• Published 4th Mar 2012
  • 14,683 Views, 959 Comments

Of Steam Gears and Wings - RavensDagger

The CMC go against the Empire that is ruling over Equestria. A la Dieselpunk.

  • ...

Forging Alliances and Visiting Echo Base

Preacher looked around at the half dozen Imperials. His gun lay on the floor in front of him, dumped amongst a pile of spent casings. One of the Imperials limped forward a step, like his companions, he was in bad shape. All of them looked disheveled, worn out and grimey. Seeing the Decimate catch fire and burn while the ponies within screamed in pure terror seemed to have quelled some of their will to fight. The piles of inanimate guards throughout the ship may not have helped either.

Sighing Preacher lifted his hooves. “So, what now boys?” The ponies looked at each other; none had the markings of an officer, they were all just new conscripts, ponies that were confused, disorientated and at a loss as to what to do next.

One of then, this one seemingly braze stepped forward, brandishing his gun towards Preacher. “We-we’re going to arrest you!”

Preacher lifted an eyebrow at the young pony. “And put me in what, jail? Please, try to remember what happened to the last one.” He sighed as he indicated the room. Boxes that once held parts for the now departed planes were torn apart by stray bullets, the launch ramps crooked and bent by the rapid exit of all the fighter planes at once. The great copper door was bent inwards by the explosive blast of the Decimate’s downfall.

The group of ponies seemed hesitant. Suddenly, screams and hollers were heard coming from the hallway behind them. Just as the first of the Imperial ponies turned towards the sound, a dozen ponies in grey prison garb galloped into the room. While some were obviously crazed, most just had looks of pure anger and loathing on their face as they looked at the would-be guards.

Preacher sighed and walked forward. He had seen this type of thing before. Ponies put in cells and locked up, sometimes unjustly, horrible things done to them. Passing by one of the Imperials, Preacher noticed that the young stallion was shaking. “No need to do anything brash now,” he said as he stood near the other prisoners. Placing himself in between the inmates and the guards, yet still out of either’s line of fire.

“Move it shithead. Imma’ kill myself some pony,” one of the inmates said. The others cleared a wide berth as the pony advanced. He licked his lips then proceeded to lick his knife. Amongst all those there, he was the only one without a gun, despite the fact that many had two, or even three.

“Calm yourself!” Preacher barked as the knife wielding pony hopped forward and swiped madly at the nearest guard. The Imperial jumped back, hissing in pain as the knife drew a line across his chest.

“Nuts. Pull back!” ordered a strong masculine voice from behind the group of inmates.

Turning, Nuts glared at the group. “Oh, piss off Freeze!” The crazed stallion galloped forward again, this time his wild swing missed as the guard hopped backwards, his eyes wide and filled with fear as he looked at his gun, Nuts, and the wall of armed inmates.

“Bolts, your brother, make him back down.” said the same voice. Preacher perked an ear up, trying to spot the pony who spoke. A large pale blue earth pony stepped out of the group and stood at the front, leaning forward.

“Sorry Freeze, he’s nuts... I mean really, really, nuts...” said one of the inmates, shrugging innocently as Nuts laughed hysterically.

The large, blue earth pony shook his massive head. “I’ll take care of him.” Slowly the powerful pony trotted forward until he stood only a few hoof steps behind Nuts.

Nuts glanced back, his head tilting back until he stared at the earth pony’s face. “Ah, common, Freeze, only a little.” Freeze shook his head. Nutz continued, “Just one, c’mon. I’ll just kill one; you can have the rest! You know me. I can share...”


Nuts grinned cruelly. “Then I’ll have ‘em all. You can’t stop me!” Turning, the mad pony skipped forward, raising his blade high above his head before sweeping it down toward the whimpering form of one of the injured guards.

In the blink of an eye, Freeze was on him. He hit nuts in the side of the head, the impact emanating a sickening crunch. The stallion was sent tumbling from the ground, blood rushing from his ear.

Freeze looked at the guard pony, whose facial expression was a mix of relief and fear. “Sorry,” said Freeze.

Walking over to Nuts, Freeze grabbed the unconscious pony and, with a twist of his powerful neck, shoved the pony onto his back. “Don’t move!” yelled one of the guards, pointing his gun at the back of Freeze’s head.

Preacher decided to intervene. Coughing, he took a step forward. “Gentleponies, I think you can all clearly see that... Freeze? Here is one of the leaders of this break out. Now, think for a moment what this group of... very, well armed ponies would do to you if you killed their leader?” Preacher paused for a moment then sighed, pointing to the piles of empty casings that dotted the ground. “I don’t think you even have a bullet for each one of them, and that’s only if they meekly stood there and let themselves be shot at. Maybe the best course of action would be to surrender...?”

“Eeyup,” agreed Freeze.

The few remaining guards looked at eachother. then, one by one, they dropped their weapons on the ground with small clatters. Two of the inmates ran forward, picking the weapons up with magic and muzzles before running back to the group.

“Bring them to the brig. Be nice,” said Freeze as he trotted back towards the inmates. As he passed the guards, they backed away slowly, as if fearful of his presence.

The large earth pony bent forward, gently removing the unconscious Nuts from his back and placing him on the ground in front of Bolts. “Take care of him. Might want to put him in the brig too.” One of the guards gasped. “In a different cell,” he added.

The inmates circled the guards as they marched forwards, heads low as they mulled over their faiths. Freeze gave some quick, concise directions to the inmates then turned to Preacher.

“Hello. I am Freeze Charge.” he said.

Preacher extended a hoof and they shook while he spoke. “I’m Preacher... You’re the leader of the inmates I presume?”

“Eeyup, you’re the leader of the rebels?”

“I was,” sighed Preacher.

“You can help us?” asked Freeze Charge.

“How?” asked Preacher, sitting on the cold, metal ground. He felt slightly dwarfed by the huge earth pony until he too, sat down.

“We want to join the rebellion.”

Preacher rubbed his chin as he considered. “All of you?”


“I can help,” Preacher replied resiliently.

“Thank you.” Freeze Charge smiled gently and extended a hoof to Preacher, who gladly shook it.

“Great, now we-” A pony in the grey uniform of an inmate ran into the room, stopping near the two talking stallions. The pony clutched his chest as he panted for air.

“Sir,” he addressed Freeze Charge, his voice trailing off as he panted.

Freeze Charge placed a hoof on the young ponies shoulder. “Calm. You need to breath. Talk later.” The pony nodded then swallowed.

“Sir,” he resumed once he had caught up with his breath. “We’re on open comm with an Imperial ship. The flight charter indicates that there were two escorts for this ship. One of them is still out there!”

Freeze Charge began walking briskly towards the exit, his heavy hoofsteps ringing through the large hangar. Preacher shrugged, sighed, following him. “Will they attack?” asked Freeze Charge.

“No sir,” said the inmate as he ran after his leader. “The Imperial said that they would surrender.”

Freeze Charge and Preacher both slowed to stare at the inmate, was beginning to sweat. “Ship damaged?” asked Freeze Charge.

“Doesn’t look like it.”

“Is the crew sick?” asked Preacher.


“Lack of provisions?”


The inmate shook his head at the onslaught of questions. “Look, I don’t know! Just get to the communications room; you’ll find out once you get there.” The pony gulped as both stallions stared at him, unimpressed. “I’ll be... over there...” he said, before turning around and running down a corridor, seemingly at random.

The two stallions remained quiet until they reached the room appropriately named ‘Communications Room’. Entering the dilapidated room, Preacher looked at the grimy old consoles and the chipped paint walls that surrounded a massive, obsolete radio. At the controls, was a mare who had decorated her dull grey uniform with a small plastic flower. On her head was an old set of headphones .

Turning on the swivel chair that was bolted to the ground, the mare placed her back hooves on a small, coffee stained, table before looking at the two stallions. “Comm number two boss man!” she said, pointing at an old receptor at the back.

Walking over to the receiver, Freeze Charge flicked it on. After a few seconds of shaking and buzzing. the machine’s old speaker popped to life. “Hello?” said Freeze Charge tennantively into the nearby microphone.

“Am I speaking to the leader of the... inmates?” said a gruff masculine voice.

Freeze Charge leaned into the microphone. “Eeyup... I guess.”

“I see,” said the voice with a twinge of doubt. Preacher sighed then stepped up, grabbing the microphone from Freeze Charge’s hooves.

“Hello, I’ll assume that you’re the captain of the Imperial ship?”

“That is correct.”

“My name is Preacher. I’m the leader of the echo rebellion division.”

The radio was quiet for a few seconds. “I see... interesting. Well, Mr. Preacher, I have the desire to join the rebellion. I know that it isn’t uncommon for ex-imperials to join...”

“Isn’t uncommon! What isn’t uncommon is one or two Imps that have seen the errors of their ways, they see the tyranny of the Empire or they are just plain tired of the dictatorship that they’re part of! One or two. Not an entire ship full!”

“I see,’ said the voice at the other end of the comm. “Perhaps we could come to an agreement of sorts?”

“Nnope,” said Freeze Charge. Even Preacher was surprised by his quick denial. The massive pony grabbed the mic once more. “I trust you. You can join,” he said.

“Join? Join?! How can you just accept him like that?! How do you know that he won’t just stab you in the back? I refuse to let that pony become part of the rebellion!”

Freeze Charge stared at the old pony in the eye. “We aren’t the rebellion.”

Sweetie Belle squirmed in the hard plastic seat. It had been hours since the last time she had been allowed to stretch her hooves. Not that she could stretch them much. Looking behind her, she saw the tightly packed compartment of the Thunderbolt. The already small gunship was filled with twice as many ponies as it should have held, the smell alone was a reminder of that. At first they had opened a viewport, but the cold mountainous air proved to chilly for anypony on board.

Sweetie Belle looked at the seat next to hers. Mira was tucked into a ball, peacefully snoring away as the ship rocked and lurched lightly on its way to Celestia knew where. Sweetie Belle stifled a yawn. “You tired?”

Sweetie Belle looked behind her again. Spray was standing there, the midday sun splashed across his face, illuminating the black pouches under his eyes and the folded map in his hooves. “Nah, I should be fine. How long is it again?” She unconsciously glanced at the fuel gauge. only a quarter tank left. Not enough to get all that far.

“Another few hours. do you feel comfortable piloting?” he asked. After their escape from their collective near death on leaving the Adamant Fury, they had found out that only three ponies onboard knew how to pilot a ship. Sweetie Belle was one, Mira another. The ponies had grudgingly accepted that she be allowed to pilot.

“Its not bad, a little tiring but it keeps me busy. I just about figured out how that Sparkle Generator works.”

Spray barked a small, almost sarcastic, laugh.

“What?” she asked.


Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow and turned to face him as best she could, the straps of the seat digging into her shoulder. “What about me?”

“Well, you’re full of surprises. First, you have a key to our cells. Then you know how to mess around with Sparkle Generators. Then, as if to make sure we all know you’re special, you know the captain of an Imperial cruiser that may have wanted to kill us all. I am just saying that you’re a very unexpected mare. That’s all.”

Sweetie Belle turned back to her dials and controls, “Oh, I hadn't thought of that.”

“Huh, even the toughest guys in the group are starting to warm up to you, but that’s probably because they think you’re cute.” Sweetie Belle’s white face became beet red.

From their side, Mira snickered, breaking the awkward tension that had built up. “She’s even cuter when she blushes!” said the mare, loud enough that half the ponies onboard heard and laughed. Sweetie Belle huffed and refocused on her flight path and on piloting the airship.

Suddenly Mira sat up straight. “We’re here.” she said solemnly.

“No we’re not!” Spray grabbed his map and looked at it, fixated by the squiggly lines he flipped it over, “Er-- I don’t think we are...”

A broad smile creased Mira’s face. “Right there.” She pointed. “Don’t you see it? That slit in the mountains!” Ahead of them, a great mountain rose up from the ground until it poked at the cloudy skies. Following Mira’s hoof, Sweetie Belle spotted an unnatural looking crevice halfway up the peak. “That’s it right there, Echo base!” The mare became giddy, jumping up and down in her seat as only her straps held her in place. “Oh, Oh, can you hurry up? I want to see Luna!”

Sweetie Belle froze, “Luna...? As in the Princess of the night?!”

Mira laughed, ‘of course silly! Which other Luna do you know?!”

Sweetie Belle looked to Spray for confirmation. He just shrugged, “It’s true. It isn’t called the Lunar Republic for nothing.” He leaned over the bench and fiddled with the communications unit. “Echo base, this is Rebel strike force three. We’re back guys, and we brought some new toys!”

“Confirming, Strike force three, please give us your access codes.” said a calm female voice from the other end of the line.

Sweetie Belle stopped paying attention as Spray uttered a seemingly random series of numbers and words. Soon, one by one, the Vanquisher’s darted ahead and into the crevice while in her vision, it grew larger and larger. As they approached, she could make out more details about the base. At the top of the peak, jutted a huge generator system, wires painted to resemble the scenery that snaked down and into the base proper. Dotting the mountain side were dozens of camouflaged turrets. Ponies wearing thick coats mulled around them, most seemed to be intrigued by their arrival.

The most impressive thing was the size of the entrance. Only a tiny slit was open, but judging by the size of it, one could fit a dozen massive airships through it.

Spray finished spewing codes into the mic before passing it to her. “Pay attention. He’ll give you the proper directions.”

Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow and concentrated. A hush fell over everypony in the ship as they felt the pressure of the huge base that towered above them. Even Mira piped down for the occasion. Simple and concise directions and explanations were given to her over the radio, they did little to prepare her for what was inside.

Passing the threshold into Echo base, the first thing she noticed was the brightness of it all. Hundreds, if not thousands of lights illuminated the cavern filled with dozens of enormous airships, smearing the caverns sides with odd shadows and reflections.

“Pay attention Sweetie Belle,” said Spray, placing a hoof on her shoulder. Gulping, Sweetie Belle did as she was told.

From the radio she was given orders to follow the winding line of Vanquishers as they slowly made their way down, passing docked airships on either side. Sweetie Belle tossed her head from side to side, reading the names stamped on the sides of the ships. West Wind, Party Crasher, Mirage, Tusk. “There’s hundreds!” she exclaimed in awe. Ships were docked one atop each other. Walkways ran from one ship to another, most with a few ponies wearing mechanic’s garb milling around them.

“Ohh, ohh, over there!” screamed Mira, ripping Sweetie Belle’s attention away from her surrounding as to the spot where the excitable mare was pointing. Below them, the Vanquishers were steadily landing on an area of the main floor with light thumps as ponies pushed wheeled ladders towards the fighter planes.

An area right in the middle of the circle of Vanquishers was left empty. Grabbing the yoke and gently playing with the rudder, Sweetie Belle positioned them above the area then flicked on the lower thrusters, letting the Thunderbolt gently fall towards the ground below. “End flight checks?” she asked Mira, an and air of excitement in her voice. This was it. This was the real deal. Outside, ponies were gathering, pointing impressively at the newly arrived ships. Sweetie Belle tried her best to ignore the families until they had landed.

With a light bump, the Thunderbolt landed. Almost immediately the side door was slid open and the dozen ponies inside rushed out, stretching their aching limbs as they did so. Mira, not wanting to be left out, desperately fought with her restraints before finally undoing them and racing to the exit, sniffing at the slightly fresher, if moldy, air of the cavernous base.

Spray leaned forward and tapped Sweetie Belle’s shoulder. “Come on, We’ll show you around, I’m sure we can find you a place to stay for a few days.”

Mira popped her head back in, a huge smile plastered on her face. “You could stay at my place!” she exclaimed. “Nopony ever wants to have sleepovers with me!”

Sweetie Belle gulped, then looked at Spray. She asked the inevitable question. “Then what? I mean, I could stay for a day or two but-”

He furrowed his brow. “That depends on you, if you want to stay, I’m sure we can find a place for your skills in the rebellion, that is, after you pass a background check.” Sweetie Belle winced. He still didn’t trust her. “But if you want to leave, I’m positive we could get you home somehow.”

Looking down, she nodded. “Alright, I guess we will see.”

“Perfect. Now come along. I’ll introduce you to my family.”

Sweetie Belle stood up, ridged with surprise. “Your family?! You’re married?”

Spray looked at her, his face contorting in badly hidden insult. “What? I’m too ugly to get married and have kids?”

Sweetie Belle blushed. “No that’s not what I meant. I mean-” she stumbled, turning an ever deeper shade of red.

“Come on.... I wanna show you around!” whined Mira from the doorway, hoping from one hoof to another impatiently. Sweetie Belle took the opportunity to untie herself and make her way to the back of the ship.

What she saw upon exiting took her by surprise. Dozens of ponies that, minutes ago, were stuck with her in the confines of the Thunderbolt, were now hugging and kissing newly arrived ponies that were shyly making their way around the parked Vanquishers. Foals ran around, tugging at the legs of some of the rebels until they picked them up, glad to see their children. Some, on the other hoof, moved about, searching for love ones they couldn’t find. Sweetie Belle hadn't realized that the rebellion would be so... family orientated. And yet, looking around, she could clearly see the militarized part of it. Guns were slung around the backs of more than one pony, and most wore the remains of decade old military uniforms, patched up and cleanly pressed.

Looking around, she noticed that the walls had little windows in them, some with lights behind drawn curtains. “What are those?” she asked.

Mira, who had yet to move from Sweetie Belle’s side answered. “Silly, those are our homes! Oh, I should bring you to mine!”

Suddenly, the chatter amongst the newly arrived rebels and their friends cut off. To Sweetie Belle's immense surprise, they all turned at once and bowed to her. "Wha?"

"She turned and got a muzzle full of dark indigo coat. With an oomph, she fell on her rump and looked up. There before her, was the Princess of the night, staring down at Sweetie Belle’s shivering form. Her mane appeared to billow in an unseen and unfelt wind.

“Pr-Princess Luna?!” she exclaimed, backpedaling away from the imposing monarch.

“Woona!” yelled Mira as she charged the princess, leaping into the air to grab the Princess around her head with a mighty hug. Suddenly, a dark aura of magic encircled the mare and pried her loose, placing her at the Princesses hooves.

“Hello Mira. I am glad to see you well and healthy!” boomed the Princess, bowing down to nuzzle the eciatable mare.

“Whaa?!” repeated Sweetie Belle from her spot only a few hoof steps away.

“Princess Luna,” said Spray as he moved forward, bowing his head politely as he did so.

“Ah, hello young Spray. How do you fare? We had much fear for your safety. The rumours were quick to spread of your teams capture and demise. To see you here amongst us again gladdens us greatly!”

“Well madam...” Tuning he indicated the ponies and ships behind him. “We are all glad to have returned safely.”

Luna looked around, quickly scanning the assembled ponies and ships with her millennia old eyes. “Where is Preacher?” she finally asked.

Spray shifted uneasily. “We-we lost him Ma'am. When escaping from the Adamant Fury... he stayed behind to make sure we got out...” A murmur spread amongst the gathered rebels as news of the lost pony spread like wildfire.

The Princess pondered this for a moment, her hoof rubbing against her chin as every pony present waited to see her reaction. “Who has acted as leader since?”

Spray fidgeted again. “I have, with the aid of Mira of course.” he added, to which the red earth pony smiled.

“We see. Then you shall remain as such until Preacher has returned,” the princess declared. “Now, please, tell us of your escape.”

“We were confined to the prison transport Adamant Fury in direction to the Tartarus holding facility, the Alcatrot section to be specific.” Ponies in the crowd winced sympathetically. “On our way there though, um...” Spray looked around and spotted Sweetie Belle, still bowing near the princesses hooves. “Sweetie Belle here had a uni-key, using it she opened our cells, aft-”

The princess cut him off as she addressed the shivering Sweetie Belle. “You are the pony who has freed our rebels?” Sweetie Belle nodded quickly. “You have our thanks. Such a brave and noble task shall not go unrewarded!”

“Um, thank you very much Princess,” squeaked Sweetie Belle.

Turning to Spray again, she addressed him. “How did you acquire these vessels? They are of Imperial make, and yet, they are advanced, the newest ships there are.” Luna gently trotted to the nearby Thunderbolt and tapped its side.

“Yes Ma’am, they were on board the Adamant Fury. Miss Belle aided us to escaped the cells. Then we made our way to the hangar where we captured that gunship and twelve fighters.”

“Twelve? We only count eleven.”

Spray scratched a hoof awkwardly. “Upon exiting the Adamant, we ran into an Interdiction-Class airship using the callsign Decimate.

The princess looked at him then at the gathered soldiers. “You brought it down on your own?”

“Er, no ma’am. Another Interdiction-Class, the Conformity, it opened fire and destroyed the Decimate.

The Princess arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

“Er- Miss Belle negotiated with the ship’s captain. He was acquainted with her.”

“Oh, oh!” exclaimed Mira, “She also started up the Thunderbolt. Nopony else knew how!” Sweetie Belle blushed furiously.

The Princess let her hoof slip away from the Thunderbolt’s frame. She turned and walked towards Sweetie Belle. “It seems that I was mistaken. These vehicles clearly don’t belong to us, but to you, Miss Sweetie Belle.” The princess bowed. “Thank you for helping us. We will be certain to take care of you until you, and your vehicles, can leave... Unless of course you wish to let us use them?

“Have them?” she repeated blindly. Shaking her head, Sweetie Belle refocused. “But, I don’t really deserve them... Do I?” She looked at the gathered ponies for assistance, but other than Mira and Spray, most were unfamiliar faces.

“Do not deserve them? From what we have understood you single hoofedly saved an entire division of rebels from a maximum security prison, stole a dozen Imperial ships from under their hooves, then negotiated a turncoat maneuver with the captain of an Imperial ship, effectively making the Empire lose two Warships and a dozen fighter craft... All within a day. We are impressed.”

Mira hopped over to Sweetie Belle and slapped her shoulder. “You’re awesome!”

In her confused and disorientated state, Sweetie Belle failed to see the horror that played across the faces of the gathered ponies as they looked behind her. Even princess Luna seemed cautious. The only unaffected pony was Mira, a large smile spreading on her face.

Sweetie Belle turned around and looked at the pony behind her. The pony she saw was familiar, and yet, she wasn’t.

A pink mare, dressed in a smart, well trimmed suit stood behind her, her face contrasted by a straight mane as she was flanked by two impressively large guards. “Princess Luna, I have horrible news. We should talk in private. This is really important... Sweetie Belle?”

“Miss Pie?!” said Sweetie Belle, stunned.

Mira looked between the two, her head pivoting crazily. “You two know each other?!”

“Yeah,” started Sweetie Belle, her voice impassive. “Miss Pie was real friendly to me as a foal. What are you doing here?” she addressed Pinkie Pie.

“I could ask you the same thing,” retorted the mare. Then, she faced the princess. “Luna, the Empire. They moved.” With a quick twist of her head the pink mare signaled one of her guards, who pulled out an envelope and handed it over to the princess.

For a few moments the cavern was oppressively silent as everypony felt the pressure mount. Luna pressed a hoof over her mouth, gasping as her eyes wandered down the page. “No, this can’t be.” she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

In a sudden show of anger, the princess threw the file down, stomping on it with one of her large hooves. “Those assholes! They take my sister. They take my throne. They muddle with the ponies I am supposed to protect, and now... now they massacred so many!” The princess of the night’s mane billowed uncontrollably as her anger shivered in the air around her.

“Wh-what happened?” asked Sweetie Belle, realizing too late that she attracted attention to herself.

Luna stared at her, her anger faltering before she wiped at her muzzle, mumbling something incomprehensible under her breath. Suddenly the princess straightened her back and stood. “We... I need, some time alone,” she said as she took to the air, disappearing amongst the tangled assortment of struts and airships above.

A sigh was let out by the crowd.

“They killed ponies,” said Pinkie, her voice soft and filled with pain. “They killed thousands and thousands of ponies. They were not warriors, not soldiers, not even rebels.” The pink mare looked up, her eyes staring daggers at an invisible point ahead. “They... will die.”

A thank-You of immense proportions to Sorren for the insanely OP edit! Go read this fellow’s stuff, it’s pretty darn good. (Almost as good as my own!)