• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 3rd


I wish I could just finish all the half-done stories I've got backlogged.


Ponyville hospital has been looked at as a place where ponies go to get better. However, not everypony does. Nurse Redheart has witnessed the deaths of three patients in a single week and the emotional stress is too much for her to take. She decided to completely avoid seeing more deaths by leaving the hospital forever. She wasn't prepared to see so much death, but she also wasn't prepared for who she'd meet on her way home.

Submitted for the 31shotober challenge!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

:raritycry::raritycry::raritycry: BRAVO! Great fic:raritycry:

Nigga when you're a nurse you gotta be ready to see dem deaths. I'm pretty sure Redheart would be a more capable nurse and be able to handle that, but I'm just gonna stop bitching and read the story. xD
But then again, this is Ponyville, so.... I dunno. I just need to read it. xD

Damn she's got some guts to walk out in the rain like that.

Hmm maybe this is early in her nursing carrier. Then this would make sense. xD I guess she just needs time to get used to it.

"I can't stop asking myself whether or not there's a point to being in he field of medicine if you can't save the ones who need help?" >Ignoring the fact you probably already saved plenty of ponies that would've died without your help. Damn I'm really being a strict little dickhead on this one. xD

+1 for fillies. Even for it's a colt. xD Pro tip: Fillies are mares and colts are stallions. If I'm wrong then shoot me.

Well I suppose if it weren't for Redheart RQing that colt would've been dead. One lucky colt.

YES. Dr Pulse is chatting up some logic up in this hood. He my man

...Damn now that was unexpected. The colt actually died. D: I suppose it shows that reality is never fair, making this fanfic realer than others (Imo lol). All you can really do is do your best, and if that isn't enough then it's only going to make it worse by hating yourself over it, thinking that it 'could've' been different. Except that's in the past. :S

I don't usually give number ratings, but I give this 4/5. Dat ending plot-twist.

Read the description and immediately thought of "My Lunch" a.k.a the saddest episode of Scrubs:

Although this fic deals with the idea a bit differently from Scrubs, the core theme remains tragically true to life. I kind of want to see another chapter if only so that we get a chance to see Redheart try to bounce back from this.

They should t have died.

Isn't should supposed to be "shouldn't?"

Also, the tears and another great story.:raritydespair:

I... Have never expected so much death in one story. :rainbowderp:
Something pretty cool Bro.:rainbowkiss:

3252565 this is the exact thing I was thinking about when I wrote this.

Do yourself a favor... move the very last line into it's own paragraph. It gets lost among all of that ridiculous "hope" stuff that's in the rest of the paragraph.

Upvoted, by the way.

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