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Puzzling Frost

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As if life couldn't get worse. · 8:00pm Nov 19th, 2021

My sister earlier this week had contracted Covid from going to a concert (I didn't even know she was going to one or that they were even allowed now, that and apparently, it was highly unregulated according to my sister) or she got it from school/work. And now everyone in my family, myself included have Covid, my dad hasn't taken the test yet but it's a safe bet that he has it. We've all had our shots except for the booster shot so that's something. But with my mother recovering from Breast Cancer and myself learning I can't go in contact with my pets has really hit me hard. (My cat loves me to bits, she's currently crying outside my door) It also goes figure that this happens just before I was to go to a D&D group and get some social interaction outside my family and classes. I hate covid. I hate everything right now. I'm mad at my sister, but at the same time, I'm not mad and I can't blame her (she's an extroverted teenager who can't function without social interaction) because she's probably already mad at herself. Ugh, and top it off I still have school work to do on top of this. I'm going to say this one last time, get vaccinated, practice social distancing, wear a mask, and don't go out if you don't have to. Covid isn't over, it's not going to be over for a very LONG time.

Comments ( 1 )

Well dude i don't know what it would feel like going through what you're going through but i hope you and you're family(especially you're mother) get well soon and have a happy recovery!!!

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