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Group Admin

Story Theme:
Monster-shipping. Whether it's Sunset charming the dread siren(s) of the lake or maybe a forest spirit of Everfree or perhaps someone else touching the heart of the fiery she-demon.

Stories should be first posted/published between April 21st 2024 to June 1st 2024 until midnight. Time zone: United States eastern.

Any length is appreciated, wanna short 1K-3K thing? Go for it. Got that epic you've finished but never uploaded? That’s pretty dope too.

SFW only please.

We made a folder in this group to put your entries in BEFORE THE DEADLINE!

If this is your first story ever on and you're having trouble publishing it on this website, please send a link with view password to Reactception. Message me if you have questions about that.

Please include a link to the contest in your story description.



The Prizes

1st Place:

  • The story will be on the page description for two weeks, and the winner will get to choose the next Sunset x EG Villain competition (can’t be the same one). If they want to, they can co-judge for that competition. But if they don’t want to co-judge, they can of course compete again.

2nd Place:

  • The story will get an honorable mention on the group description.
  • The winner will get a review of one of their stories (their choice) by Reactception.

3rd Place:

  • The story submitted will be reviewed by Reactception.

Link to the folder for the competition:

We hope you all enjoy and participate in this hopefully great and fun competition!!!

Sunset charming the dread siren(s) of the lake

Do you even know who I am? :raritystarry: The orange lesbians... They call to me. I hear them in my dreams :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

As I was typing up the story theme/announcement I thought to myself Spyder is gonna do another Sundagio story aren’t they….

That depends on if I have the time. I have the perfect story idea for this too. Sundagio is too hard to resist :pinkiecrazy: The lord knows I need to subject you to more Sundagio trauma

Yep, and now it’s Siren x Pony, which we all know is far superiour to basic Human x Human shipping!

I got a pretty interesting ship for this too, but I’m sure quite how it’ll work out just yet...

Can you give me a better example? Sunset should be the monster or the couple? Can I make Sunset a mermaid and the dazzlings human?

At least one half of the couple (or one part of the larger grouping) needs to be a monster. Your example is perfectly valid.

Hey, uh, I can’t add my story to the folder?
There’s no button to do that, I think because there’s no story in there to begin with...
That placeholder story (you know the one) is usually best for that.

Okay, that should work now.
I wasn’t aware of putting a story into a Group via the story’s page, but I do think the point about the placeholder story still stands, as that is usually the reason that story is used in the first place?

One question, can I put and mention that Sunset and her friends are bad, and Adagio is the good one. And when he said bad, they are a rock-punk band with the typical stereotypes. Where they consume and make noise, while Adagio, who is an exemplary and hardworking student, only attracts Sunset's attention, because she really loves her as a partner. Because Adagio saved her in the past, but without knowing that Sunset shimmer.

Can I also mention the other girls, I mean both the protagonists and the villains as part of the story? Part of the plot but only because someone will want to separate them or rather prevent the couple from developing.

Group Admin

I forgot to add the default story my bad

Group Admin

Yeah I don’t see a problem with any of that!

Group Admin

I was responding to both questions my bad I wasn’t super clear on that… :derpyderp1:

Sorry for the inconvenience, English is not my forte. And I don't know when they answer 2 questions at the same time.

7960789 Why did nobody tell me about this contest? :raritydespair:

Do the villains or monsters have to be canon or can they be ocs? And do tentacle ponies count? :rainbowderp:

Group Admin

I don’t know why didn’t anybody tell you?

There isn’t a rule against OC’s but usually the OC stories don’t win (just yo warn you.) and I don’t see and issue with tentacle ponies but don’t make it weird :rainbowlaugh:

At what time midnight will be the end, when June 1st is when the day starts or when it will end on the 1st and go to day 2?

Lol Finished my entry. I expect not to win any place since my story is not the best and I tried a new thing in this one, but yeah! Still nice to have excuses to write Sundagio :rainbowlaugh:

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