion though.

So your stories are dead because now your blathering about political bullshit?

What a waste of a good writer.

Good thing you roadrunner are a part of mlp, seems like the dark mood you are in needs the most heartwarming stories, have you checked Harry Potter and the ship girls, you need heartwarming right now.

Generally i believe most horrible things people can be explained by the fact we have brains designed for the cave man life, mordern life is a ddos style attack that throws more data at our brains than it can sort though allowing it to break down in epic way like qaon or flat earthers and our tribal instinct manipulate us into doing things we would not do otherwise.

Prehaps one day science would invent a genetic modification that makes one more aware of how emotions effect there logic and increase one power to process data. Than bigotry will go away as people are beyond the fallency involved.

Try reading the book factfulness which points out the many ways the world is better than we think, and how generally the world is making up words progress.

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