• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
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More Blog Posts77

  • 149 weeks
    Been a while...

    Hi folks. How are you doing? Been a while. I like to imagine in the great solar system that if FimFic I'm some trans-Neptunian object that only occasionally comes into view intermittently before wandering out to the cold antipodes of space to which I belong. Personally life has been the same. Some original writing. Glacial progress on Homelands, but its not dead. I'm going to be at EFNW in

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    72 comments · 3,487 views
  • 214 weeks
    Feeling better. Also, an interview.

    So my temperature is almost back to normal and I feel a lot better. Hopefully in a month or two I can get an antibody test and find out if that was C19 or just flu. Anyway, either way, doing better.

    I'm also going to be doing an interview for the midair pony faire on twitch. It'll be on Horizons, Homelands, and Worldbuilding in general.

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  • 215 weeks
    C19, cons, and other stuff.

    So 2020 sucks. It just sucks. I'm sick with something and waiting on a C19 test. Hopefully it's just a flu or some junk.
    But there is something good happening on the 25th. Ponyfest Online is a discord con and I'm going to be holding an hour long discussion on character creation, evolution and development.


    and the website is

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  • 238 weeks
    Ministry of Image Fallout Equestria print finished.

    Coming in at a whopping 9 books is all of Horizons. You can read it... prop up a leg of your bed... kill a caribou with it... Paper the walls of your house... have a yearly supply of toilet paper... the list goes on and on.


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  • 253 weeks
    Bronycon meet up

    If you'd like to meet me at bronycon or get something signed I'll be holding court in quills and sofas (310) from 4:00 to 5:30 on Saturday. Look forward to meeting awesome people tomorrow.


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Long trip home and thanks to Horizon as well. · 4:02pm Jul 12th, 2016

I made it home, safe and- well, safe at least. Massive wad of con crud in my head and chest that I'll have to get over. But I will. Yesterday was right out of the ending of MASH, where we started as a band of friends and then slowly dwindled down into smaller and smaller groups. We woke up, had breakfast (Insert Saturday Morning Cafe plug here), and then started to split up. I had to say goodbye to WandererD and everyone else, tried my hardest not to cry, failed, and then had to make my way to the train with one other friend. Then he went his way to the train station and I went mine to the airport.

Still, I met two other bronies and we talked about the con and writing our stories and the like. And it was nice, like the con wasn't quite over. Of course I was blowing my nose every five minutes, and over four hours that's a lot of snotrags. Still, I watched his stuff when he went to buy food, and they watched mine when I went for more snotrags. And we were joined by Horizon, who I actually met flying out of Reno to go to Bronycon.

When we got on the first plane, I was sick, coughing, hacking, and everything you don't want to sit next to on a flight. A woman said with great alarm that she was immune compromised and she couldn't be near me, ignoring the others coughing elsewhere in the plane. The look in the fight attendant's eye suggested that bumping me from the flight would be the easiest solution. Then Horizon pulled out a blue bandanna for me to cover my face with, and the other two in the row let me sit against the window, away from the woman. This mollified her enough that she dropped her objection.

The first let of the flight went well. I read a book,coughed into the window, and tried not to touch anything. Then we started to descend into Phoenix. The pressure change started and I learned an important fact: Pressure change is torture when your ears won't pop. By the time we landed, I could barely walk. The world was lunging and twisting as we tried to make our way to the far side of the airport where our connecting flight was loading in twenty minutes. Thankfully, Horizons was there again. He gave me some gum, got me to the gate, and bought me something to eat. I confess that without him, I probably wouldn't have made my flight.

Thankfully, with gum, the second leg of the flight went smoother. My ears popped as we landed at Reno and we were able to get our baggage. He was Gandalf to my Bilbo. Then he went his way, I went mine. And that was that.

The show says that Friendship is Magic with bright flashing lights and rainbows, but yesterday and this weekend showed me just how much Friendship is magic. Not the kind that transforms people, but who just make life easier and better. So I'll always be extremely grateful to everyone that I met. WandererD, Ferret, and Horizon among the first and foremost.

Now to get over the con crud and get back to writing.

Comments ( 18 )

Glad you had a safe trip even if it was moderately uncomfortable!

Pressure change is torture when your ears won't pop.

I flew down to Oregon to see family last year. I was just getting over a cold, and the pressure in my inner ear wouldn't equalize when I got off the plane. Oh god, the pain. It took hours to finally go away.

Author Interviewer

horizon: Savior of the Universe

Eesh, sounds painful. At least you survived!

Jet lag and not having your ears pop is not fun. I'd hate to have being sick thrown into the mix as well.

4086523 True facts, can confirm.

Yeah, but he never throws them out, he just stacks them up in his garage.

I was trying to make a hoarding joke. :pinkiesad2:

After all, if you save universes all the time, where do you keep them?

Only Somber can make a meaningful and angst filled tale about a MLP con :rainbowlaugh:

I swear I got as much out of this tale of self-discovery and brief romance as I have reading some of the stories here on Fimfiction!

But seriously, glad you made it out alive. I hope you get along better in the future. I mean this as nicely as I can say it, make some friends where you live! Just enjoying someone else's company can make a difference. Good luck :heart:

Ah, glad you got back okay...ish, Somber. Get well soon!

A woman said with great alarm that she was immune compromised and she couldn't be near me, ignoring the others coughing elsewhere in the plane.

You're immune compromised. And you're on a plane.

Lady, I can't pretend to know your life, but I think you need a reality check.:facehoof:

You were super chill — it was great to meet you and hang out with you even though I have to shamefully admit I haven't read any of your stuff before — and I'm glad I was able to make your awful sick travel day a little less horrible. I'm still super amused by the fact that we got a bonus Horizon(s)Con on both ends of the big one.

4086523 4086732
D'aww, you guys. :twilightblush:

True facts, can confirm

Hey, I was the guy at the con with the Velvet plushie. Idk if you remember me. You signed my Blackjack print on her butt saying "Somber was here" XD Just wanted to say thanks again and it was great meeting you! If you come back next year I'd love to have a longer chat with you :D

Hi Somber! When is Project Horizons going to be finished?

Project Horizons is so awesome! What inspired you?

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