Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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Is there anyone around here besides me who doesn't consider the future events depicted in "The Last Problem" canon? Anyone at all?

I'm mainly asking because, in all seriousness, I just want to see if I'm not alone on the matter in this world. I just don't want to feel like a sore thumb so much anymore.

I don't consider "the last problem" or any of season 9 canon for that matter

Everyone decides what they want or don’t want to be canon. “The Last Problem” was more or less a finale for people who don’t want to think/can’t see any other ending for the show. I still liked it for what it was (despite what happened with the trio but we’ll get to that), the aged up looks, the shippings (CheesePie, wooo) but some people just didn’t like any of that, who the cast got paired with, Spike. So overall, take it like an Alt. Universe ending.
I still don’t like what happened to the Legion of Doom (Chrysalis/Tirek/Cozy Glow) and the fact they only had a printed cameo in the finale, so I’m taking the opportunity to write an ending for them myself. So I can accept PARTS of the finale canon, and some parts not.
Then there’s also the comics, that’s another can of worms.

Personally, I just do what I usually do with installments of a work I don't care for and just pick and choose which parts of the whole I like enough to include in my personal take on things. I liked the last episode decently enough -- on my end of things, most of its issues were less actual problems it had and more the previous two episodes' disasters spoiling the sense of accomplishment it was meant to give -- but I also like to live in a universe where the Legion of Doom got better treatment and Spike is just going through an awkward teenage phase before he finishes maturing a couple centuries down the line.

Also, I frankly would have preferred it if all the mane six became alicorns instead of only Twilight, for a number of reasons I'm not going to get into now, so let's throw that in as well.

Or what 7319454 said, essentially.


Personally, I just do what I usually do with installments of a work I don't care for and just pick and choose which parts of the whole I like enough to include in my personal take on things.

I feel the same way.

I'm not giving much thought about what I consider true canon and what not. I cheris thing I liked and ignore what I didn't. From the finale the only thing I wasn't happy about was final fate of Trio.

The Last Problem was okey I guess? Nothing too bad, but not great either. I guess the only thing I didn't like was a new Twilight design.

I have canon issues with the series, particularly with seasons 8 & 9, but yes, I don't like "The Last Problem" being the conclusion to the story. There were some good things, like the idea of a more integrated Equestria, the song "Friendship Grows" and the idea of Twilight being a mentor to someone else but there are some things that I didn't like about it. For example, just the idea of Celestia and Luna retiring and leaving Twilight in charge. I know some people think that it's cyclic and a fitting end to her character but when you really think about it, it's actually not a good idea for various reasons that I won't get into here. Also, the fact that Discord faced no repercussions whatsoever for his role in the Legion of Doom's rise to power and near conquest over all of Equestria.


Then there’s also the comics, that’s another can of worms

I'm really hoping the comics actually do better.

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