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Well, This is a Real Downer · 1:35am Feb 17th, 2019

So, I recently learned thanks to Facebook that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is ending after season 9. Nice to finally have confirmation on this! I have been a die-hard fan of this series since 2012 and while I am quite saddened to see this show end, I would rather it end now than it overstay its welcome and get stale like so many other long-running shows. Lauren Faust and her team at DHX should ALL be immensely proud of themselves for all the good they have done with this show because they've all done something that so many people set out to do but never get to do: change the world and change it for the better. This show has been rsponsoble for so many friendships and preventing so many people from committing suicide thanka to the fact that it lifted them out of their funk and gave them something to look forward to each week. This show will forever hold a special place in my heart and I will always treasure it. I take solace in knowing the fact that I will always be able to return to Equestria and see all of my best friends again whenever I want. I cannot wait to share this great show with my own children, should I have any. Here"s looking forward to a great ninth season and an amazing series finale. I look forward to seeing what's in store for MLP in the near future. I leave you with this short but heartfelt message:


Comments ( 13 )

I think they should've ended it at Season 6 (and had Chrysalis die in that explosion), because Seasons 7 and 8 weren't as fun for me. Except, there was Silverstream.

Anyway, of course I completely agree about shows getting stale. Every good show needs to end on a good note.

And, I really hope this show is remembered. So many shows that have ended have a legacy, and MLP deserves it too for the reasons you said.

I suppose, now that it's 100% confirmed, I will watch and acknowledge the season IF both Sombra and Chrysalis are dead by the end of it. They've gone five seasons without reviving Sombra so I hope they don't start now, and now they know it's ending, they need definite closure to Chrysalis. (Throwing her in Tartarus won't do it, she'll just use her transformation skills to escape, and fans don't want another redemption) I'll even be able to handle episodes being dull, as long as they're not poorly written.

but Its, not the end, they did say this Is only just the beginning, meaning, Either G5 Is real or they're adding more to g4 later, could be either.

5014906 King Sombra is dead and gone, so there's no reason why they would bring him back. As for the story involving Chrysalis, I think it's all over and done with. She's not a legitimate threat anymore. (Not that she was ever one to begin with.)

As for seasons 7 and I, I consider season 7 to be one od the show's best and season 8 was made tolerable thanks to the new characters they introduced. Ultimately, though, Cozy Glow and the school idea in general completely ruined whatever enjoyment was meant to be had by me from this season.

5014921 The film coming out in 2021 will more than likely serve as the pilot for G5 after G4 ends this year. Considering who we got heading the project, I'm really looking forward to it.

All good things must come to an end eventually. The last thing anyone wants is the next Simpsons or Spongebob. Part of having a great show is knowing where and when to stop. The fandom will survive, other fandoms have thrived with far less content, and a fandom as creative as this will continue without the show.

I just hope we get a proper conclusion to it all, and all the loose ends that still exist are wrapped up neatly.

5014970 It's the last season so there's no reason why they wouldn't go out with a big bang, on a high note. As for "loose ends" there really aren't any. Practically every single character has reached their goal or are completely content with where they are in life. The only "loose end" I can think of is Chrysalis, but even then that's pushing it since she's not a legitimate threat to anyone or, hell, even Equestria in general.

5014979 There are still a few loose ends in my book.

They still need to address Scootaloo's family situation, even if it's just including her aunts in the show proper.

The CMC are getting to the point where they should be almost finished with elementary school, so what comes next?

The Cake Twins are starting to get to that age where they might be entering kindergarten.

And there's the issue of Big Mac and Sugar Belle's relationship, not to mention Spike's parents.

Well, though she's no longer a threat NOW, she was in her first two episodes. She would have won in A Canterlot Wedding if not for "Sunshine Sunshine Ladybugs Awake" (she almost got Twilight to kill Cadance!), and if she hadn't overlooked Starlight, she would have won in To Where and Back Again. And after The Mean 6, they confirmed she will return again. She'll probably ally with Cozy Glow and Tirek, or else just come up with another plan that will fail and run away again, ending the series continuing to seek revenge even though she's destined to never get it. I can hope that she gets so enraged at her plan that she loses complete control of her magic and explodes in a burst of green flame (it'd be tame to the Mean 6's deaths), but she's Team Rocket, she'll never die.

As for Sombra, I heard rumors of Grogar reviving him, but I haven't been able to back them up. But Season 9 is the last chance for them to take away one of my favorite moments of the show.

The only reason I acknowledged Season 8 at all was Silverstream and Ocellus, I didn't want to say "they don't exist in my headcanon". While I did just recently do this with Veemon since I felt the bad of Season 2 of Digimon outweighed the good, plus I just discovered a plot hole that destroys the very fabric of the season, I liked Silverstream and Ocellus too much. I do have a few bits I dislike about the concept of the school itself, like how Twilight pretty much pressured her friends into teaching when they already have jobs they now have to balance with teaching, leading them to barely be able to spend any time with each other.


They still need to address Scootaloo's family situation, even if it's just including her aunts in the show proper.

Well, this is the final season, so if there was ever a time for them to do it, now's the time. But it's really a double-edged sword. On one hand, I do want them to do it because it would finally answer the question of the whereabouts of Scootaloo's parents, even if said answer was already officially made in the books. On the other hand, I don't want them to do it as it would be very risky and I don't think thr show has any business tackling social issues like being a part of the LGBTQ+ community.

The CMC are getting to the point where they should be almost finished with elementary school, so what comes next?

I'll be honest. When I first heard about "Marks for Effort" I honest to God thought that the opening scene would be the CMC graduating from Cheerilee's class, similar to the opening to "Rock Solid Friendship." Then they would go to Twilight's school as a means of getting a secondary education. Really, this episode could have been great had it not been for Twilight and Cozy Glow.

And there's the issue of Big Mac and Sugar Belle's relationship

I honestly don't think anyone cares about that, and i really don't see what all else you could do with that with so-called "storyline". It really doesn't lend itself to a whole lot of story potential, which is a good thing as that shouldn't be the focus of the series. The initial focus of the series has always been friendship and it should stay that way. Who knows? Maybe in G5 we'll get more relationship-centered stories and issues.

not to mention Spike's parents

Considering rhe fact that they've had multiple opportunities to discuss this topic in the past (let's not even bring up what a huge letdown "Father Knows Beast" was) I've given up any hope of them ever addressing this subject in the actual show itself. Besides which, I personally love the idea of Twilight serving as Spike's mother, which is just about the only thing I liked about "Father Knows Beast", apart from the opening.


Well, though she's no longer a threat NOW, she was in her first two episodes.

:rainbowlaugh: No, she wasn't. Chrysalis did everything imaginable to ensure her own demise thanks to her own stupidity.

She would have won in A Canterlot Wedding if not for "Sunshine Sunshine Ladybugs Awake" (she almost got Twilight to kill Cadance!)

What? :rainbowhuh: Chrysalis clearly wasn't counting on Twilight to find the real Cadence, much less for said real Cadence to initiate their secret handshake. And again, Chrysalis would have won had it not been for her acting so stupid. It's the writers deliberately handed her the Villain Ball just to ensure that she would be defeated by the end of the finale, which required Chrysalis to be as stupid as humanly possible in order to work.

and if she hadn't overlooked Starlight, she would have won in To Where and Back Again.

Chrysalis didn't overlook Starlight. She was completely unaware of the fact that Twilight had taken a pupil under her wing. Chrysalis isn't like Starlight, who kept tabs on Twilight throughout the entirety of the fifth season. Chrysalis wss only content with getting rid of everypony who stood a chance of getting in her way. She wasn't counting on a ragtag group of riffraff former villain misfits teaming up to stop her. And even then she was prepared for any kind of magical strike made against her thanks primarily to her throne/hive.

And after The Mean 6, they confirmed she will return again.

I hope to God not, especially after how she was portrayed in "The Mean Six", which I now consider to be the most boring and overall pointless episode of the entire series. I hate this villain with a passion. The only villain I hate more than her is Cozy Glow. Then again, I'm used to Chrysalis being portrayed as an imbecile, so her portrayal in "The Mean Six" wasn't anything I wasn't expecting.

She'll probably ally with Cozy Glow and Tirek, or else just come up with another plan that will fail and run away again, ending the series continuing to seek revenge even though she's destined to never get it. I can hope that she gets so enraged at her plan that she loses complete control of her magic and explodes in a burst of green flame (it'd be tame to the Mean 6's deaths), but she's Team Rocket, she'll never die.

This is highly unlikely to happen for several reasons. First and foremost, both Tirek and Cozy Glow are stuck in Tartarus with no means of escaping, thank God. Secondly, Chrysalis is still extremely weak at this point, so she has no means of entering or exiting Tartarus. Third, she has no way of knowing who Tirek or Cozy Glow are given that she's been presumably wandering the outskirts of Equestria for Celestia knows how long, at least since fhe finale to season two, and that was a good seven years ago. (My God, has it really been that long?! :pinkiegasp:)

There's also the fact that the writers already have their villain planned out for season 9: Grogar. Why on Earth would they bother once again bringing back an old villain from seven seasons ago, only to once again do the same song snd dance that they've done twice already? You can't keep bringing back an old villain only to shove her into the background again every time the heroes have to stop what they're doing to take care of her. That gets extremely old very quickly. And considering the fact that the ending to "The Mean Six" was heavily edited in the aired version as opposed to the leaked version, it's highly unlikely that they would be able to get away with showing a major villain exploding onscreen.

I do have a few bits I dislike about the concept of the school itself, like how Twilight pretty much pressured her friends into teaching when they already have jobs they now have to balance with teaching, leading them to barely be able to spend any time with each other.

While that was also my major problem with the premise behind season 8, Twilight never pressured her friends into being teachers. They all seemed eager to do it. Besides which, many people, myself included, have been clamoring to see the Mane Six serving as teachers for years, passing on their knowledge of friendship to others, and what better way to do that than opening up a school of friendship?

It would be cool if they ended it at Season 10. Just my opinion.

Wonder what's gonna happen in episode 200. If it gonna be another episode with a wedding in it (this time Big Mac and Sugar Belle's) then I'm gonna be sick. :pinkiesick: There are still some unfinished arcs, like Scootaloo's unability to fly (unless it was confirmed that she's a cripple). :unsuresweetie: Plus, I hope more background characters will get a speaking role.

As for the villains, I'm pretty sure Chrysalis will be back. Come on, they have to end her arc somehow. I'm expecting a villain team up at the end. Hope to see Tirek and especially Cozy Glow. She's just the cutest evil loli. :yay: I'm excited for Grogar. I don't care if he's from other generation. I like his design. I just hope they won't drastically change it, like they did with Tirek. And! I hope they won't get reformed. That would suck so bad.

Seasons 5 & 8 were the weakest seasons, imo. Especially Season 8, which I sometimes call ''The Waste of Time'', because I really didn't like the The School of Friendship concept and non-pony characters in it (MLP should be mostly focused on ponies, after all).

5015322 Well, it wasn't an outright confirmation but "The Washouts" did seem to more or less cement that Scootaloo can't fly. I still think they have ways of getting around that if they really want to though.

5015136 Not really sure it's promoting an agenda to have one gay couple at the very end after having several straight couples. They wouldn't even need to be obvious about it, they could just include the aunts and only the fandom would really know of their relationship.


Secondly, Chrysalis is still extremely weak at this point, so she has no means of entering or exiting Tartarus.

I don't doubt she's really weak, but she still had the power to transform. She could always turn into Celestia and enter Tartarus to break them out. I actually wrote a fanfic on this in case Season 9 disappoints.

Also it's implied Cozy Glow intended to get sent to Tartarus all along, or at least has a backup plan to escape. Remember she was also able to send letters to Tirek and receive them from him somehow. Maybe she tracked down Chrysalis as well.

Also, they said Grogar escapes from Tartarus. How does he escape? He probably works together with Cozy Glow and Tirek to escape, and I can think of no way they can do that without outside help.

And considering the fact that the ending to "The Mean Six" was heavily edited in the aired version as opposed to the leaked version, it's highly unlikely that they would be able to get away with showing a major villain exploding onscreen.

While their deaths were toned down to look less gruesome, they still shriveled up, which they wouldn't show with the Dazzlings (No Immortal Inertia), and they also showed the Storm King getting smashed to pieces, with an extended shot of the top half of the Storm King's head. Plus Sombra kinda exploded as well. They could just show her glow green, then a burst of flame appearing around her, then ash. It'd be more family-friendly than the Mean 6 or the Storm King's deaths. (Seriously, all the deaths in Sailor Moon Crystal are more family-friendly than both death scenes I just mentioned, even Queen Beryl's, and Chrysalis looks creepy enough they could get away with her being stabbed, whereas the Mean 6 looked like the Mane 6)

She'll probably just become a disposable minion, figuring it's the best way to get her revenge.


It would be cool if they ended it at Season 10. Just my opinion.

Same here. I would rather them end on season 10 than season 9 since 10 is a nice even number. I hate odd numbers. But I could see why Hasbro is wanting to end it now.

Wonder what's gonna happen in episode 200. If it gonna be another episode with a wedding in it (this time Big Mac and Sugar Belle's) then I'm gonna be sick. :pinkiesick:

I'm actually scared of what they're going to do for the 200th episode. Considering that most of these writers have no experience writing for an animated show and their background lies mainly in live-action shows, I have an uneasy feeling that they're going to manage to fuck it up. I highly doubtful that the eoisodes itself would be another wedding, though given that this show loves repeating past episodes, ot wouldn't surprise me if that's what they did at this point. Even if it was a wedding, there's no chance in hell that it would be between Big Mac and Sugar Belle, as they haven't known each other even a year; they've only been together for a few months, and I imagine that them getting married in the official series would do nothing but piss people off. And if they do end up doing a wedding, I would prefer it being between either Rarity and Spike or Trixie and Starlight.

There are still some unfinished arcs, like Scootaloo's unability to fly (unless it was confirmed that she's a cripple). :unsuresweetie:

I'm more interested in what her home life is like, as at this point I have accepted the fact that she's physically disabled given all of the hints that we've had throughout the series. Like SuperPinkBrony12, I'd really like it if they introduced her aunts in the official show, and I'd prefer if the episode centered around them be written by GM Berrow.

Plus, I hope more background characters will get a speaking role.

As much as we all would love to hear Jessi Nowack's voice on the official show, this isn't likely to happen.

As for the villains, I'm pretty sure Chrysalis will be back. Come on, they have to end her arc somehow.

What story arc are you talking about? She never had much of one to begin with.

I'm expecting a villain team up at the end.

Who on Earth would she team up with? There's no one for her to team up with. All of the major villains have either been killed or reformed at this point.

Hope to see Tirek and especially Cozy Glow. She's just the cutest evil loli. :yay:

I don't! :flutterrage: I despise Cozy Glow with a passion. I feel like she is the absolute worst background character/villain this show has ever had. The only reason her plan worked at all isn't because of careful planning or because she was clever and managed to outwit and outsmart the other cgaracters:; her plan only worked because the script required all of the main characters, including Celestia and Luna themselves, to be as stupid as possible.

I'm excited for Grogar. I don't care if he's from other generation. I like his design. I just hope they won't drastically change it, like they did with Tirek.

They really didn't change Tirek's design much at all in the G4 reincarnation of him, at least not to the extent of some of the designs that I've seen for the Mane Six in G5. What they did change, which really piissed me off was his personality and motive. In the original he was a very intimidating presence. His motives were evil. I mean, this is a guy who had a pony's heart beating in a bag on his throne. In the G4 reboot, he's just your generic, stereotypical bad guy who wnated power, but unlike Cozy Glow who also wanted the same thing, he was a legitimate threat.

And! I hope they won't get reformed. That would suck so bad.

At this point it wouldn't surprise me at all if they did that. I hope to God they don't end up doing that as it would do nothing but not only piss people off, bit it would end the series on a sour note, which would be equally as bad.

Seasons 5 & 8 were the weakest seasons, imo. Especially Season 8, which I sometimes call ''The Waste of Time'’

Aside from season seven. Which I consider to be this show's best season, season five is one od my favorite seasons, but that's not saying much since I absolutely despised seasons 1, 2, 3, and 6, as well as 8. I consider the first three seasons to bw the show's weakest, with season two being the weakest of the bunch with season one not far behind. Out of these three, I consider season three to be the better of the bunch. These seasons are what I personally like to call “a waste of time”, especially season two.

because I really didn't like the The School of Friendship concept

I'll be honest: the first time I heard that Twilight and the pony gang would be opening up a school of friendship as the newest “buy our toys, dammit” concept, I honest to God thought it was a joke. Then when the trailer for season 9 came out, literally my first question was, “With how busy these ponies are, how the hell are they going to find the time to run a school and live their lives?” We're talking about four ponies here, all of whom have their own careers and jobs and businesses that they need to think about. Again, on top of all that, how the hell are they supposed to run a school? They at least took the time to address this in the premiere, but it was waved away as an afterthought. Great job excusing away your own lazy writing there, jsckasses.

and non-pony characters in it

Honestly, aside from Cozy Glow, the new additional characters that the show introduced last year were the only things that made season 8 bearable. This is one of the reasons why I also hated season 8. I feel like I barelt got to know these characters at all throughout this season. I mean, out of 26 episodes, the Student Six were the only central focus for two whole episodes. I hope that changes with season 9.

(MLP should be mostly focused on ponies, after all).[

Except that's not true to the series. The series itself has never only focused on ponies. Yes, the main characters are ponies, but that doesn't mean that the show has to focus exclusively on ponies and exclude other characters in the process. I mean, in the fifth episode of the show, we spent an entire episode focusing on Gilda, a griffon. Likewise, four episodes afterward, in the ninth episode, the entirety of the episode was spent focusing on Zecora, a zebra.


I still think they have ways of getting around that if they really want to though.

Being a disabled person myself. I would much prefer if they kept Scootaloo disabled. Having her fly would just be seen as fanservice more than anything else.

Not really sure it's promoting an agenda to have one gay couple at the very end after having several straight couples.

Given that so many shows these days are embracing it (Steven Universe , The Loud House}, I think thatsy could get away with it easily. And given that it's the last season, why not go for it. Besides, it's not like this show is any stranger to teasing ships. The fact that My Little Pony doesn't exactly have a squeaky clean reputation to maintain, unlike Disney, also helps.

They wouldn't even need to be obvious about it, they could just include the aunts and only the fandom would really know of their relationship.

My point exactly! :twilightsmile:


Also it's implied Cozy Glow intended to get sent to Tartarus all along, or at least has a backup plan to escape.

No, it was quite clear that she intended for the Mane Six to get stuck in Tartarus, implying that there is no means of escape, at least unless you have someone oin the outside helping you..She was taken aback when they showed up at the end, hence why she tried the playful innocent act once again. Not only that, but she threw a tantrum when her “plan” fell through.

Remember she was also able to send letters to Tirek and receive them from him somehow. Maybe she tracked down Chrysalis as well.

Yet another question this shitty finale failed to answer. That was one of my first question upon learning this bit of information and received no answer for it. And I find very to believe that en eight year old would be able to track down someone who is wandering the outksirts of Equestria.

Also, they said Grogar escapes from Tartarus. How does he escape? He probably works together with Cozy Glow and Tirek to escape

All I've heard is that he's in season 9. I've heard nothing of him escaping Tartarus, which is the pony equivalent of both hell and Alcatraz. And I hopebhe doesn't team up with Cozy Glow or Lord Tirek, the former especially as I would prefer if she rots to death in Tartarus. And as for the latter, I doubt they would be able to get Mark Acheson to reprise his role yet again.

and I can think of no way they can do that without outside help.

Which is exactly what I just stated.

and they also showed the Storm King getting smashed to pieces, with an extended shot of the top half of the Storm King's head.

Hence, why the film was given a PG rating. The same thing happened to The Incredibles.

Plus Sombra kinda exploded as well.

Yes, but that was off-screen. Also, hence why he can't come back.

They could just show her glow green, then a burst of flame appearing around her, then ash. It'd be more family-friendly than the Mean 6 or the Storm King's deaths.

But that's not what we've come to expect from this show. The melting Twilight but from “The Msan Six” and the desth of the Storm King were shocking because they made you take a step back and go, “Whoa, I can't believe they got away with that! This is a kids’ show!?” The same can be said for the endings to “A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1” and “Twilight's Kingdom, Part 2.” They shocked people and made them question whether or not this show was really intended for kids. That's why this show is as revered as it is, because it's constantly pushing the boundaries of what it can get away with. Therefore, having Chrysalis just get evaporated in a ball of green fire would be anticlimactic and less than satisfactory. If they are going to bring this character back (and I hope to God they don't), then I want them to go all out.

She'll probably just become a disposable minion, figuring it's the best way to get her revenge.

Except she's tried twice already to get her revenge and both attempts failed miserably. This is why I hate this villain, because she's such an incompetent imbecile that I can't possibly take her seriously as a villain.


Same here. I would rather them end on season 10 than season 9 since 10 is a nice even number. I hate odd numbers.

Yep. I love round numbers too. :rainbowkiss:

But I could see why Hasbro is wanting to end it now.

You could? :rainbowderp: The toys are still selling pretty good.

What story arc are you talking about? She never had much of one to begin with.

I mean, they could somehow make her appear one last time. Seriously, that ending scene from ''The Mean Six'' where we can spot her flying towards the moon would be the LAST time we see her? SERIOUSLY? :rainbowhuh: This whole ''I will have my revengeee!'' she said somehow foreshadows her return in some time, tho.

Who on Earth would she team up with? There's no one for her to team up with. All of the major villains have either been killed or reformed at this point.

Well, there are speculations that Sombra will get resurrected by Grogar, Tirek and Cozy Glow will somehow manage to escape, they will bump into Chrysalis at some point and they will team up. :rainbowwild:

Tho, I'm actually kinda neutral about this team up. I actually like the idea of the villains not knowing each other and speculating what would happen if they collided to each other, because each of these villains is worse than another and they have different goals.

I despise Cozy Glow with a passion.

I find her adorable personally. :twilightsheepish:

her plan only worked because the script required all of the main characters, including Celestia and Luna themselves, to be as stupid as possible.

I think the most stupid thing about this finale was the fact that the sun was able to set by itself despite the fact that only Celestia can control it. But that's how the episode was written. I think the writers forgot about that part or had no idea how to handle it, so they decided to go easy way. In-universe explanation and my own headcanon: Celestia casted a spell to set the sun automatically because she's too lazy to set it by herself. If she didn't, the magic wouldn't have disappeared within three days because Celestia could control the sun and stop it from moving, at the same time blocking the day-night cycle (of course if we rule out the 24-hour cycle and instead of this the next day in Equestria begins once the first rays of the sun appears above the horizon)... Fuck, I sounded like an egghead here. :facehoof:

I absolutely despised seasons 1, 2, 3, and 6, as well as 8. I consider the first three seasons to bw the show's weakest, with season two being the weakest of the bunch with season one not far behind. Out of these three, I consider season three to be the better of the bunch. These seasons are what I personally like to call “a waste of time”, especially season two.

How can you call Seasons 1, 2, 3... ESPECIALLY 1st season as a waste of time? :rainbowlaugh: This is where the show started, this is where we met the main characters and where we learned how the pony world even works. Seriously. xD

We're talking about four ponies here, all of whom have their own careers and jobs and businesses that they need to think about.

I thought the same. This comic perfectly reflects it: https://derpibooru.org/1691503

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