• Published 31st Aug 2013
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Odrsjot - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and her companions fly east.

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Waiting for a Fate

“The warrior,” Nightshade said as the ponies all huddled inside the prison cell. “The one named Dalen--formerly ‘Straker.’”

“What about him?” Basso muttered.

“He is not quite with it,” Nightshade nibbled on a ration of moldy bread, swallowed, and said, “Mentally, I mean. The stallion is apparently struggling to reclaim a birthright that was once his, but was stripped of him due to unpreventable circumstances.”

“Why should we care?” Zetta remarked. “The pony betrayed us all. Let him rot in his own troubles.”

“The reason why we should care, my little pony, is because he’s made the error of exposing us to a vulnerability.” Nightshade’s cold eyes reflected the equines in the other room. “And when a pony willfully exposes a chink in his armor, that typically means a cry for help.”

“What would a Xonan like Dalen want from us?” Zetta asked in a whispery tone. “He’s betrayed us and sent all of our fellow enforcers to Spark-knows-where!”

“Yeah, he’s done nothing but herd us around like sheep since the Lightning Bearer was taken!” Basso said.

“The Madame is right on the noggin’, though,” Zaid said, stifling a yawn from where he was slumped in the corner of the cell. “That dude seems totally out of sorts. Ain’t nothing worse than being distracted on the job. If you ask me, I think it’s a matter of not liking his boss. Heh…” Zaid smirked. “I’ve been there.”

Zetta squinted at him. “I can’t imagine you ever having a job.”

“I usually have multiple ‘half-jobs.’ It all comes together in the end.”

“So, let’s say this is true,” Basso remarked, rubbing his muzzle. “If Dalen needs something, how can we take advantage of that?”

“I’m not all that certain we can,” Nightshade murmured.

“Then why’d you bring it up?”

Nightshade nibbled on some more bread and said, “Because it’s simply an observation worth noting. Every other warrior on this floating structure desires glory for their esteemed goddess and nothing else. But Dalen--this one stallion--cannot share that glory. No one pony can be completely selfless and humble all of the time. He’s falling apart at the seams; I know it. And yet the Xonans have entrusted him with the security detail over the book of runes. It seems like an opportunity too great to pass up.”

“Well, I’m afraid we’re going to have to pass it up,” Zetta said. “Not much we can do from in here. If Rainbow Dash’s Searonese friend was to pull off a trick--”

“Yeah, those mares are made for each other!” Zaid sat up. “But we haven’t heard anything yet! Which means--”

“Something terrible must have happened to one of them,” Basso said. He gulped. “Or both.”

“Listen to me,” Nightshade said in a firm tone. “We cannot rely on both of those mares exclusively.”

“Why not?” Zaid’s muzzle twisted. “Haven’t they caused enough explosions?” He smirked at the others. “I like to rate ponies based on their explosions-per-minute quota. Y’know, EPM?”

“Their luck will run out,” Nightshade said. “Assuming it hasn’t already. As for the rest of us…” She pointed at her stubby horn. “We need to use our intellect and our wits to get out of here.”

“But you said it yourself!” Zetta exclaimed. “None of us can reach Dalen!”

“That’s because he’s suffering from the same xenophobic mentality that possesses the bulk of his brothers and sisters. He’ll never trust a Ledomaritan, be it an enforcer, a technician…” She glanced aside at Zaid. “...or whatever the blazes you are.”

“I’m a temp worker.”

“Most certainly…”

From a few feet away from Zaid, Kera looked up, shivering slightly.

“Yes…” Nightshade finished the last of her bread, gulped, and said, “So long as none of us have tattoos or a brand of the Goddess Nagu’n on our flanks, then I fear we have no alternative but to wait here and see what fate destiny brings.” With a blink, her eye darted to the side, looking squarely at Kera. “If only our good fortune matched our courage…”

Kera bit her lip. She shivered some more, hugging herself as she fought to avoid Nightshade’s gaze.

Not long after, a loud rumble echoed throughout the chamber. The bars rattled while the confiscated materials on the table beyond the cell began shaking in their containers.

“What… what the heck is going on?!” Basso exclaimed.

“Earthquake!” Zaid squeaked.

“We are in a floating mountain, imbecile,” Nightshade droned.

Zaid blinked. “Skyquake!”

“Unnngh!” Zetta huddled, clutching her head as her horn glowed in random spurts.

“Zetta!” Basso held her, steadied her. “What is it?”

“The… the wailing noise…” Zetta squealed, her eyes tearing. “It’s louder than ever!”

The entirety of Sacred Hold rumbled around them, and then everypony felt their organs shifting as the whole room leaned a few degrees to the side.

“Fillies and gentlecolts…” Nightshade stood up, her eyes sweeping across the stone ceiling. “I do believe we are moving.”

Glowing serpents shrieked and twirled around one another, breaking the clouds up in the gray sky. Xonan battleships spread apart, giving the floating mountain a wide berth.

With the sounds of muffled thunder, the ginormous shape of the Xonans’ Sacred Hold pivoted northwest and accelerated towards the valley beyond the nearest mountains.

In the distance, the tell-tale signs of exploding shells lit up the smoky horizon.

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