• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen February 23rd

Feather Note

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have." ~ Margaret Mead

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  • 173 weeks

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  • 204 weeks
    FIMFiction Review #9

    Hello everybody! I'm back and with a review of a story that was hilarious in its execution, even for an old story by this author. So, without further adieu, we shall jump straight into it!

    Long Story Short, Things Went Down

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  • 204 weeks
    July 1st 2020 - Update

    Well, well, well. Here I am! Sorry about the gap in blog posts (again). Been on more of a mental self-care. What with the world basically crumbling around us day by day. So you know, that's been what is keeping me so busy. That and trying to find a job, too. The good news is... my mental health has finally stabilized (for now). Found out what was causing my issues which was just one big well of

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  • 218 weeks
    The True Nightmare ~ Replication - Repost

    As promised I have set Replication for a repost. Auto-approval this time so it doesn't take all day. But regardless, I know I haven't made it much further than the previous chapter length, but, oddly enough, reposting it again has... oddly peaked a small little fire once more. Honestly I feel like I could return to this story very soon. And that's not just to sound like I'm puffing air out my

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  • 219 weeks
    The Long Awaited Update + Info on the Current Situation

    So! Just as I was feeling up to put up a blog, it seems like the world decided to lose its collective shit at the last possible moment. But as for how I'm doing? This'll be a short blog but I'll get the writing stuff out of the way before the important stuff.

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The True Nightmare: Replication (Prologue) · 3:24pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Oopsie! Did I forget to post that prologue on Saturday? Sorry about that, folks. Got distracted since I finally got a job. But don't worry! I promise you that I didn't totally forget it. I hope you enjoy what I will show of you the fourth story's prologue. (And for context it is the first scene and just a look at a past event). Hope you have fun!

The True Nightmare: Replication ~ Prologue - Scene I

Quiet. Nothing could be as unsettling as the utter silence pervading the air throughout the large crystal room. The room was decorated with royal finery: a king-sized bed, the curtains of the bed matched the hue of the room’s purple crystal walls. Pictures hung on a few of the surrounding walls. From outside of the window the sun’s light shone through, lighting a third of the marble floor. But the other curtains hung in front of the last few windows, blocking the other bits of luminescence.

A broken-hearted hiccup shattered the still air like the shattering of fine china on the castle’s crystal floor; it was an unfamiliar sound within the royal suite, where before the sound of laughter, coos of adoration and murmured compliments had once radiated from the royal chamber. On the floor was Cadance, her left foreleg held against her eyes.

Tears stained the fur beneath her eyes. Rubbing her eyes again, she lowered her foreleg and opened them halfway. She did not wail or scream her grief as some ponies were prone to do, which seemed to make her grief all the more pronounced. The sight of her castle’s maid staff moving throughout her suite so soon after her husband’s death felt disrespectful. Cadance was not given privacy to grieve the loss of her beloved without somepony invading her suite. Her grief, anger, and frustration discouraged others from entering her darkened abode.

Each breath turned into a body-wracking sob. Looking down to her stomach, she slowly glanced over the bulge protruding from her. Her unborn baby—the last connection to her husband. The thought only drew even more grief-stricken sobs from her.

Cadance swallowed thickly, noticing the dry sensation in her mouth. It was as though somepony had used cotton swabs to absorb any moisture in her mouth. The air reeked, as Cadance had become uncaring about petty concerns such as regular bathing or brushing her teeth twice a day. She could barely recall the hours she had spent in isolation. Time ceased to have any meaning to her; sometimes Cadance could be found asking her servants if she was dreaming a horrid nightmare and she would wake up with her Shining Armor sleeping peacefully next to her.

No other ponies, aside from a few trusted servants were allowed to see her like this. She did not dare to subject her ponies to her unkempt, disheveled, gorgon-like appearance. Her malady was an ailment that none of her subjects could fix—wounds that could not be healed by outside help. She glanced down to the papers scattered throughout the room. She could read some of them—hoof-written by herself, though only some of it legible.

Yet she dared to further contemplate the suicidal thoughts which plagued her waking mind and haunted her dreams. Her sobs of sorrow and grief changed into choked gasps as she glared at her fetlock in self-revulsion, hating herself for even thinking about committing such a cruel and selfish action. Her body continued spasming even more as her sobbing intensified, and she then buried her eyes into her foreleg again to blind herself from this horror.

Even considering the thoughts that brought her to this state made those hateful feelings towards her own bodily existence that much stronger. But she had to work through it. She had to. For the soul resting inside her womb. Such an act would deny her unborn foal the right to live.

She wanted to see him again, even if it was only as a ghostly apparition, so that she might ask him for forgiveness for having even entertained such a cruel and selfish act as suicide and be reassured that he still loved her despite her succumbing to this moment of weakness. She had a feeling that she was going to have to fight against the thoughts of suicide for awhile. Nopony else should ever have had to feel what she was bearing. A gloomy attitude that plagued her thoughts. Wounds that were still fresh only two weeks after Shining’s death. Despite being intensely grief-stricken, she was not yet without any hope.

Her ears flicked upwards, and she removed her forelegs from over her eyes. Blearily she opened them and rested her gaze on the door to her room. The sound of many galloping hooves came quick and purposeful from far down the hallway. Behind the door she could hear a quiet commotion of voices, her guards communing with two mares whom she had summoned immediately for the danger that she had put herself in. Cadance, however, was afraid to face her aunts. They knew that she had been thinking about suicide. All thanks to the letter of desperation she had sent them. A shudder went through her body as though the room’s temperature had dropped to the chill of a morgue. How would they react to this? And what was the consequence in store for her?

A stream of light shattered the darkness around Cadance. Growing brighter with each second. She raised a hoof to shield her eyes. When the light faded just a little, she lowered her hoof. Yet the tears only flowed anew under the concerned gazes of her aunts, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The door closed behind them in Celestia’s light gold aura and left the three in an uneasy stillness.

“Cadance?” Celestia murmured as her ears folded back; Luna was also sharing that same worried expression.

It was hard to bear. Cadance felt that overwhelming torrent come back over her again. “A-aunties … I-I’m s-so sorry …”

Celestia was the first to act, rushing over to Cadance’s side. Cadance flinched, but Celestia pulled her closer. Resting up against her chest, she instinctively leaned her muzzle against the welcomed warmth. Its peace only lasted for a brief moment before she was wracked with another fit of sobs.

Luna followed Celestia’s example and came closer, approaching Cadance’s hooves before kneeling close by her rounded stomach. “You worried us both.”

“Why would you say such hurtful things about yourself?” Celestia nuzzled Cadance’s muzzle, eliciting more pained cries. Like a mother to a foal, Celestia gently hushed Cadance, the best she could do for the mare in distress. “In that letter you wrote to us. You talked about yourself as if your life was meaningless. Why…?”

“I’m so sorry … I-I can’t ex-excuse myself from what I-I’ve said.” Cadance hiccuped as she finished her sentence. She pressed the top of her head against Celestia’s chest and feeling Celestia rub her chin over Cadance’s neck while Celestia’s forelegs went over Cadance’s shoulders, with Celestia holding her niece in a tight embrace. “I just miss him so much … everything’s been so difficult without him. R-running this empire … . It’s so h-hard w-without any help.” She could feel her body compress, throat tightening and chest aching. “Shining … he’s dead and it’s a-all my fault!”

Celestia and Luna could only do their best in calming down Cadance. She felt Celestia’s hoof run through her mane, the tingling sensations sparking some warmth. But it barely released any of her pain. “There is no need for that now.” Luna nuzzled Cadance’s left shoulder. “It does hurt to lose those you care about.” Cadance thought she saw a spark between the two, knowing all too well of their own battle all those years ago—a flash of regret from the two towards each other that lasted for a second.

Cadance held Luna’s gaze, watching as she followed where Luna’s attention was focused. She trailed it until she saw her own rounded stomach. It threw Cadance into another fit of shakes, triggering a sensation from Celestia. Looking up, she could see Celestia fidgeting as well, a similar pain in her eyes. “I know well about the pain of losing somepony you love so dearly.” Even Celestia’s tone, as Cadance listened, had undertones of grief and anger to it. A mother scolding her filly, pained that her niece would even consider committing such a heinous act such as suicide.  “When Luna was banished to the moon. I was overcome with grief. I even considered hurting myself. All because I felt like she would never forgive me for what I did.”

Celestia took a quick breath. “Please… rethink your actions. It would pain us both if we lost you and your unborn foal.”

“But… have you ever lost a pony that meant more to you than somepony like your sister?” Cadance dared to argue with her aunties. But it seemed that they barely understood her pain. She looked to Celestia and narrowed her eyes. “After five hundred years… I’ve never seen you commit to a single relationship.” The surprise on Celestia’s muzzle was all too real. Yet she continued—anger driving her words. “You’ve never lost a husband before. You can’t know how I’m feeling right now! Both of you!”

There seemed to have been some shock on her aunties’ gazes. But it seemed to subside quickly. “Yes … we’ve never had a strong relationship like that.” Celestia glanced to her sister. A single tear trickled down her muzzle. “But … when I lost my sister for those thousand years, I never felt so alone.”

“B-but she came back …” Cadance pointed out. “You get your happy ending … . Where’s my happy ever after? Where’s my miracle? I love him so much that it really hurts!” Wracked in another fit of sobs, she lost the words to continue.

The embrace Celestia gave Cadance only tightened. “You’re hurting … I know.” Even her voice began to crack. That solid barrier finally falling apart as Celestia too gave into her emotions. “It is unfair that Shining Armor was taken away from you. But don’t let your grief blind you. It’ll only lead to more pain. Try and remember the good times you had with him. Celebrate and remember the life you had together, the time you spent together. Tell your foal what his or her daddy was like, the values he cherished. The honor and chivalry he embodied and his strong desire to protect others.” Even as Cadance continued to cry, she listened to every word. “It really is up to you. We can’t be the heroes you deserve. But you can … you can save yourself and your unborn foal.”

Cadance’s eyes lowered halfway, tears ceaselessly pouring out. There was no denying what Celestia and Luna were trying to say. Cadance could only nod before her body shivered in that same overwhelming grief. Ashamed could not even begin to describe what she felt. “I-I’m so-s-sorry … I didn’t mean to h-h-hurt you …” Celestia only shushed her again, tightening her grip around Cadance’s shoulders.

“I know … I know.” Tears finally ran down Celestia’s muzzle. Luna added her own embrace to Cadance, twin streams of tears flowing from her eyes. Despite the soul-crushing grief she was experiencing, Cadance took solace from somepony caring enough about her during her time of grief to help support her and encourage and comfort her. That there was still somepony who cared about whether she lived or died, that her life mattered to somepony.

Her aunts had come to her rescue. Even as selfish as it felt, Cadance could feel a tiny piece of comfort course through her. However, her comfort was much diminished and tempered by her far more intense feeling of grief. Her grief provided a new perspective on comfort, and she examined this feeling of comfort as though encountering something strange and new for the first time—a comfort which had almost been lost to the dark claws of grief and sorrow which now seemed to inhabit this world.  And with the help of her family, she would fight against her suicidal thoughts, so that she might not add sorrow upon sorrow, or rob her unborn foal of its chance at life.

Comments ( 5 )

Well written and deep emotions. Very good start.

Will the crystal princess shine again, or will she darken? I guess we’ll know in one of these chapters.

Will this be longer because this is awesome and i would love more

Yep. You'll just have to wait. :trollestia:


Yes it will and shall be longer. I'd just like to get the first act at least almost written out, which then I'll proceed to flood you guys with more chapters. :twilightsmile:

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