Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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Ok guys I think pretty much all of you hate that Grogar twist, including me. But have you ever think about how pointless it is? I heard that the writers wanted to just make the terrible trio the main villains. Ok let me make things clear.

- Why not make Chrysalis be the one to break Tirek and Cozy out of Tartarus. With Grogar’s bell or some other artifact.
- Why not have Grogar be a villain alongside the terrible trio as villains.
- Why not have Grogar be a robot made by Flim and Flam. (I know it sounds weird, but it’s at least better than Discord being Grogar).

If you ever stop and think about it that Grogar is Discord twist didn’t even have to happen.

Discord's plan doesn't even make sense (and not in the "lol chaos" sense, in the "this is stupid" sense) for one simple reason: Cozy Glow. Hang on, just gonna copy/paste the last time I talked about this...

I swear to God I have been turning over and over in my head and I just can't figure out. What the Hell was Cozy's role going to be in Discord's Plan A? The one where he and the Legion of Doom attack Twilight at her coronation but then the Legion is defeated and Twilight gets a major confidence boost.

Chrysalis and Tirek are both powerful, canny warriors, so the benefit of bringing them is obvious. but Cozy Glow...she's just a kid, and she has zero ability to do anything that an ordinary kid couldn't do if she's going up against someone who had no interest in helping her, as demonstrated pretty clearly by Rusty Bucket in "Frenemies". And that was with Rusty not even knowing who she was and genuinely wanting to be helpful and nice to her, just not to the point of violating his solemn duty. I have to believe that Discord is intelligent enough to realize the fundamental problem he faces in trying to figure out what Cozy is supposed to get up to.

Like...what was she supposed to do? Throw herself as Twilight and gnaw on her leg as a distraction or something? T-pose in front of Fluttershy to assert dominance?

I guess he thought Cozy Glow's belief in friendship would convince Tirek and Chrysalis to work together(?)
Honestly its unsettling on what might have happened to the trio if Discord's plan didn't go haywire.

I agree. Gods, I hated this reveal. Whether you like him or hate him, Mis Anthro Pony sums it up better than I could in his video on the subject

Indeed. That’s what I keep saying! If Grogar wasn’t supposed to be the main antagonist, then what was the entire point of bringing him in anyway? That plot twist was just the writers flipping the bird at Grogar fans. Ughhh, it’s very infuriating.

Wonder how much damage you think Discord's plan had caused than he realizes?

Comment posted by Splashtraveler47 deleted Oct 4th, 2022

Well, he lied to and deceived his friends, nearly single-handedly brought about the end of Equestria, unintentionally brought about strained relationships amongst the three pony tribes, caused Fluttershy-his best friend-untold emotional distress and pushed an already troubled child further down the path of evil by pairing her up with two professional villains to serve as her mentors.


Guys did you know that the Grogar twist was planned from the start.

It just goes to show that the show's writers weren't thinking. They threw out logic, creativity and character consistency for a plot twist.

I did. They intentionally hyped up a cool new endgame adversary and a fan favorite G1 villain just to say, "Ha ha, made you look!"

Could you think of better ways that they could execute Grogar and the 3 villains.

I'm working on a such a thing now in a series of mine but as it's not finished, I can't go into detail without spoiling anything. What I can say is that the real Grogar is the endgame villain and has brought Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek and Cozy Glow to him for a very good reason. He's the most dangerous villain for his sheer intelligence, operating as a master manipulator.

1). There needed to be an episode or two that would have Grogar as the main character that would unveil his backstory and his motivations for bringing the Treacherous Trio together under his leadership. Then have him as the final villain of the finale so he could pose a mighty challenge to the Mane Six, Spike, Discord, the princesses, and all of Equestria.

2). Have the Trio as secondary villains. While they intend to betray Grogar, the latter would reveal that he has been watching them the whole time and knew all along that they had his bell (he has the crystal ball at his disposal to see everything happening in Equestria). Then he will either brainwash them and probably turn them into monsters to destroy Twilight and her friends.

And most likely he damaged the Royal Sisters' reputations too.
I am sure he messed up Cadance and Shining Armor's reputation with the Sombra fiasco.

And traumatized Flurry Heart and make her parents despise him. There's no way they'd ever let Discord into the Crystal Empire or near their daughter. Twilight would hate Discord for endangering her infant niece and even Pinkie wouldn't forgive him for getting the Cake Twins mind controlled by Sombra. Hell, all of Ponyville would want him gone after that.

You know I’m more mad that this twist practically ruins Discord. Then not seeing the real Grogar. I have seen people compare it to the mandarin twist from Iron Man 3. Which I actually think is good, and a masterpiece compared to the Grogar twist.

He has ALOT of work to do.
Pretty sure even he can't ignore or brush aside all those angry glares.
Heck I can just see if some threat pops up, the first thing the ponies would do is glare at Discord and assume he's behind it. Every single threat that pops up from now one they will think he might have done it.

The thing that gets me about this particular mess is that if effectively negates any benefit you could have gotten from including Grogar to begin with.

The question is, here, why include Grogar? That is, what advantage do you get out using that specific character that you wouldn't out of using someone else, making up a new villain or just having the legion of doom come together on its own? Frankly, the answer is continuity porn -- the primary thing Grogar brings to the table is his name, his in-franchise reputation, and having a G1 villain in G4. The thing is that only a narrow set of people are really going to care about this, chiefly the remaining G1 fans and people who are really into continuity in general.

However, the bulk of the fandom, including both a large chunk of the adult fandom and the actual child audience, just isn't going to care about that. They're not going to get any entertainment or sense of satisfaction out of seeing that particular guy walk onto screen. Consequently, as I see it, the only real reason the writers would have wanted to include Grogar to begin with is to appeal to the Grogar fans within the fandom, because there isn't really anyone else who it would appeal to nor any actual reason they need, specifically, to include him otherwise.

The reason that having Grogar really be Discord was such a weird choice is because it seems tailor-made to piss off the only slice of the fandom that would have been excited about having Grogar to begin with. It's like calling out one set of people in your audience over everyone else just to blow them a raspberry. It's weird.

Couldn't have said it better myself

That just reinforces my hatred and frustration of the Grogar twist. Totally agree.

Seriously screw discord he was responsible for everything bad happening in season 9, he united the villains gave them a dangerous artifact caused the divide between the ponies likely got a lot of ponies killed put all of his friend's in danger and nearly caused spike to lose his wing's I hope who ever thought of this twist never get another job in entertainment, the worst part is that not only is discord forgiving for everything not only does he turn the villain's to stone something he himself said he would never do but the last episode implies that he get's with a mane girl and with fluttershy no less come the hell! on and yeah I hate fluttercord too it's the second worst ship in all of fiction just behind reylo

I too wished that didn’t happen. Really makes all of Discord’s character growth go down the drain.

7300470 What's even worse is that the original draft at least had Discord aware of what he was doing and showed that he had some concerns about it. Though instead of maybe realizing that the twist was still dumb and not worth writing, they decided to keep it and take out Discord being aware in favor of something that sounds unbelievably stupid for him.

Was it the same draft were apparently the reason why the sisters are retiring is because they basically got told they aren't allowed to be among the living anymore(aka "ascend") because "bAlAnCe"?

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