Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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What were your wishes for the finale that never came true? I know some answers to be more obvious than others, so to be safe, I won't count Grogar being real or the villains being turned to stone as answers (though those are my only wishes than I can think of). Are there any events you wish were different, characters you wish were there, or just better actions and words that make more sense?

The only thing that I thought of was for all of the allies of the Mane 6 and Spike to team up, but that already happened

I think that the wishes most viewers had for possible finale ideas was spoiled long before season nine was near its end. The kind of content most people here probably wanted to see was displaced by the content that came at the start of the season, at the very least.

I don't know if I'd go quite that far. Personally, the main thing I was looking forward to -- an internally-driven redemption for the terrible trio -- remained more or less in the cards until the finale itself.

I wanted to see a battle between the united Terrible Trio and Equestria against Grogar.

I guess the answer varies for everyone, though that sounds like something the season might have needed some revisions for in order to better build up to moments like that in the finale.

I guess for me, it would be the Royal Sisters not getting taken out.
At least include them in the final rainbow laser(no, don't include EVERYONE and their grandma in the laser. Just include the sisters since they wielded the Elements before and their cutie marks were on the freaking tree)
Hurts more about Luna's case with they could have had something for her since how she started the show off as the first villain as Nightmare Moon.
Just felt like something was wasted big time.

And probably Chrysalis reforming too, wanted to see how she looks as a reformed buggo(and at least not suffer a horrible fate).

I don't know I had many ideas for the finale...let me sleep on it

More King Sombra. He got the shaft unfortunately and I really wanted to see him instead of the farce they turned him into. Maybe more back story for the villains, particularly Cozy Glow, considering she's apparently just an evil kid.

I wanted so badly for Tirek and Cozy to develop a father/daughter relationship.

Accountability for the "good guys", actual consequences for Discord because at this point the line has been more then crossed too many times.

We all know it's a kids show but for once the lesson of "saying sorry doesn't fix things or get you trust back, and the actions after that do" needs to be a big one.

An attempt at a castrated redemption-show us the chance being accepted and cut to the next decade with them not being reformed but working on it as a background thing or even that utterly pointless newspaper gag like that edited picture floating around Derpibooru.

In general, a writer that knows how to actually handle characters instead of stepping on the toes of pre-established arcs and ideology of the characters on both sides.

Jim Jones wannabe gets her own school after turning down redemption till she was shown the death of a planet by her hands while the trio get stoned on a traitors suggestion by two of the laziest, most selfish entities in the show.

And yes, doesn't matter if "everything turned out fine", risking the entire nation/planet for a sibling or the agenda of teaching a successor is borderline monstrous by any sane measure.

We barely got anything about her, so hopefully a canon comic will do us favors.

I feel Luna wouldn't be so "lazy" if Celestia actually lets her do stuff.
I mean, she wanted to help in the Crystal Empire but Celestia wouldn't let her for the sake of Twilight's test.
Heck, when Rainbow Dash's iffy thing of saying the sisters deliberately not help the girls so Twilight can learn stuff, I bet Luna WANTED to help when it was possible but Celestia wouldn't let her do so for the sake of her "chosen one" learning. Though that Celestia doesn't realize that Luna never got to DIRECTLY save the day not even once since her return(The Tantabus doesn't really count since Luna caused it).

I just wished the writers handled Luna and Celestia better through out the show.

"Accountability for the "good guys", actual consequences for Discord because at this point the line has been more then crossed too many times." "In general, a writer that knows how to actually handle characters instead of stepping on the toes of pre-established arcs and ideology of the characters on both sides."

On that we agree.

"Jim Jones wannabe gets her own school after turning down redemption till she was shown the death of a planet by her hands while the trio get stoned on a traitors suggestion by two of the laziest, most selfish entities in the show. And yes, doesn't matter if "everything turned out fine", risking the entire nation/planet for a sibling or the agenda of teaching a successor is borderline monstrous by any sane measure."

And you lost me.

I always figured they were busy handling the political side of things. And Celestia only prevented Luna from doing something that one time.

That would be Starlight the happy cultist, and Celestia choosing to save Luna instead of protect her country and or warn anyone about the impending demigods arrival specifically.

Ironically I liked her character when they first brought her in, but I'm about fed up with friends in high places as an excuse for anyone at this point.

By "lost me" I meant that I disagree VERY strongly.

Unfortunately I don't care for someone who's only reason for not being locked up is who they know and who likes them-thats called bias, corruption, dishonesty, betrayal of ideaology and hypocrisy.

No matter how much she's grown she got it because some thing, because at this point calling that mentality and it's preachers human is an insult to humanity, decided it would rather save one then many.

And it spits while heartedly in the supposed tenets of Harmony in universe which is laughable.

Saving Luna literally risked the entire planet. Sombra died for less.

Explain to me how it's excusable for one to risk an entire country while someone who's at best risked a town gets thrown into prison.

Try and explain in a way that doesn't boil down to "I like this person more" and you may-as nonexistent as it is-change my mind.

Not one person irl or in show has that right, unless you acknowledge that every other nation physically can not hold Equestria responsible due to power gaps, meaning the shows philosophy isn't friendship is magic.

It's me and mines' might makes right.

I'm not interested in having a debate, only in sharing my opinion and understanding yours. Which I do, even if I disagree very strongly.

I would back hand my sibling and tell them their garbage test isn't worth a turd rolling down the road and if they want to do it they can tell every single person they're risking exactly why they did it in person without a single bodyguard if they think for a second I'd stand by that monstrosity of a ethical choice.

Luna chose to go along with it and let those people be bargaining chips in a way that I'd expect out of the supposed Nightmare then the supposed redeemed and reformed ruler.

And I can not fathom why, unless it's a method you've benefitted from which immediately cuts my respect or care for your existence into negative levels.

Are you kidding? I hate it when people benefit from that.

And as stated I can not fathom how you would disagree without that being the reason.

It's literally the only reason Starlights' improved(I.E free passes for days) and as stated the biggest lump of hypocritical garbage the show's had in it.

Have you considered that different people might interpret a work of fiction differently?

Yes, however this isn't a part thats actually up to interpretation.

Twilight bent the rules and laws, protected Starlight and bypassed any actual process because she has bias towards it.

That isn't something you can interpret differently.

Okay I'm ending the conversation here, as you clearly do not understand the nature of fiction. The great thing about fiction is that everything is up to some level of interpretation, and everybody's is equally valid (I mean unless it's racist/sexist/etc). Plus somebody could always see something you didn't. Like all art forms, it's subjective.

Thats for things that aren't canon or shown in universe.

You want to write a fan fiction were Starlight by a miracle earns a pardon for everything be my guest but the show clearly shows it's Twilight bypassing all of it for her.

You can interpret anything till the canon source material contradicts you. Then it's a head-cannon and not valid for consideration as truth in the media being discussed.

Your interpretation of the show is what shows that. I've had enough conversations with people like you to know nothing good will come of this conversation. Good day.

I’ve often found myself wishing nowadays that Allspark had created a follow-up to “Daring Doubt”, particularly to fix the out of nowhere retconning and plot hole done with Ahuizotl. That, and there were many characters that I wished could’ve made more appearances before the series ended.

In Royal Problem it is shown that Celestia's duties handle most of the political stuff iirc.
Luna's duties were shown to so far to be just raising the moon and dream-guarding.

Political stuff wouldn't prevent Luna much from helping unlike Celestia's case.
Like it could have been Celestia handles things so the kingdom won't fall apart while Luna goes in to directly help against what villain attacks.

I feel like the Elements did something to Luna when they reverted her back from Nightmare Moon.
I don't know.. something made Luna unable to fully go against her sister.
Or that "something" is just the writers just making iffy stuff .
Still can't get over how Luna agreed to such a really flawed plan Celestia had in Twilight's Kingdom by hiding their magic in Twilight.

"It Was All A Dream", or Twilight sacrificing herself to save the world.
Her not turning into a giraffe would be fine to.

Spike finding his parent's and finding out why and how his egg ended up with celestia

Also, Luna tends to sleep during the day.

Doesn't stop her from being involved in stuff like during Tirek popping up or during the Friendship Festival(where the Storm King attacked).
Nor did it stop her from doing all that stuff with Celestia in the near beginning of Between Dawn And Dusk.

We've also seen how tired she gets after some nights. Those just happened to be days that she wasn't.

Still wouldn't stop her from helping during those crisis stuff.
Pretty sure she would suddenly not feeling much tired if something is going on. Aka if the writers decided have it so its one of those days where she isn't all tired.

In other words you ignore canon issues and choose to avoid confronting them.

I'm stating what the show's done. Ain't nothing interpreted about that, where as everything you've suggested is an interpretation ignoring stated and shown actions and reasoning.

The reason nothings come of those conversations is you my friend, not anyone else.

I said this conversation is done. Contact me again and I'll report you for harassment.

Well I think I see how this group is going to play out by that interaction.

I wait for someone of ethical fiber and actual willingness to confront the things they don't like to exist, as apparently the only one here is borderline a coward who wants the last word as threats and denial of acknowledgement.

I still wish the Mean 3 would of stayed together as friends or a little made shift family but I'm bias
Them teaming up with the mane 6 against a real Grogar would of been amazing.


I know, right? Good thing we have this site to do both of those things. I, for one, enjoyed making it like that.

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