Fixing the Finale 172 members · 186 stories
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Here is an underrated video i think is worth watching. It mostly criticizes the trio's fate and discuss how the writers should have handled it if they really wanted them to be irredeemable.

I think making them irredeemable is actually a mistake to begin with. While I’m generally okay with the concept of irredeemable villains, even in FiM - it’s not like I’m saying the Pony of Shadows or the Storm King didn’t get a fair shake - I think given the themes and tone of the show, making the final villains irredeemable is just fundamentally the wrong way to end the show. You don’t want to end your series about Friendship by showing Friendship being incapable of something.

Wow, that was honestly a good video. The creator certainly had fair better ideas than the MLP showrunners did.

This is a good video. I quite enjoyed it and agreed with much of it.

I also agree with this. Especially given the lack of chances those three received and just how well built up a potential redemption for them was.

Comment posted by TheMasterofDespair deleted Jul 6th, 2021

As the creator of that video, I greatly appreciate the feedback. I still stand by everything I said, with the exception of maybe having the trio being written to be irredeemable in anyway. At this point, those three are more or less the only characters left in the series that I find even remotely likable. I could almost give an exception to Rarity, who's probably the only one of the main cast the writers haven't completely bastardized. But everyone else, particularly Celestia, Discord, and even Twilight have ironically become irredeemable in my eyes.

I agree as well, I would have much preferred that they were reformed overall. I was just pointing out that if they absolutely wanted to go down that route at having a truly irredeemable villain, and make a statement about how some people just can't be helped, they could have done it much, much better. Ironically enough, they did still manage to do that, just not regarding the trio, but rather with Discord.

Thank you very much. To be honest, though, it doesn't take much effort to have better ideas than the creatively bankrupt display that most of these writers have shown seen Lauren Faust, and the original crew left.

I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I agree with the above comment as well. These three had virtually no second chances given to them, especially when you compare it to how many chances both Starlight and Discord received. What irritates me even more so is that this was the only redemption story in the entire series that was properly setup and surprisingly well written. They weren't acting out of character, or given some sappy backstory, they were simply given genuinely character growth. I can't for the life of me believe that someone could write an episode as incredible as Frenemies, and then proceed to write an episode as ignorant and tone deaf as the Ending of the End. Even the title is atrocious.

I guees everything good about the video was said, so I just want to add that I appreciated that despite that author obvisouly didn't like the outcome the voice was stil calm and was trying to be objective and crititical instead of whiny rant how terrible that episode was.

I think it is kinda funny if Frenemies was to show that trio were irredemable then the effect did the exact opposite.

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