Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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For me, it was the existence of Luster Dawn and her questioning of friendship, the age and designs of every character outside of Discord, the less than clear time gap between the present and future, Silverstream working at the School of Friendship despite “Uprooted” showing that she was interested in being a Wonderbolt, and Gallus being a royal guard in Canterlot despite having no interest in being one before.

But, what elements have you all noted? Are there any that I missed?

None on the top of my head since I don’t watch season 9 a lot and I only watch 3 to 4 episode from that seasons but I do agree. It shown that Silverstream dream to be a Wonderbolt. That would make a good episode/fanfic and I don’t understand why she not one.


Silverstream working at the School of Friendship despite “Uprooted” showing that she was interested in being a Wonderbolt

If I have to be honest, a character fantasizing about being something on at least one occasion isn't exactly hard evidence that they have to be that thing later on -- I mean, how many people fantasize about taking up some glamorous career while in high school and then eventually just lose interest in it? Perhaps Silverstream was interested in being a Wonderbolt, or at least she had a dream about it, but I wouldn't say that that created a narrative requirement for her to become one in the future. If it had been emphasized more, then sure, but it wasn't really something the show paid any attention to after that one time.

Except that it doesn’t make sense for someone to dream about one career and taking on a different one without explanation.

It doesn't make sense for someone to pursue any career except for one thing they had a dream about one time in their life? Why? I have certainly dreamed about dozens of things I never followed up on.

If Silverstream had been established as having a consistent interest in athletics in general or the Wonderbolts in particular, then I agree that just dropping that thread without explanation would have been strange, but she didn't really have that -- it was simply a thing one episode used in an opening scene and never mentioned again. This really seems like making a mountain out of a molehill.

Even though I don’t hate “The Last Problem.” The montage of characters during the song, “Let the magic friendship grows.” Questions me. For example they show Flim and Flam, and Iron Will. In Applejack’s montage, and Iron Will’s montage. Wait did they reform? Did the show ever introduced that? I didn’t see it. Some of the characters during the montage. Never positively interacted with the mane 6 in the show. The show reformed Diamond Tiara, and Garble. But I don’t see them have a positive interaction with Rarity.

This isn't really real life however.
What was the point of having Silverstream dream that part about the Wonderbolts if it leads to nowhere?
Having a character go a different direction all of the sudden than what was stated and try to say "Its because sometimes life changes/doesn't go what we planned" doesn't work since it isn't real life. Its a story to be told.
It felt pretty pointless to have Silverstream dream about the Wonderbolts like that if its just for a visual joke thing.
It just doesn't seem right.

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