Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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Is there any fics based on the finale(or the sequel that would address certain issues..) that does the Royal Sisters much better justice than how the actual show did? Or at least for Luna?
Really.. I felt like how they were handled in the finale didn't do them enough justice, it felt like they gotten a not-so-good sendoff.
All they got to do was just lose their magic(which is pretty embarrassing honestly..) and just distract the trio for the others to escape(even that got overshadowed with Starlight's rescue attempt). I am not going to even count the statue bit since to me it actually made the sisters look bad with how controversial it was for the fans.
Pretty much the sisters ultimately got sidelined from the final fight and got the short end of the stick. Not even included in the finale rainbw laser despite their cutie marks were on the Tree and how they used the Elements before(apparently losing the ability to use the Elements means the sisters get NOTHING, no acknowledgement in terms of Harmony stuff.) Pretty much they fell flat on their faces again.
It hurts more for me about Luna's case since I feel like she could have gotten something in the finale. Since how she kicked the show off with her story in the first episode and being the first antagonist(as Nightmare Moon), she could have gotten something to make things come full circle. Like with starting off the show as a villain but ending it with having a huge hero moment(no, distracting the terrible trio and turning them to stone AFTER they are now defenseless and defeated does not count).
It was really disappointing..

Sorry about this rant but how the royal sisters(especially Luna) were handled in the finale here just.. left a pretty bitter feeling within me. (At least Spike didn't get shafted though..)

I would start looking specifically for stories that tend towards the fix fic subgenre. However, if you really want to see the royal sisters happy and thriving, I'd suggest reading stories that just ignore season nine altogether. Perhaps even season eight if that was also immensely disappointing to you.

Though, this story I read today actually had a decent depiction of a retired Celestia. I would recommend it.

Fluttershy meets with the former Princess Celestia to discuss her concerns regarding a former villain they both know well.
Jade Ring · 2.4k words  ·  195  7 · 3.5k views

Ok then

Let me know if you found anything for Luna's case.

Thanks for telling me

Unfortunately, she's been pretty neglected as a character by the later seasons of the show and fan writers using late canon material. I'm finding a lot of 'happy ending' stuff for Celestia, but not a lot for Luna. I checked my upvote shelves, and this was the closest I could find. It's still about Twilight more than anything else.

EPerfect Moments
As an immortal alicorn, Princess Twilight Sparkle faces eternity alone among the living. The dead might have something to say about that...
Andrew Joshua Talon · 1.6k words  ·  70  4 · 1k views

Personally, I just use things up to season six for my writing. There's a lot of happy Luna in my longer stuff.

Didn't know Luna is actually suffering from that issue(specifically the fanwork bit) honestly.

Yeah, she wasn't handled really well in final seasons, less so than Celestia. I have seen very few stories that focus on her, especially her individual thoughts and feelings on the matter, but quite a few on Celestia's. Luna just feels like this half of a Celestia-and-Luna tandem entity.

Fan works in general usually just have her as a waifu fuel being, sex goddess, 2012 joke compilation, woobie, or fawning over Twilight. She's a popular character, but her canon character (or reasonable divergence from it) isn't as easy to find. It's like how so many stories will commonly abuse characters like Discord or Pinkie for the sake of a featured box comedy.

Honestly wasn't fond of Luna retiring, especially since I feel like she's still in Celestia's shadow.
But because of Discord's plan, it caused Luna to end her rule on a pretty bad note(as in how things went for her on the last days of her and Celestia's rule). Really made it worse for me.

Speaking of "abuse" like on Discord, due to his plan and what it did to 3 fa characters of mine(Spike, Luna and Chrysalis) I just can't stop imagining angst stuff of Luna lashing out at Discord due to said plan or its a running gag where NMM emerges and often just threats the heck out of Discord for what he did to Luna. Or just sh** happening to him in general like a simple bonk on the head or something.
I still like Discord but his plan made me so furious inside..

Yeah, it’s amazing how this was the finale we got after nearly a decade. I’m just glad fanfics are still going.

The finale was really mixed for me in general.

One side, Spike actually didn't get shafted and him being in the rainbow laser is the closest we might get for him being the 7th element.
But on the other side, Luna got screwed big time(Celestia too but I am more focused on Luna in this case)..
And the whole Grogar issue.

I thought that Cadance and Sunset were the closest thing to seventh element characters.

Well Spike was practically born due to the very thing that caused the Mane 6 to get their cutie marks(which probably connected them to the elements or something) and also was by Twilght's side(well.. at times, many times he sadly gets shafted/sidelined but still) and apparently gotten his own throne in the map room.
So Spike is a potential character too for the fabled 7th element that is often brought up in the fandom(I think it was often talked about)

Anybody found anything else yet?
I really hope there is fics out there that handles the Royal Sisters better during Ending Of The End there..

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