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The Fairly Oddparents reboot isn't what I thought it was. It is SO MUCH WORSE! · 7:14pm Feb 24th, 2022

Hello, my fellow bronies,

I had the pleasure (or misfortune, depending on your perspective) to watch the Fairly Odd Parents reboot trailer. And, well, how do I put this:

There are many ways to express my anger, disgust, disappointment, and frustration with what I just saw. And even my worst, angriest, most disgusting thoughts couldn't possibly do those feelings any justice. But there is one part that really, really, really upsets me in a visceral way. In the trailer, the stepbrother whose name is Roy, says this after he wishes for solid gold pants: "Amazeballs!"

Amazeballs. Amazeballs. Amazeballs. Amazeballs.

So one of the characters is a comic relief dork who speaks in buzzwords and punchlines, and his name is Roy.

The concept of "Roy", as written by the Simpsons, was intended to be a parody of bad writing and the kind of stunts TV shows pull to prolong their length. And the people who wrote the reboot thought that having this kind of character was a good idea?! But this is only the cherry on top of this horrible writing sundae. Here are the other reasons why the reboot makes me ill.

The Title

The name of the reboot is...Fairly Oddparents: Fairly Odder. Even a kid who failed English could think of a better title than that. They could call it A New Generation or A New Beginning. How about Fairly Oddparents: A New Journey? Something that reflects there is a new generation with new challenges and new adventures.

With all their talent and experience, there is no excuse for why Nickelodeon couldn't think of something better.


The live-action Fairly Odd Parents movies were an artistic disaster. After three of them, it is clear that Fairly Oddparents doesn't work in live-action. And yet, the writers are trying to bring that formula back.

Enough said.

None of the Charm and Grit of the old show

My opinion is this: a reboot should act at least try and capture what made the original show good and entertaining. This reboot does none of that.

The best kids' shows I watched growing up were shows that didn't try and talk down to kids, nor did they try and whitewash the horrible sides of life, or pretend that life was always fair. The Fairly OddParents was that kind of show. The central protagonist of Fairly Odd Parents was the "average kid who no one understands." A kid who deals with bullies, unpleasant teachers, an abusive babysitter, and apathetic and neglectful parents. A kid who, despite having magical fairies that can grant his heart's desire, can't always wish his way of trouble or get what he wants. A kid who has to learn lessons about tolerance, sharing, acceptance, and patience.

Fairly OddParents was also a show that had a pretty intense sense of humor to boot.

One of the plot points of Fairly Odd Friendship, as I wrote it, is Timmy learning to toughen himself up so that he can stand up to a pair of rich jerks who make him miserable. Largely because their money, Da Rules, and the corruption of society mean he can't easily fight them the normal way.

But I want to be clear: dark gritty writing isn't inherently better as an art form. "It's A Wishful Life" is an example, since it is so bleak as to convince a child that he is ruining the lives of everyone around him, which is not something you should be telling kids. Making things darker and edgy is no guarantee of quality. That approach is why Peter Griffin went from being a childish father to a downright criminal psycho and why Glenn Quagmire went from "horndog" to "sex offender."

The mood of this reboot, as far as I can tell, is a cutesy sitcom environment without any real serious challenges or threats. It is likely going to be a show with kindergarten-type morals that don't work in the real world like "Be Yourself" and "Violence Is Wrong." It is kind of the show that does talk down to children rather than giving them good advice they can use in the real world. Viv herself doesn't seem to face the same struggles as Timmy, nor does she face the same restrictions on what she can do, since her stepbrother is allowed to be aware of Cosmo and Wanda's existence.

There Are 1000 Ways This Could be Done Better

As I've said, there are no bad ideas: only bad execution. Despite me not being a TV writer, there are a lot of ways this idea, Timmy passing the torch to new Fairy Godparents.

Viv's new stepfamily could be as cruel to her as they were to Vicky. This not only parallels Timmy's bleak childhood, but it is also a great allusion to Cinderella, the original fairy godmother story. It also gives Viv her own unique challenges without making her feel like a clone of Timmy.

Or, it could center around Timmy's children from Channel Chasers, Tommy and Tammy, and their own struggles.

Or we could center the story around a different kid in a different part of the county with a much harder life than Timmy.

Or, it could at least be animated.

Either the writers' have become unforgivably lazy or the executives never intended this to be anything but a way to make a quick buck.

[bThe Biggest Reason I Hate

People will wonder why should I, a dude in my 20s, care about a cartoon. I care for this reason: because I feel culture is a reflection of us as a society. What we believe in, what our values are, and how we view the world is reflected in the culture we produce. What does it say about us when all our society seems to produce are lazy reboots that teach no morals and do nothing but give some executives a steady cash flow.

Watching this idiotic trailer, I am reminded of why I wrote Fairly Odd Friendship: because I was upset over how the original Fairly Oddparents declined and wanted to give my favorite show as a kid the love it deserved.

I know I said I was gonna take a break from FIMFiction to work on a job, but after seeing this reboot, I am now more motivated than ever to write the sequel to Fairly OddFriendships. Because we deserve better than what Nickelodeon is giving us.



Comments ( 38 )

I know I said I was gonna take a break from FIMFiction to work on a job, but after seeing this reboot, I am now more motivated than ever to write the sequel to Fairly OddFriendships. Because we deserve better than what Nickelodeon is giving us.

This sounds a lot like spite. You are coming back to write a sequel to spite Nickolodien. Not that it is bad.. as spite can often be a motivator. I dropped off Fairly Oddparents but it is important to me and as soon as I saw the trailer on the Discord I am a part of.. I was like "pfft, that's going to suck" and I didn't even see the video. I was watching someone play like Among Us the other day and they did a really good Crocker impersonation. Like he had the inflection down. It was really nice.

I miss the show and my childhood and I don't think any of these reboots will be good as they once were! And don't get me started on that Powerpuff Girls CW show... unholy abomination

I agree, Red.

What the hell is this? Fairly Odd Parents DOES not need a reboot, not with humans.

I don't wanna live on this planet anymore

yep there is nothing that can go wrong with this..

i have a feeling the Chip and dale rescue ranger movie is going to be the same thing.
that at lest has a tiny but of pony in it.

agreed, this reboot looks horrible.


This sounds a lot like spite. You are coming back to write a sequel to spite Nickolodien. Not that it is bad.. as spite can often be a motivator. I dropped off Fairly Oddparents but it is important to me and as soon as I saw the trailer on the Discord I am a part of.. I was like "pfft, that's going to suck" and I didn't even see the video. I was watching someone play like Among Us the other day and they did a really good Crocker impersonation. Like he had the inflection down. It was really nice.

I don't know if what I'm doing is spite. I feel I'm giving one of my favorite cartoons some dignity.

But yes, I'm not happy with how Nickelodeon is behaving, and I would love to work with someone to make Fairly Odd Friendship into a fan-animation.

I envision that they had people in the "test groups" that were like this:

We feared this for so long, and now we just can mourn for such great show who died and they keep beating it's body.

Maybe not spite in the traditional sense but it's like... oh Nickolodien did such a shitty job and it could have been better, how about I prove them wrong by being more inspired with the sequel to my story to prove how it could have been. Fuck you energy. May again not be classified as spite but what I gathered by the blog!


My main goal in writing Fairly Odd Friendship was proving how Fairly Oddparents could've been better.

So yeah, I guess you could say I'm doing this out of spite. But mainly because I love FOP and I'm sad to have seen it decline.

But yeah, the reboot makes me furious, and so I will work hard to make a much better sequel to the first story.

sometimes when we are motivated and something pisses us off we want to prove why it was great... just to make them eat their words. It's a worthy goal and so satisfying a payoff

Hey Red, what your did is better than this reboot.


Thank you...but that's not really saying much.

I guess. All the same, can't wait for the next story

Coming from a more neutral standpoint, I don't have high hopes based on that trailer. The best thing they could have done is separate it from the cartoon completely, rather than try and make a sequel to the cartoon.

The whole thing feels like they saw Wizards of Waverly Place, and decided to replace the wizards with fairies. It feels like a Disney Channel sitcom, rather than a Nick show. In any case, I don't subscribe to P+, so I have no horse in this race.

Honestly, I’m not surprised that a reboot ended up happening, the show ended not that long ago and a lot of shows are getting reboots or revivals. Less to do with creators wanting to do something new and more to do with the company wanting to profit with the brand recognition.

What I’m surprised is that they made it live action, that and the new name, normally reboot keeps the original name and fans differentiate between the 2 by the year that the 2 were released, my only question is what name would be in the Spanish translation, because in Latinoamérica the show is called “Los padrinos mágicos” That I think would translate to “the magical godparents” so I wonder if it will keep that name or it will change to be closer to the reboot.

I think is fair to say that it will be trash, the show already said everything could say and did every scenario it could do. And honestly I find difficult for the show to get even a glimpse of the audience it used to have. The fact that the show ended in 2017 and many people didn’t notice show the apathy of former fans of the show and the western animation community, heck when I quit mlp I still managed to hear news about the movie and the eventual ending of the show.

About your final point, I’m happy that this motivated you to write, but try to organize a schedule. When me and a friend decided to do a YouTube video together he made a schedule because he doesn’t have much free time because of college. The video took longer to make but we could make it in the end without sacrificing his studies.

Well a another show ruined by company greed

No arguments here red and ready. I really was hoping Nick would put some effort for this revial considering this series was just as popular as Spongebob. Even the cheesey live action movies were better than this and thats sad when there was alot of potential but no. Nice to see I'm not the only one who was hoping this would have been about Tammy and Tommy. The Plots and jokes revealed are just so dull. Only positive I can give is the 2d animation for Cosmo and Wanda looks good. Talk about a dissapointment for us fans everywhere. I wish this would just dissapear or they scrap this idea to start fresh. Why must the stuff I grow up with turn out like this? Good luck on the follow up tho! Can't wait to see what you'll do next.

I got more full house and haunted halfaway vibes personaly. Even then the sitcom aspect isn't even creative or funny.

You succeeded. You captured the shows spirit perfectly while still making it unique. I'd much rather read your stories than any episodes of the is paramount exclusive revial. Fairy Oddparents deserves better than this!

Would you like to go skateboards?

Ponies unforanetly can't fix every problem. I'm not sure what to think about Chip and Dale but this trailer dissapointed me. My love for Nick is continuing to burn out when they keep pumping out stuff like this.

Polly Plantar: Right with you Buddy!

Typical Hollywood. I'm not even surprised anymore at this point.

Honestly, this just seems like the natural progression.

Fop already had 3 live action movies, a baby, a dog, dual custody with a second godchild, and a Jimmy Neutron crossover. It's done everything imaginable to extend its life.

I know some ponies think a bad reboot will cheapen the original, but this franchise has, for lack of a better explanation, been cheapened already.

There are some things that get labelled as timeless, and people are glad there will always be some iteration out there; like Spider-man, Snoopy, the Flintstones, etc... Maybe Fop made it onto the list somehow not high on the list, but it's there.:twilightblush:

TBH i gave up on Nick years ago.
they just turn out garbage now.

Touche most of there content has gotten boring. MiddleMost Post is all they have now


The whole thing feels like they saw Wizards of Waverly Place, and decided to replace the wizards with fairies. It feels like a Disney Channel sitcom, rather than a Nick show. In any case, I don't subscribe to P+, so I have no horse in this race.

Yeah, Disney Channel sitcom is a pretty accurate take.

They were fun to watch for a while, but the formula got old pretty quickly.


Honestly, this just seems like the natural progression.

Fop already had 3 live action movies, a baby, a dog, dual custody with a second godchild, and a Jimmy Neutron crossover. It's done everything imaginable to extend its life.

I know some ponies think a bad reboot will cheapen the original, but this franchise has, for lack of a better explanation, been cheapened already.

There are some things that get labelled as timeless, and people are glad there will always be some iteration out there; like Spider-man, Snoopy, the Flintstones, etc... Maybe Fop made it onto the list somehow not high on the list, but it's there.

I don't know.

Scooby Doo was a franchise that was on life support a couple of times.

But then they brought Scrappy the first time, and then they made Zombie Island.

It is possible to bring a franchise back from the dead...if you put your mind to it and try new things.

And so far...the writers are trying nothing new or original.

This is not a comment on the meaning behind this, but a correction about information from the trailer:

In the trailer, the stepbrother whose name is Roy, says this after he wishes for solid gold balls: "Amazeballs!"

This is wrong, the underlined word should be “pants”, but I can understand how you got it wrong because who would want to watch that trailer more than once?

Actual comment about my thoughts:

They could have done it way better. Seeing the glowing “Poof!” sign in the new bedroom that is wished for makes me think of iCarly for some reason, which I didn’t even watch much of.

Also the trailer has me confused as to who Timmy is? Is he the dad? Is he someone else who’s just there to hand off Cosmo and Wanda and disappear for the rest of the series?

In a single word: Bruh…


Thanks for the heads up.


Actual comment about my thoughts:

They could have done it way better. Seeing the glowing “Poof!” sign in the new bedroom that is wished for makes me think of iCarly for some reason, which I didn’t even watch much of.

Also the trailer has me confused as to who Timmy is? Is he the dad? Is he someone else who’s just there to hand off Cosmo and Wanda and disappear for the rest of the series?

In a single word: Bruh…

Aside from Cosmo and Wanda, there is little that actually connects this reboot to the old show.

really sucks how your right about how they could have done this better, making her new family abusive. hell they could have included an arc at the start were we think her new brother is a brat and as bad as the rest, but find out he gets neglected at home and abused at school (like timney was) and is unfairly taking his frustrations out on her, that way you can have her share her new fairy's with him to, heck you could even have a dynamic where he makes the impulsive wish's, where as she tries to think her wishes thru, and show they hijinks of how the wish's still go wrong, or how they interfere with each other (tho they would have to be careful to not make one sibling at fault more then the other, otherwise you get a marble dipper situation where one of the siblings becomes unlikable for screwing over the other constantly).

also god damn cosmo and wanda move so stilted and slow in this. where is the fast and fluid animation from the original. it feels like they move and emote thru molasses and it just feels really cheep.


Fairly odd parents are guetting a second reboot


Oh boy.

After watching the video...I'm not precisely repulsed...but I'm not optimistic either. I'll explain myself further in another blogpost.

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