• Member Since 18th Jul, 2016
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Dreams of Ponies

I believe if there's any kind of god, it wouldn't be any of us. Not you or me, but just, this little space in between.

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Ohh Noo!! · 9:26pm Feb 17th, 2022

Hello, Ponies. I know it's been a while, and I promise I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing, with the help of a special mare beside me, but this isn't about me.

Some of you know that I work for the postal service; I think I've mentioned it in author's notes once or twice, and I've gotten news that a fellow carrier in my area in now in the ICU at our local emergency center. Her name is Michelle, and she was rear ended/clipped in such a way that the only reason she's still alive is that she was wearing her seatbelt. Unfortunately, the typical LLV (Long-Life vehicle) that mail carriers use are not equipped with airbags. Apparently our lives aren't worth getting new vehicles in any expedient manor. There are some on the way, but that's been decades in waiting. I digress.

Michelle has lost her arm from the elbow down, broken ribs and vertebrae, damaged her spleen and has swollen lungs. She's stable, but in rough shape. Our union put out a call for those that would help, and so, for the first time, I call upon my fellow ponies to show their love and tolerance in whatever way they're able. I'll be donating personally to the fund, and anything anypony can do to help would be appreciated. I love you all :twilightsmile:


Comments ( 12 )

Jesus Flip-Dicking Christ.

I fucking hate the Post Office, man.

Unfortunately I'm broke otherwise I'd pitch in a few bucks...

Sucks what happened to your coworker. People drive like assholes and cause accidents and it sucks.

Author Interviewer

the worst part is, knowing the USPS, they're going to try and pin blame for the accident on her so they aren't liable for insurance -_-

gonna get on this

I would love to help but my mom won't let me donate money sorry but I hope your friend is doing fine and is ok

Honestly, we had a safety meeting today with our postmaster, and she's like, "This is an example of why you need to pay attention to your surroundings and wear your seatbelt." Even though she was wearing her seatbelt, and was hit from behind by someone speeding and texting. Instead, how bout we get some damn mail trucks with airbags sometime this decade?

Author Interviewer

not to mention some goddamn management that isn't sociopathic :|

be praying for her.

Good luck to her (and the rest of you); I'm sorry this happened.

Have they started a GoFundMe?

No, they're keeping the whole matter private. I'm collecting and matching whatever people want to give and giving it to the Union office to give to her.

Your coworker or the usps?

The carrier and her family are keeping things quiet as she recovers. So, we're just going to get her a donation with a get-well card sort of thing. Her medical bills get paid for as she was hurt on the clock, but I'm trying to pull a bit together to let her know people care about mail carriers.

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