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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Um, I'm not totally sure this is a good idea, but we'll see how this goes.

I just kinda figure since this group is about me, maybe other ponies would like to know more about me. So this thread is one where you can ask me questions.

Now, a few rules:
First, I may very well skip questions if they make me uncomfortable, if I don't understand them, or just don't really feel like talking about them. Even if I don't, it might sometimes take a while before I respond, as I can get sorta busy or just space out a bit.

Second, any answers I give you are based on my own knowledge. And this is specific to my own timeline, which might not totally match up with the show.

Third, I don't really know much about humans, so I probably won't be able to answer questions about them much.

Also, if the answers obvious to a question, I might ignore it. Like "Who are you?". I'm Sweetie Belle. Obviously.

And, um, please don't ask 'bout anything that would fall in the "things that warp my innocent filly mind" category, 'kay?

That said, feel free to ask questions here, and I'll answer the best I can.

--Sweetie Belle

Edit: Oh, and just in case, I should point out that the Go Ask Sweetie Belle Tumbler thingy is run by a different Sweetie Belle.

Who are you really, Changeling?

1118728 Are the stallions as entitled as the females of our world?
You know, females having to pay for the tab at a restaurant instead of our males having to do it.
Or females having all responsibility of a pregnancy to pay child support and the males getting off scot free even though they could have done something to stop it too.

How do you manage to be so gosh-darn adorable all the time?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Who are you really, Changeling?


I thought I covered this. I'm Sweetie Belle!

In fact, there's a whole mess of other realities and timelines, and at least one Sweetie Belle in each. A lot of times, more, in fact, for a bunch of reasons. I'm from one of them, but because of an accident (I'm a little accident-prone, okay?), I'm here instead. I've run into several others, though.

Not sure I understand most of that, actually, but the ponies that told me about it seemed to know what they were talking about.


Are the stallions as entitled as the females of our world?

You know, females having to pay for the tab at a restaurant instead of our males having to do it.

Or females having all responsibility of a pregnancy to pay child support and the males getting off scot free even though they could have done something to stop it too.

Um, I wouldn't really know much about that. Rarity's told me that a proper stallion always pays when taking a mare out to eat, but that's Rarity. She also says these things about proper ponies not sleeping together until marriage, but me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom sleep together all the time. She can be rather silly.

And, um, child support? Pregnancy? Nopony's been willing to explain the later, and I'm not really sure what the former is.


How do you manage to be so gosh-darn adorable all the time?

I don't know how that works, actually. Scoots wanted me to help her be less adorable once, as it happens. It didn't work out too well. At least I managed to get away while all the attention was focused on her...

--Sweetie Belle


What do you find attractive in a colt?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


What do you find attractive in a colt?

Well, not sure I've thought that much about it. Though I'd think when I was singing Perfect Stallion, it'd have given you a bit of an idea.

One that was interested in things I am would be nice, or things kinda similar. Somepony who was into music or writing, maybe.

As far as specific colts go:
Button actually might have been kinda cute if he wasn't wearing that silly beanie and busy with a video game. He's grown on me since watching this:

Featherweight, cute as he is, never apologized to me for giving those photos to Diamond Tiara. So he's out.

Rumble, well, I've been watching, and I think he's sorta interested in Twist.

Don't even talk to me about Snips or Snails.

Pipsqueak's kinda fun. I might be willing to try being a pirate wrench sometime.

And Shady's nice.

Actually, Silver Spoon'd be kinda pretty, too, if she wasn't always saying horrible things and picking on other ponies, but you only mentioned colts, so nevermind...

Of course, reading all this fanfiction about myself makes me think about things a bit differently now. You read about somepony being cute and adventuresome, and tend to forget about the time they stuck pencils up their nose in front of the whole class...

--Sweetie Belle


Another question; different from the last one.

What do you think of your portrayal in my fic, Winner? You appear in the third chapter but you may want to read all three of the existing chapters to better understand the protagonist.

Actually there's an idea, 'Sweetie Belle Reviews'.

1118938 There's a blue Scootaloo in the back.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


There's a blue Scootaloo in the back.

Um, that was Archer. Blue earth filly with a bow and arrow cutie mark? She was in Call of the Cutie as well. I know she looks similar to Scootaloo, but she's a different pony...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Well, we already have Silent Belle doing reviews here, so Sweetie Belle reviews could get a little confusing. But I'll take a look. Forgive me if I get picky. Writing fiction and song lyrics have a good bit in common, and I can find myself pulling it apart easily.

Alright, first, my introduction.

After a moment, she seemed to realise she was not alone, as she stopped singing and looked around, quickly catching sight of him. Her eyes were a striking emerald green, bright and full of life shinning out of her youthful face – a face whose cheeks were now tinted a rosy pink.

“Y-Y-You heard that?!” the filly squeaked before hiding her face behind her hooves. If not for nearly damaging his eardrums with her pitch the colt would have almost found her position cute.

“You where singing outdoors.” He deadpanned in reply while flapping his ears in a vain attempt to shake the ringing loose, “Kind of hard not to hear when you’re belting it out louder then a kookaburra on laughing gas.”

"shinning" should be "shining", and "where" should be "were".

Second of all, what I was saying sounds like a response to something he said, but he didn't say anything. It feels like he should have made a comment before that that I was replying to.

I also kinda feel like I'm talking in exclamation points a little too often. I'd say my portrayal felt like I was a bit dumber than I really am, but the show does that, too, which is kinda annoying. Writing song lyrics takes some smarts, you know?

I can see the third chapter needs some proofreading, since I end up noticing things like this:

Sweetie’s retort caught in her throat as she looked at him and actually recognized him for the first time, “OH!” She squeaked, “You’re the new colt from yesterday!” She sniffed before nodding slightly, “I’ll forgive this once but don’t do it again, ok?!”

Pretty sure that should be something like:

Sweetie’s retort caught in her throat as she looked at him and realized who he was for the first time.

“Oh!” she squeaked. “You’re the new colt from yesterday!”

She sniffed before nodding slightly. “I’ll forgive you this once, but don’t do it again. Ok?”

Anyways, let's go a little further.

Sweetie had the decency to blush in embarrassment before clearing her throat and explaining, “Well a Cutie Mark is something every colt and filly gets when they find their special talent. It tells us who we are and how we should live our lives to be as fulfilling as possible.”

First, there should be a comma after "Well". More importantly, the second line sounds really wrong. "live our lives to be as fulfilling as possible"? When would I say something like that? That sounds like something Miss Cheerilee might say, not me. Your cutie mark tells you who you are, and what it is that makes you special.

Well, let's keep going.

“Um… ANYWAY!” She skipped up to the colt and grinned, “Since you don’t have a Cutie Mark either you should meet my friends Apple Bloom, she’s an Earth Pony with a red mane and yellow coat, and Scootaloo, a Pegasus with purple mane and orange coat, and if they like you could become…” She paused for dramatic effect, “A CUTIE MARK CRUSADER!!”

Um, why am I describing my friends fur and mane colors? It's not like their appearance is the most important thing about them. Also, earth pony, and pegasus shouldn't be capitalized. Same goes for 'blank flank' (which is kinda an insulting phrase.) and cutie marks.

Salvation came in the form of a pink unicorn with purple mane who poked her head out of a nearby house and called out, “Sweetie Belle, could you be a dear and give your old mother a hand?”

Um, I don't think I'd be singing close enough to home that my mother could poke her head out the door and hear me. That'd be kinda embarrassing. I'd probably walk closer to the pond, the clubhouse, or maybe a little into White Tail Woods. Though I'm not sure telling you places I'm likely to be singing's a good idea, thinking about it. But it's not like I'm there now.

That's about the end of the spot I was in. Though, um, I'd kinda redo all Apple Blooms dialogue. Sorry. It's kinda hard to read, and doesn't sound right. I wouldn't really try to write out accents like that.

Oh, and Scoots might actually recognize what an emu is. Mainly 'cause she read a bit about flightless birds after that time I called her a dodo.

Oh my, didn't really mean to go on like that. Anyways, hope that helps...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

Does it ever bug you that you have to perform maigc even though your horn can spark?

Also have you considered taking magic lessons?

Group Contributor

1119107 Well, you might just get a cutie mark in reviewing :twilightsmile: And I really don't mind seeing more reviews at all.

As for a question... Hmm... What are your plans for Father's day?


My editor hasn't gotten back to me about the third chapter yet, that's why it's labelled as 'Beta' in the chapter title. Thanks for pointing all that out though, it's definitely some stuff to consider when I get to editing it.

As for singing near your home being embarrassing... need I remind you of the Perfect Stallion song? You ran all over Ponyville singing the whole time where everypony could hear you. How can one be embarrassing and not the other?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Does it ever bug you that you have to perform maigc even though your horn can spark?

Also have you considered taking magic lessons?

Of course it does! But my parents have been too busy to teach me, and so has Rarity. And I can't really make heads or tails of books about magic.

I've thought about looking for somepony to teach me, but it's a little embarrassing, and I've been kinda busy anyways. And now that I'm here, I don't have much chance to learn magic anyways.


As for a question... Hmm... What are your plans for Father's day?

Um, well, daddy's nowhere nearby, so I suppose not much. Doesn't really matter. He'll probably just spend all day going fishing again anyways. *sigh*


My editor hasn't gotten back to me about the third chapter yet, that's why it's labelled as 'Beta' in the chapter title. Thanks for pointing all that out though, it's definitely some stuff to consider when I get to editing it.

No problem.

As for singing near your home being embarrassing... need I remind you of the Perfect Stallion song? You ran all over Ponyville singing the whole time where everypony could hear you. How can one be embarrassing and not the other?

Now about singing near home being embarrassing:

First off, you said I was embarrassed earlier in the chapter. Also, it's not as embarrassing to sing if other ponies are singing with you, and ponies tend to kinda write off anything the three of us do together as "Cutie Mark Crusader antics". Which is one of the reasons why being a Cutie Mark Crusader is fun.

Besides, you're talking about bursting into song in public about what you are doing or what's going on. Everypony does that, and you always sing well when that happens, so it's not really that embarrassing. Everypony kinda tunes it out, too. Otherwise, how would queen Chrysalis get about with singing about how she was fooling everypony while disguised as Cadance?

But practicing singing, especially new things I haven't sung before or am still writing, is always gonna be done where nopony is nearby, so that if it turns out not to be any good or I goof up, nopony hears me...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1119836 Does it botter you that your parents don't spend as much time with you as other families probably do?

Also do you always go over to Rarity's house even when your parents are around?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Does it bother you that your parents don't spend as much time with you as other families probably do?

It does, but, well, it's always been that way, so I'm used to it. I don't think they really planned to have another foal after Rarity, to be honest.

Also do you always go over to Rarity's house even when your parents are around?

Yeah, I go over to Rarity's a lot even when they are around. She pays more attention to me, even if it's just to tell me not to touch things.

They always assume that's where I am if I'm not home, too, which can get a little scary. Rarity was supposed to tell them I was going to Canterlot for the royal wedding, but she kinda forget, and I found out later that they just thought I was at the Carousel Boutique...

--Sweetie Belle

Sweetie Belle,

What do you really hope your cutie mark will be? Is there any sort of talent that allures you more than anything you've tried so far? :scootangel:

Group Contributor

When you're not busying hanging out with your fellow cutie mark crusaders or Rarity what do you like to do?

Also do you have a favorite subject in school?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


What do you really hope your cutie mark will be? Is there any sort of talent that allures you more than anything you've tried so far?

Well, tiger-taming would have been fun, but given how scratched up I got when trying Opal-taming, I don't really think that'll work out. I've mostly given up on cooking and dressmaking cutie marks, too.

I'm starting to think a cutie mark involving writing, singing, or magic would be the most likely. The later I just haven't had a chance to try, and I do like writing song lyrics.


When you're not busying hanging out with your fellow cutie mark crusaders or Rarity what do you like to do?

Well, there's always catching frogs down at the pond, and taking long walks. I like board games and card games, but that kinda needs somepony else there. I do actually like reading. Oh, and I've only played it once, but I turned out to be pretty good at Mornington Crescent the one time I played it. I won, even though I started in Equestria, and everypony else started in London.

And you know, besides writing songs, I tried writing a fanfic once. I only got one chapter in before I started running out of steam, unfortunately. I put it on my user page, unpublished, and I've had quite a few ponies ask me to continue it. It's kinda funny to have an unpublished fanfic with 9 likes. Maybe I'll continue that some time.

Also do you have a favorite subject in school?

Favorite subject at school... Um, recess?

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1120681 So what do you think of your fellow crusaders including Babs Seed? Which one of them do you find you get along the most with and which one of them do you find yourself butting heads with?

Have you ever done anything with your parents that you can remember? Like maybe fishing with your dad once?

Has anyone ever accused you of being a robot or something other then a pony?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


So what do you think of your fellow crusaders including Babs Seed? Which one of them do you find you get along the most with and which one of them do you find yourself butting heads with?

Well, I guess the crusader I'd most likely be at odds with is Babs, but that isn't really fair, because I've barely known her as a crusader. I knew her more as a bully, and she was really good at that.

Apple Bloom's sort of the driving force behind the Crusaders, and finding our cutie marks, really. Without her, me and Scoots would probably be doing a lot more just playing games around town, and less trying to get our cutie marks. I guess she's our leader, and the brains behind most of our real good ideas.

Scootaloo's really the one that pushes us. She comes up with some of the wild and crazy ideas and gets us moving. She can be brash and bold and daring, though to be honest, she's often a bit insecure and a softy under it all. Don't tell anypony I said that, though.

Of course, it kinda falls to me to keep them from being at odds. I'm actually a bit closer to Scoots, but then, I've known her longer. She was my best friend before the Crusaders. Well, ok, only friend, but that's still best, isn't it?

Have you ever done anything with your parents that you can remember? Like maybe fishing with your dad once?

There have been a few family outings that I've been along for, but it was me, Rarity, and my parents, and things tended to end up centered on my parents and Rarity. A trip to Canterlot could be fun, but when you spend the whole time there on spas, boutiques, fashion shows, and sporting events, what's the point?

Dad did try to teach me to fish once, but I felt kinda sorry for the worms and the fish and couldn't go through with it. And my mom tried to teach me to cook, but she cooks worse then I do! I'm pretty sure that mashing fruit to a pulp, and then putting it on the stove on high isn't the right way to make juice, but I hafta go with what I'm shown. It might help if I didn't tend to forget stuffs on the stove, too...

Has anyone ever accused you of being a robot or something other then a pony?

And yes, DaemoN67 accused me of being a changeling yesterday, so I have been accused of being something other then a pony.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1122027 Speaking of changelings what are your thoughts on them?

Are you at all concerned that those around you could be changelings?

Does it bother you about the things some people like to write about you? (You know in the "Things that warp my innocent filly mind" foler)

What's the best fanfic you've read about you?

I'm pretty sure you know Rarity's friends, what do you think of them?

If you could change one thing about your life other than getting your cutie mark, what would it be?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Speaking of changelings what are your thoughts on them?

Well, sorta mixed, actually.

Queen Chrysalis trying to take over, and all those changelings around was pretty scary. Well, except to Scoots. I read this in a fanfic, and it was about right as far as what Scoots reaction was:

And as it turned out, the bride had actually been a really big bug. That'd been awesome! But the real wedding hadn't been bad either.

But the fact that the changelings were starving, and just wanted love is kinda sad when you think about it. It makes me just want to pick one up and hug them...

Are you at all concerned that those around you could be changelings?

Well, depends. If they've always been a changeling, not really, because it'd be the same pony I already know. If they were replaced recently, I'd be worried about the real pony they replaced. But I don't see any reason to really worry about it. What good would that do?

Does it bother you about the things some people like to write about you? (You know in the "Things that warp my innocent filly mind" folder)

Maybe a little. The "HorriBelle" folder bothers me more, but as it turns out, the only story in there got deleted by the author, so I removed it. I did sneak a peak at "Ticklish", and I really don't know what to think about that one.

I don't think my horn works like that, though I'm not sure I want to find out. I know it really really hurts if you rush through a doorway, don't realize your horn is above the opening, and whack it accidentally.

Not that i've done that... more then a couple times. Well, ok, a couple dozen times...

I usually read with "Mature" off, though, unless I get really curious about a fanfic.

What's the best fanfic you've read about you?

I'd really have trouble making up my mind on that. Take a look in the "Sweetie Belle Approved" folder, though. All those fanfics were added by me, and are all fanfics about me that I really liked.

I'm pretty sure you know Rarity's friends, what do you think of them?

Well, I know some of them. I can't say I've ever met Mr. Fancypants, and I don't really know Aloe and Lotus.

Applejack, well, I still kinda wish she was my sister. Just maybe she and Rarity could both be my sisters or something. I really am kinda jealous of her and Apple Bloom.

Fluttershy is, well, Fluttershy. She's really nice, she's good with animals, and isn't really that good at figuring out what games we'd like to play when we stay over there. She does have that stare of hers, though, and she's getting better.

Pinkie Pie, well, I don't really know her that well. I think she kinda overdoes the sugar in those cupcakes when I go to Sugarcube Corner, though, 'cause they make me bounce off the walls. Then Pinkie starts bouncing off the walls,too, and things get really silly.

Rainbow Dash is totally awesome and cool. I know because Scoots has told me so many many times. Otherwise, I usually see her when she's asleep, which isn't that impressive. She knows some scary stories, though.

Twilight is more obsessive about schedules then my sister is, which is saying something. She can be kinda scary about it, which is one reason I've never asked her to teach me magic, though I thought 'bout it. I'd know her better, since I check out books from the library fairly often, but I usually check them out from Spike.

Spike, well, he's got a major crush on my sister, and thinks nopony realizes. It's adorable. I may have helped try to set them up a few times. (Though I scrapped my plans for the love poison after I saw what happened to Bic Macintosh and Miss Cheerilee. I don't need my sister acting like that.)

He's also pretty lonely, since he keeps getting left behind at the library, and is kinda funny. And he's not a bad dancer. Actually, maybe I aughta have put him on the list of colts earlier...

Actually, Thunderlane and Rarity went on a couple of dates recently, too. He seemed nice, but I don't really know him.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


If you could change one thing about your life other than getting your cutie mark, what would it be?

Well, it's fun here, but I'd kinda like to go back to Ponyville and see my friends.

Otherwise, well, that's kinda a tough question. It'd be tempting to make it so I grew up at Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack and Apple Bloom as my sisters, but I'd be worried about Rarity and my parents.

Maybe I could make it so I wasn't so clumsy all the time. Or so that singing in front of a crowd wasn't so scary.

Actually, how 'bout changing my life so that I had a large supply of chocolate on me right now? That'd be safe enough, and I could use some chocolate.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1122757 I take it you have a real sweet tooth for chocolate huh? Has that ever been used against you?

Have you ever considered guilt tripping other ponies besides Rarity when you "convinced" her to go camping?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I take it you have a real sweet tooth for chocolate huh? Has that ever been used against you?

Well, Scoots has more of a sweet tooth for chocolate then me, but I'd share it with her if I had some. And I have been successfully bribed a couple of times with chocolate...

Have you ever considered guilt tripping other ponies besides Rarity when you "convinced" her to go camping?

Well, that guilt trip really worked because Rarity is my big sister, and is trying to be a better sister. And if you do that kinda thing too often, it stops working, really...

--Sweetie Belle

What's your favorite thing to do when you're not trying to get your cutie mark with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo? Do you three ever do anything together that doesn't involve cutie marks?

Group Contributor

1125782 So how did Father's Day go without your dad around?

Has Diamond Tiara been giving you or your fellow crusaders a lot of grief lately or has she backed off?

Heard anything from Babs Seed?

When Twilight cast that spell that switched your sister Rarity's cutie mark as well as a few of her friends were you at all affected by it or did the spell just make you assume that Applejack had always been your big sister?

Are you bummed that this site doesn't have a happy emoticon for you?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


What's your favorite thing to do when you're not trying to get your cutie mark with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo? Do you three ever do anything together that doesn't involve cutie marks?

Well, we aren't always trying to get our cutie marks, you know. All those things we did during the "Babs Seed" song aren't just things we did while trying to avoid Babs. They're things we do normally, too.

I mean, going out for milkshakes, watching movies, constructing floats, and such. Remember when we made that big valentine for Miss Cheerilee, and then tried to get Bic Mac to be her very special somepony? No trying to discover our cutie marks there.

We tried a book club once, but Scoots thought it involved hitting each other with books, and things sorta went downhill from there. We also do have sleepovers and board game nights, things like that.

Personally, I had a lot of fun being a "creature-catcher" at Fluttershy's, before that table broke, that is. Me and Scootaloo had actually played similar games many times before. That was just the first time we got Apple Bloom in on it.

Sometimes I think ponies don't realize that that whole thing with crossing locations off the map in "The Show Stoppers" wasn't just one afternoon for us, but actually was us getting together over the course of several weeks...


So how did Father's Day go without your dad around?

Just ended up as another day, really.

Has Diamond Tiara been giving you or your fellow crusaders a lot of grief lately or has she backed off?

More then ever, really. She took the whole thing about being dumped in the mud personally. But not having Babs along, they're still not nearly as bad. Last I was in Ponyville, anyways. Obviously I'm here now.

Heard anything from Babs Seed?

I heard she was in town for the Apple family reunion, but Applejack kept her tied up in stupid family activities the whole time, and we didn't really get a chance to talk to her...

When Twilight cast that spell that switched your sister Rarity's cutie mark as well as a few of her friends were you at all affected by it or did the spell just make you assume that Applejack had always been your big sister?

That would have been interesting. No, I still thought Rarity was my sister, she was just suddenly weather obsessed. Of course, having Scoots tag around my big sister obsessively was weird. I kept trying to tell her she wasn't that great, but she wouldn't listen.

Are you bummed that this site doesn't have a happy emoticon for you?

I think this site's missing a lotta emoticons, really. There should be multiples of me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom. Only having an embarrassed icon for Apple Bloom is just silly. And no mustache-less Spike? And what about that sea serpent Rarity met? He'd make a great emoticon.

And Babs should have one, Snips and Snails, Cheerilee, Bic Macintosh, Pipsqueak, Discord, Luna, Mayor Mare, Fancypants, etc. There are a bunch missing. And a few look identical.

The size is kinda small, too. We could easily have more then forty-eight of them.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1128189 How did you get here from Equestria or do you not remember?

If you could swap bodies with anyone for one day who would it be and why?

If you had superpowers what would they be?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


How did you get here from Equestria or do you not remember?

Actually, embarrassingly enough, answering this made me realize I left something out of one of my previous answers.

You see, I'd actually finally asked Twilight about magic lessons, and she'd started teaching me. We weren't that far into them. I'd learned how to channel magic into my horn, and do this magical sight thingy, where you can see all the magic around you.

She'd brought this magical gadget into the library, and I was curious about it. So I brought my magic into my horn while walking towards it. I was gonna take a look at it magically. But I kinda tripped, fell into it, horn first, and then I was here.

I thought I was trapped inside the device originally, but I figured out that I'm in one of those computer things eventually. At least I've got internet access. Sometimes.

If you could swap bodies with anyone for one day who would it be and why?

Well, it'd be sorta fun to swap places with knighty for a day, and make a whole bunch of changes, but you probably mean in Equestria.

Well, this would probably need to be a night rather then a day, but being Princess Luna for a night might be fun. You've got Princess Celestia as your big sister, and you get to do that dreamwalking thing Scoots was telling me about, and chase off nightmares.

Though it'd be more fun if me, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom could be Luna at the same time when walking into dreams. Cutie Mark Crusader Nightmare Chasers, yay!

If you had superpowers what would they be?

I might have considered time travel, but I've had enough future and alternate versions of me borrow my account that it gets a little tiresome.

Anything that involves a superhero costume is out, too. One time when I had Mature checked, I saw a fanfic that I think was featured with me in a superhero costume. If anypony adds that one, it's going straight to the HorriBelle section. *shiver*

Maybe being able to turn yourself invisible. You could do some fun stuff with that, and if you didn't want anypony to find you, they wouldn't be able to.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1129645 How do you feel about shameless self promotion?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


How do you feel about shameless self promotion?

Isn't shameless self promotion what got Trixie in trouble? And why is it always shameless, anyways? It seems like ponies always say they're doing this when they're really just promoting their stories. I find the whole thing a bit confusing, really.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1135362 Ever since he became "Reformed" have you seen Discord around at all?

By the way did anyone ever tell you that you and your fellow crusaders were supposedly reponsible for releasing him the first time?

While we're on the subject of Discord what do you think of him?

On an unrelated note I know that both you and your sister can sing pretty well, is this just coincidence or does it run in the family?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I'll tackle these out of order this time:

By the way did anyone ever tell you that you and your fellow crusaders were supposedly reponsible for releasing him the first time?

Um, we weren't, actually. For a thousand years, Discord was a statue in that maze. For most of it, there were field trips to the maze by various classes all over Equestria. There's no way we were the first ones to argue in front of his statue.

After a thousand years, the magic keeping him a statue was getting weak, and it was affecting things around it. The reason we were arguing that badly was because Discord was breaking free, not the other way around.

Sure, Scoots and Apple Bloom often do argue a bit, but I'm usually the one breaking it up, not joining in. There were other things going on there. (And, you know, I think that's the only time Cheerilee ever accepted "my homework turned into a bunny" as a valid excuse for my not having it...)

Ever since he became "Reformed" have you seen Discord around at all?

Not too much, but occasionally. I know ponies have been trying to keep him away from Sugarcube Corner at all costs, because they are afraid of him and Pinkie getting together. He spends a lot of his time in Fluttershy's cottage and in Canterlot, though.

While we're on the subject of Discord what do you think of him?

He's silly, and he can create chocolate at the snap of a claw. But he can also be a little scary, when he does things like he did to Big Mac that one time. I dunno.

On an unrelated note I know that both you and your sister can sing pretty well, is this just coincidence or does it run in the family?

Well, keep in mind all the times you've seen my sister sing have been when she was singing about things currently going on, and that doesn't count. Any time ponies find themselves taking place in a song and dance number, they can sing and dance well, even if they can't normally. Equestra works a little differently then this place does.

I think there are a few singers in my family tree. No one that is well known for it in the last few generations, though.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1140076 Did Rarity ever find out about your "Unscheduled" trip to the Crystal Empire with Spike and your fellow crusaders? If so was she mad at you or just dissapointed?

Do you always try to see the good in everyone, including Diamond Tiara?

When you and Scootaloo took shelter under a bench with Apple Bloom when Nightmare Moon appeared did you know who you were hiding with or was it a spur of the moment sort of thing?

What's your favorite food?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Did Rarity ever find out about your "Unscheduled" trip to the Crystal Empire with Spike and your fellow crusaders? If so was she mad at you or just disappointed?

Nah, she never found about it. And my parents didn't either. It was less then a day, Rarity thought I was with my parents, and they presumably thought I was out with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. At least, I mentioned it when I left. I'm never totally sure if they pay attention to that.

Do you always try to see the good in everyone, including Diamond Tiara?

I try. The good in Diamond Tiara is usually her absence, though.

When you and Scootaloo took shelter under a bench with Apple Bloom when Nightmare Moon appeared did you know who you were hiding with or was it a spur of the moment sort of thing?

Um, we weren't under a bench that time. You're thinking of where me and Scoots were at Diamond Tiara's cutieneighiara. Or however you spell that.

But me and Scoots had already been together there, and Apple Bloom just sorta ended up hiding next to us. And she left a little bit later without us knowing who she was. I know now that she left because her sister had left, but I didn't know that at the time. And Rarity had also left, so I kinda already had my own things to think about at the time.

What's your favorite food?

Besides chocolate?

Waffles! With blueberries or raspberries or strawberries and yogurt or maple syrup. Pancakes are pretty good, too.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1141500 Have you ever seen Opal in a good mood whenever you're around?

What's the most bizzare thing you and your fellow crusaders have tried to get your cutie marks?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Have you ever seen Opal in a good mood whenever you're around?

Oh yes, she's often in a very good mood when she manages to get me or my mane with her claws. She seems to think I'm some sort of a scratch toy.

What's the most bizzare thing you and your fellow crusaders have tried to get your cutie marks?

Hmm, that's kinda tricky. I suppose there's the time Apple Bloom decided that maybe if we drew cutie marks on our flanks, it'd kinda encourage them to appear. So we got out markers, and drew cutie marks on each other. Apple Bloom drew a music note on me, I drew a scooter on Scoots, and she draw a hammer on Apple Bloom. Then the two of them spent a few minutes arguing about the hammer.

After a bit, we realised it wasn't going to work, tried to get the marker off, and realised it was permanent marker. Did you know getting permanent marker out of fur is pretty similar to getting tree sap out of fur?

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1142005 I assume you've met Princess Luna on Nightmare Night, have you ever met Princess Celestia or Princess Cadence?

So what did you think of the Crystal Empire even if you only got to see the train station?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I assume you've met Princess Luna on Nightmare Night, have you ever met Princess Celestia or Princess Cadence?

Er, well, me, Scoots, and Apple Bloom scattered flower petals down the aisle at Princess Cadance's wedding, and Princess Celestia was there, so we kinda met.

So what did you think of the Crystal Empire even if you only got to see the train station?

I really wish I could have been there longer. I so wanted that snow globe, and it was so cool looking a place. I didn't get to see much of it, though, and hiding under seats in a train sucks.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin


There are a few fics in which humans find themselves transforming into ponies from Equestria - not just becoming pony versions of themselves, but actually turning into ponies like Bon Bon, Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna, etc. Five Score Divided by Four is a recent popular series, and there's also the Ponyearthverse.

What advice do you have for someone who's turning into you (for example, this gentleman)? Is mane care for a two-toned mane difficult? Do you have any allergies?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


There are a few fics in which humans find themselves transforming into ponies from Equestria - not just becoming pony versions of themselves, but actually turning into ponies like Bon Bon, Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna, etc. Five Score Divided by Four is a recent popular series, and there's also the Ponyearthverse.

What advice do you have for someone who's turning into you (for example, this gentleman)?

Oh my. Well, a lot depends on whether they become me and stay where they are, or if they end up in Ponyville as me. There's a whole lot more to keep in mind if they are in Ponyville.

Is mane care for a two-toned mane difficult?

Not really. Rarity occasionally sticks a whole bunch of tubes in my mane, starts spraying stuff on it, drying it, and so on, but I've never been sure any of that's necessary, because it kinda curls naturally anyways. That's really just one of the things you have to get used to when you spend a lot of time staying with Rarity.

Do you have any allergies?

Um, well, remember that time dad tried to teach me to fish, and I felt too sorry for them? I did catch one, and he cooked it and we had it for dinner that night. And guess what? Turns out I'm allergic to some kinds of fish. Not sure what types, since I just stay away from all of them now. Pretty easy, since barely anypony eats fish anyways. Annoys my father, but he's learned to live with it.

Other advice for being me? Well, I posted this general advice in another group before, and some of it seems like it'd apply.

If you happen to end up with tree sap all over your mane, tail, and fur, don't try to yank it out. A bunch of hair and fur will come out with it, and you'll end up with bald spots. If you know somepony like Rarity who has hoof sanitizer around, that works. So does dish soap and rubbing alcohol.

If you are going to go through a doorway, hole, crawlspace, or something similar, make sure that there's enough space not only for your body, but your head and horn, and keep in mind where they are when going through. Accidentally whacking your horn when running through is both embarrassing and painful.

When around a bunch of other ponies, make sure you know where their hooves are and your tail, and vice-versa. Hooves and tails do not mix.

Wool shrinks if you try to wash it. The proper way to take care of something made of wool that's dirty is to give it to the owner, and ask them to clean it, so that when it shrinks, it's their fault.

Don't worry too much if you have to go somewhere without your friends. You'll make more. Though that doesn't mean you won't miss them...

Practice doing the following in a mirror. These come in handy a lot:

If you log into my fimfiction account, don't mess with my admin rights in any of my groups, and when signing posts as "Sweetie Belle", add a comma, and something to indicate that you are not the same Sweetie Belle as me. I say this because Sweetie Belle's tend to know my password because they're me. I have enough future and alternate versions of me show up on occasion to know this well.

There's other important things if you are trying to be me in Equestria:

This is where I live:

This is my bedroom:

If you are in my parents home and going out, just yell in their general direction where you are going and when you'll be back, then leave. Don't worry about if they heard you, even if you said you were gonna go spend a week with Rarity. As long as you can say you told them later, you're fine.

If Rarity knows you're supposed to be with her, wait for her not to be in the middle of something, tell her, and make sure she heard you and isn't inspired and only listening to the voices in her head.

If you're supposed to be with her and aren't, she'll look for you, and there'll be lots of drama.

If you're with Scootaloo, there aren't many other ponies around, and she isn't either enthusiastically going on about something, or talking about Rainbow Dash, she needs a hug. This may be necessary several times in a day. Pay no attention if she makes faces and tells you to get off her.

You may end up playing Scootaball. Here are the rules:

Scootaball Rules:
To play, you need at least two players, one of which is Scootaloo. If you don't actually have Scootaloo there, somepony gets designated as Scootaloo for the duration of the game. Usually if the real Scootaloo shows up and joins the game while it's going on, the designation shifts to her.
You also designate at least one goal and at least one ball.
During the game, any player can call out new rules or modifications to existing rules, which everypony else abides by. You can't call out a rule that causes you to immediately win, though, in the interest of fairness. The Scootaloo for the game gets to make the final call on this.
The winning pony is the pony who wins.
And that's it for rules, so actual game play varies wildly.

Do not touch:
Rarity's dresses, fabric, or gems.
Things on high shelves.

Generally standing in one location absolutely still avoids messing things up, but even that doesn't always work. Keep in mind that you are still growing. You'll need to eat a lot, and are likely to be rather clumsy if you aren't careful.

If going crusading, keep in mind Scootaloo's suggestions tend to be dangerous, and keep her and Apple Bloom from fighting.

Don't try to use magic unless an adult unicorn is present, and you have a good supply of chocolate.

Always have a good supply of chocolate.

Um, not sure what other advice I can think of, but anypony turning into me is free to ask me questions here as well, of course.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin


This is a fantastic guide, I love it! Very informative and useful, thank you.

Practice doing the following in a mirror. These come in handy a lot:

I had to shut my eyes at that point to avoid passing out, but I think I got most of it. :)

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Glad you like it! I am a bit of a subject matter expert, I suppose. I think fimfiction has some sort of "No user manual or guide" policy, or I'd consider fleshing it out a little and posting it in my stories section.

Oh, and sorry about the cuteness overload. I kinda thought that anypon- anyperson turning into me would also need to get used to that level of cuteness anyway, and the mirror exercise would help with that.

Wonder if we should point new Sweetie Belles to this thread?

Oh, and to elaborate a little bit on one point. While other Sweetie Belle's do occasionally use this account, the only ones I've seen in a while would be "Belle" and "SB".

Belle is a librarian at the Library Outside of Space-Time, from a timeline that no longer exists. She'd be too busy with librarian things to participate in this thread. She'd vanish into improbability if she ever left the library, apparently.

And SB is from a real ugly alternate reality. One that'd fall in the "HorriBelle" section of this group. I've gathered that she knows dirty street fighting, only trusts one or two adults, threatens to gore anypony else that approaches, and likes setting things on fire. Still, I can't blame her. I've heard a bit about where she comes from. Don't think she'd be willing to answer questions either, though.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

1167498 Very good advice there Sweetie Belle.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin



Maybe I should give it its own thread. I'm not really sure, though.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I just realized that my "Being Sweetie Belle" guide didn't have how to play Scootaball in it, so it's been updated. For anypony who doesn't feel like going up in the thread, here's a copy of the rules.

You may end up playing Scootaball. Here are the rules:

Scootaball Rules:
To play, you need at least two players, one of which is Scootaloo. If you don't actually have Scootaloo there, somepony gets designated as Scootaloo for the duration of the game. Usually if the real Scootaloo shows up and joins the game while it's going on, the designation shifts to her.
You also designate at least one goal and at least one ball.
During the game, any player can call out new rules or modifications to existing rules, which everypony else abides by. You can't call out a rule that causes you to immediately win, though, in the interest of fairness. The Scootaloo for the game gets to make the final call on this.
The winning pony is the pony who wins.
And that's it for rules, so actual game play varies wildly.

--Sweetie Belle

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